Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | January 22, 2022 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 12:36 AM |
Posts: | 349 |
First tournment of the year , chill
Since ever , u cant call domination when all grand finals we had at least a team from EU or NA , unlike cs and league
not saying they deserve , but calling domination is crazy ,
Geng => 3 x 2 heretics , Kor vs EU
EDG = > 3 x 2 , CH vs EU
T1 => 3x2 , Kor vs NA
All 3x2 Maps , EDG almost lost to LEV and T1 only won cuz of valyn
Real domination is League and CS , where all finals are KR and Ch ; EU and EU
Only 2 masters and getting cocky
never happening , g2 litterally lost cuz of 1 shot and u all calling domination lol
Dont know what happened, but im pretty sure he wouldnt do something like this
Suygetsu worde ????? Are u dumb ??????
Pro or any Amateur Championship ? Everyone looks good on Highlights, hope ur monkaw brain UNDERSTAND this one day
No they arent lol , he used to e-date anothrt chick , they only got together when he got to join Loud
4th Place team with or without Verno, no worries
Wdym ??? He's portuguese is pretty Understandable , might not be on pair with sad , but u can understand almost everything he says + Aspas played with duo with Mazino on Ranked , where both were speakjng portuguese , so i really doubt it was a language problem
Im pretty all of them only know basic english , thats whats even more weird
Thats just weird obssession lol , its not even his girl
Isnt he also has indian related tho? I mean , he looks like , dunno , i might be wrong
"cause they thought they were Aspas" they are a mirror of their idol lol
How can u mention bolso and forget about 9fingers ??? Lol
It was tho , just wasnt as bad as Acend tho
I loved to Fantasize boaster twerking on ur lap huh
I mean , Champions being in a Asian Country , with a team from China on Grand Final , if they didnt outperform it would be weird asf ( Considering that Shangai major was terrible to watch for Europe and Brazil , no chinese team and neither a Brazilian team on Playoffs)
There is also things like how Valve and Riot treat their watchParty
I think they are more open minded , here there is a whole culture of Brazil vs Latin America , the average brazilian thinks that every argentinjan is racist , then Extended this to all latam countries , wich is sad cuz we shoud be united , but its what it is . Most people here hate thr delusional Brazilian fans , so they wiil probally try to understand all the situation before insta agree with any brazilian.
Dont even try , more than half of the valorant BR community dont use their brain , they just follow what streamers say
Both are ass rn , the one doing less mistakes is winning
n deixo de estar errado , vai continua sendo medÃocre n ganhando nada por mais anos aÃ
He didnt carried the team overral , people would compare him and Less over and over that year
"RUIM DO CARALHOO" cara alémm de ser pai dos time br , ganha 50x o seu salário
I went to Florida and Houston , chill places , nice people and cheap food . The funniest thing was seeing a gator out of nowhere , i thought it was just a Stereotype
U are getting downvoted for no reason lmfaoooooo