valorant’s the most balanced it’s ever been and he’s still crying when will he eveeeeer stop. this guy plays LEAGUE and he’s crying about Valorant’s balancing make it make sense please please
relative to what tho? bcos the point tenz is making is over the whole game over all the years. so to say well its the most balanced in a short amount of time when comparing it to neon meta that we just had then yeah it will be. but as a whole its not balanced at all. its horrible to hold a site now. the most balanced its ever been was chamber meta. atleast you had to actually aim to get a kill.
most agents are still usable? t1 won with random double duelists comps, u dont necessarily need a yoru tejo breach comp to win games as long as u had good enough "precise gunplay". also his examples are fucking stupid, like being flashed and naded exists in basically all fps games, even in CS2 pro games u got players unable to fight back cuz they were spammed by nades. theres a point that util and throwables exist in games, its to let the game not only have "precise gunplay" and have more strategical depth and creative gameplay to it. tenz is complaining about the essence and basic of the innovative designs in fps games, so i dont really see his point
yea thats every single fps game? having a good understanding of the game should come with positive feedback? cs has the same shit, saying the site design could be more complex would be a great argument, but saying the util itself is the problem and using "precise gunplay" as an example is fucking stupid by tenz
he was never a Tier 1 pro in CSGO because he had no game sense. When he got benched from C9, he complained that he needed to be micromanaged, which is an absolute joke.
he would try the dumbest hero plays like pushing through smokes, or randomly pushing enemies and dying, and then he complained that he wasn't being micromanaged.
it's like trying to micromanage your Jett/Reyna that keeps pushing and dying in Ranked, except TenZ had no get out of jail free card in CSGO. he could aim but he had rocks for a brain.
I don't play the game anymore so I don't know what state it's in and don't watch tenz either. But isn't someone like tenz very good for the scene? Like someone with actual influence in the scene whose voice will be heard by the people working behind the game. If the complains are related to things that are actually bad in the game then I think tenz complaining isn't bad. And if you don't agree with his views or are annoyed then just don't watch him or just completely ignore him no?
the problem is his complaints are nonsense yet influential which is annoying, like they are called influencers for a reason their opinion changes a lot of people's views. an example is him saying that the game is unplayable with the amount of utils. the whole point of utils is to differentiate the game from just straight up 5v5 deathmatch no util. a good util combo is supposed to maximize the chance u gain a kill, like how 2 grenades threw with a lineup could 1 shot person if u got the info. if u want "precise gunplay" as tenz mentions, just go play games with 0 utils and 0 throwables, why bother playing valorant? the whole unique selling point is util, tenz always just speaks nonsense without considering the consequence and influence tons of viewers to pressure valorant on making decisions that is against the essence of the game. his opinion is literal dogshit
yet valorant literally started with the sole purpose of having abilities help the gun fights and not get the kills thats what they said along side precise gunplay so his opinion holds ground. u can disagree w him but realistically majority of pros agree n i think ppl are gonna trust ppl who play the game professionally over anyone else
There's a significant difference between "the majority agree" and "the loudest part of the community get their takes directly from his feces".
Last year it wasn't a problem and the "bunch of others" weren't complaining. Even this year, Two EMEA players who lost to not being able to adapt + NA known for whiners being unable to reflect on obvious internal team issues and blaming other shite instead. Don't see APAC whinging.
Tenz has been complaining about util since launch, he's never liked Val, always preferred CS; but he took the opportunity to become the face of Val anyway and now can't go back because his Val viewerbase won't follow him and CS' base thinks he's a sellout (because he is tbf)
its got nothing to not being able to adapt since they play it also lmao. last year it was a problem even the year before, look at the clip of EG holding on bind against PRX, ult after ult abilities flying. it is not about gunplay then lmao. look at the clips of the util dump you cant just hold a site. but the whole "precise gunplay" is factually not a thing anymore. moving from a dying cs scene to val like many other pros did you just wanna have a reason to hate. i get you dont have the like the guy but his opinion holds is far more valuable bcos atleast he was a pro not so long ago he understands the game to a far deeper level than any of us.
They lost not being able to adapt vs NOT the meta. T1 wasn't playing what was considered "the meta". I wasn't claiming they complained cuz they got owned by it, but rather they're unable to keep up in general and think if the game was more aim they'd win. They're also wrong about that, of course, because then EDG would be rolling them even harder.
He doesn't like Val and never has done. You haven't refuted that. Instead you just resort to accusing me of "just not wanting to like him" as if thinking his takes are shit is complete heresy. He's as fallable as any other human being, lol.
Yes he's played the game at a much higher level than us. No, I don't believe that means he understands the reasons behind game design decisions. He knows how to use the game's tools to succeed at playing it. You don't need to understand the why's to do that, and he clearly doesn't, whether because of willful ignorance or not.
the whole " last year it wasnt a problem" should be framed as "i didnt see ppl complaining so it didnt happen" it happens slowly and changes over a bit longer of a period of time. the chamber meta was by far the best bcos atleast it was just ppl with insane aim able to utilize an agent and gain advantages that way, instead of just entirely broken characters with so much util that makes it impossible to do anything.
It sounds like you're referring to Tenz (the pro Valorant player) frequently complaining in forum answers or discussions. If that's the case, it's likely due to a mix of reasons:
Frustration with the Game – As a high-level player, he might get frustrated with game mechanics, balance issues, or teammate performance.
High Standards – Being a top-tier player, he has a deep understanding of the game and may critique things that casual players don’t notice.
Community Influence – If he's responding in forums, he might be addressing common complaints or engaging with the community in a way that seems like complaining.
Competitive Mindset – Pro players often analyze things critically, which can come off as complaining when they are simply discussing improvements.
Memes & Exaggeration – Sometimes, fans exaggerate or joke about a player “always complaining” even if they’re just giving normal feedback.
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