Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: June 2, 2024
Last post: July 3, 2024 at 3:54 PM
Posts: 51

ive seen some people say hes their goat.

posted 2 hours ago

i think people talk alot about meiy

posted 2 hours ago

insane mf. your body turns everthing to glucose (sugar) to run your body

posted 3 hours ago

your flag was the new caledonian one and you said this beautiful reigion impling that u live there but obviously i forgot thta people just troll with thier flags

posted 2 days ago

so not americas

posted 2 days ago

ain't new caledonia apac

posted 2 days ago

missing in action?

posted 3 days ago

i think if they could of they would have

posted 3 days ago

isn't juicy too young

posted 3 days ago

american cant talk

posted 3 days ago


posted 1 week ago

but they had them there

posted 3 weeks ago

also btw i only did this bcuz im bored

posted 3 weeks ago

and they beat heretics. must be best itw!!!

posted 3 weeks ago

they voted in 2020 tho
edit: I guess only 50% turnout but still
edit again lol: 2012 78% turnout 61% for statehood

posted 3 weeks ago

still helped by attacking British vessels
but on an unrelated note I would like to point out that Puerto Rico is a us territory with 3 million people has no votes for preident

posted 3 weeks ago

i guess but they did not have fucking nukes on the battle field

posted 3 weeks ago

french and spanish.read your goddam Wikipedia link

posted 3 weeks ago

i sound so nationalist lol

posted 3 weeks ago

that makes vietnam worse
also were those allies 2 of the 3 global superpowers at the time

posted 3 weeks ago

you had help from the Spanish, Dutch, and French. The French helped you so much that they went bankrupt and beheaded their king. You are the uneducated one

posted 3 weeks ago

without the rest of the world helping you. you fail

posted 3 weeks ago

prob not cus broncos

posted 3 weeks ago

you had nukes in vietnam

posted 3 weeks ago

while i dont agree with this guy

posted 3 weeks ago

saadhacks neon cosplay

posted 3 weeks ago

do you mean gentle mates

posted 3 weeks ago

did yall watch prx vs th at madrid or not

posted 3 weeks ago

i dont think duelist was his new role i think he was playing duelist before he joined heretics

posted 3 weeks ago

they dont need much they got top 3

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

oh shit lol

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

its a vicious cycle because Americas fans were doing it to us and now we is doing it to you

posted 3 weeks ago

they are both spanish i think

posted 3 weeks ago

also maybe far cry 3

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah I see that. it's kinda like watching a movie

posted 3 weeks ago

prb detroit become human

posted 3 weeks ago

i mean yeah but i have a reasonable excuse

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

wrong fucking country

posted 3 weeks ago

if your team could not get there then they are just bad

posted 3 weeks ago

It is because fut is the most inconsistent team ever

posted 4 weeks ago

ludwig owns a tungsten cube

posted 4 weeks ago

i think heretics should ban bind vs 100t

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

why are they winning lotus?

posted 1 month ago