I like him but does bro ever stop complaining? MY GOD
Can't stop complaining about Abyss. Like it's a bad map, we get it but you are also playing ranked with no DELAY whatsoever, with minimap fully UNCOVERED. Like what do you expect? They are running triple fakes on you with perfect flank timings through mid my guy. That's not on the map being bad. you were going to lose even if it was the greatest map design in FPS history.
Also, Abyss is not as bad as he says, I know this not because I know a lot about maps but because know tenz. When breeze came out he used to absolutely hate it. "ooo this is such a ratty map, everyone just lurks blah blah blah" then he played few officials and found out that you can just run around and take aim fights so he changed his mind to "It's only bad in ranked but fine in pro play". Same with Icebox and Split. Once, he and his team figured out how to play those maps he stopped complaining about them. Split used to be his absolute most hated map with prev SEN but xset always had a good understanding of the map and when he learned how to play on split it became one of his most favorite maps. I can guarantee you the same thing would have happened with Abyss if he stuck around but all good.
Then he complains about the gunplay being shit and inconsistent. Like bro valorant has never been about pure gunplay. There are so many variables that make gun fights massively lopsided in valorant. The pacing of the game due to having util, the randomness and on top of that ranked being ranked. You can't 1v9, not even primmie 1v9s in ranked. He and most other pros usually have a duo, a delay and covers the map to reduce randomness and unpredictability and even then they lose. And that's fine. You changing your sens and mouse 15 times a day also contributes to having inconsistent gun fights btw. Just put on a delay, cover your fkin map, STOP being stubborn, no one learns anything from the minimap because your viewers don't even look at it I promise, your YT videos are a combination of cut short clips so the context of the minimap gets lost anyway. Just cover the damn thing, have a duo, have a good experience so your viewers can have a good time as well OR don't do any of that and just run it down and STOP caring about losing so much. You have nothing to prove, just lose those fkin ranked games in peace. This constant malding is not good for you and bad influence on your young viewers.
Okay I will stop the rant now. I genuinely think this guy just loves to complain. kyedae said it too, he always needs something to complain about.
scenario 1: TenZ why don't you play true stretched? You love it so much so, why don't you play it? tenz- it looks bad on stream. viewers- but we don't care.
scenario 2: tenz why are you still switching your mouse and senz? tenz- I am testing something. viewers- you have been testing for last 4 years!
scenario 3: tenz put on a delay. tenz-no it's bad for chat interaction. tenz teammates- bro can you cover your map at least? tenz- nah my viewers are learning from the minimap, they are going to become the next FNS by watching me run it down Haven A short with a Reyna lear and just aim diff them. tenz viewers- !sens
That's all that happens in his stream and then he switches to variety and it's a considerably better experience but then he loses half his viewers so I guess it's not worth it for him in the long run since growing his stream is his primary objective now.
I knew the moment he retired that he would be absolutely insufferable playing ranked and playing variety is just not a good idea for him at this stage. TenZ isn't xQc or Caedral who have unique personalities that people gravitate towards even if they are not playing the game that they primarily subscribed for and I don't know who in his camp convinced him that he was. It's perfectly fine to be a normal dude who is just good at the game but at the same time it makes his decision about retiring so weird. Like people don't watch him because he is a good streamer but they watch him because he is good at the game. People have that perception that he is a god tier valorant player but when he retired, that god tier val player appeal just went away. That's why he was great as a pro+ streamer but as a sole valorant streamer he just isn't fun. Also, it's not easy to be fun as a valorant streamer because ranked is just bullshit. That's why you see all the valo streamers pursue some sort of gimmicks to keep their viewers entertained. Yoru, sage one tricks, judge abusers etc. Full time valo streamer is just pure brainrot and if you do variety you lose all your viewers. That's why I don't buy the argument that val pros should retire just cz their stream is popping. Look at shahz, dapr, wardell, hiko etc. people won't watch you if they don't see you as a GOD anymore and they won't stick around to watch you play random games if you don't have the personality to keep them hooked. Just stick to playing pro man that's what you are good at and valorant pro money is pretty good. Grass is always greener on the other side. TenZ ruined his perfectly fine career, wasting his talent and foregoing his fanbase and sanity pursuing money in streaming so other top pros learn a lesson from this. Pursue full time streaming only when you are washed and have no job offers.