Flag: Hong Kong
Registered: August 17, 2024
Last post: March 21, 2025 at 2:32 PM
Posts: 69
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yea thats every single fps game? having a good understanding of the game should come with positive feedback? cs has the same shit, saying the site design could be more complex would be a great argument, but saying the util itself is the problem and using "precise gunplay" as an example is fucking stupid by tenz

posted 2 days ago

im sorry TE beat 2-0 in a match against EDG and got their asses wiped in Bangkok

posted 2 days ago

im sorry jieni cannot use util look at his ranked and challenger stats, simon clears in both stats before joining EDG

posted 2 days ago

most agents are still usable? t1 won with random double duelists comps, u dont necessarily need a yoru tejo breach comp to win games as long as u had good enough "precise gunplay". also his examples are fucking stupid, like being flashed and naded exists in basically all fps games, even in CS2 pro games u got players unable to fight back cuz they were spammed by nades. theres a point that util and throwables exist in games, its to let the game not only have "precise gunplay" and have more strategical depth and creative gameplay to it. tenz is complaining about the essence and basic of the innovative designs in fps games, so i dont really see his point

posted 2 days ago

yea losing 1 game not even in eliminations, but in group stage which doesnt matter as long as you make top4, every year edg loses to some team and still secures the chinese champion lol

posted 2 days ago

i cant believe fns glazers exist

posted 3 days ago

i mean if they dont experiment in stage 1 the same issue would happen like in masters bangkok, which is being off meta, so its really necessary to try these new comps.
especially this is not elimination, but group stage

posted 3 days ago

idk how did they not pull off the amazing util combo they did against tyglue, but wtv its group stage experiment time EDG will make it to top3 most likely tbh

posted 3 days ago

overreacting over 1 game is wild, its not like edg didnt lose to g2 in champ seoul, not to mention this isnt even elimination, this is group stage

posted 3 days ago

the problem is his complaints are nonsense yet influential which is annoying, like they are called influencers for a reason their opinion changes a lot of people's views. an example is him saying that the game is unplayable with the amount of utils. the whole point of utils is to differentiate the game from just straight up 5v5 deathmatch no util. a good util combo is supposed to maximize the chance u gain a kill, like how 2 grenades threw with a lineup could 1 shot person if u got the info. if u want "precise gunplay" as tenz mentions, just go play games with 0 utils and 0 throwables, why bother playing valorant? the whole unique selling point is util, tenz always just speaks nonsense without considering the consequence and influence tons of viewers to pressure valorant on making decisions that is against the essence of the game. his opinion is literal dogshit

posted 3 days ago

most balanced its ever been means its relatively balanced, not absolutely balanced, please be educated before speaking nonsense

posted 3 days ago

ur fucking stupid, simon stands at the back 99% of the time giving util thats his whole job, thats why they sent haodong to TEC its because they didnt need more aimers, they needed someone who could give up chances of gunfight and support the team. jieni is a dogshit smoke/duelist player bro does not fit into the current EDG comp

posted 3 days ago

simon stands at the back 99% of the time giving util thats his whole job, thats why they sent haodong to TEC its because they didnt need more aimers, they needed someone who could give up chances of gunfight and support the team

posted 3 days ago

some chinese challengers on huya last year, EDG's academy team is called IMAY and they lost against EGG

posted 3 days ago

cuz tenz is straight up retarded

posted 3 days ago

are indians too uneducated to comprehend the phrase "most balance it's ever been"

posted 3 days ago

swapping to jieni will just make it worse, bro doesnt play better breach or yoru than simon in ranked, and he dogshit botfrags in challengers against some retired cs pro, like that shit is tier3 how would u do good in tier1 if u botfrag and get 2-0 cleared by a team of challengers that didnt even make it to top4

posted 4 days ago

if edg replaces simon with jieni it will be the worst move

posted 4 days ago

ur fucking stupid, jieni botfragged and got cleared by a team of retired cs players in challengers, having worse stats in ranked than simon in a lower lobby, bro is a worse yoru player than simon too, by aim or agent pool jieni is way worse than simon, if they swap jieni for simon tmr this will not only be a generational fumble but also the effect of the champions curse

posted 4 days ago

b1ack did well wdym, coco looks like hes disabled on initiator, at least b1ack did the ace clutch on abyss, showing his amazing potential, kicking abo would be the real solution bro is dogshit on basically every role

posted 4 days ago

from the ranked games and the one only registered game ive seen, his aim isnt better than simon, not to mention the fact he has never dealt with a high pressure regional match (he will fry in internationals)

posted 5 days ago

wait lowkey? i wanna see cuz i never knew

posted 5 days ago

you know what happened when EDG didnt have util, it was when simon hasnt arrived and they had to use Haodong. Although all 5 could shoot, their utility was kinda ass. like deadass the whole point of simon being recruited is not to shoot but enable and facilitate smoggy, kangkang, chichoo to shoot more comfortably, adding jieni7 just kills the whole point. even if meta changes its still necessary for a good util player

posted 5 days ago

the only reason EDG wants to get a 6th is probably either to pressure the people who did bad in Bangkok: smoggy and simon,
or they need a yoru for pearl (jieni has been playing yoru with kangkang on chamber in pearl ranked)
the main problem is i dont think riot allows interchanging of players between maps? so what else can jieni even play, hes like a duelist/smoke player iirc, so EDG would need to bear with an extra duelist/smoke player and the lack of Simon's quality round winning utility for the other 2 non-pearl maps.
idk why this 6th man is necessary, i feel like the champion's curse is arriving LMAO
as an EDG fan im malding quite bad

posted 5 days ago

idk if u can read the word "rn", it means RIGHT NOW, they are indeed washed right now including the lack of trying new comps and almost losing to All Glue, which they lost on their good map lotus and almost allowed a comeback with 12 rounds on their hands, they are washed af RIGHT NOW

posted 5 days ago

it wouldnt make sense either cuz u would only use jieni on pearl ONLY where he plays yoru and kangkang plays chamber, but the main problem is it seems like they dont allow u to interchange players between maps, so the lack of simon's quality assisting util would just make it harder for zzkkchichoo to frag, im so confused by this 6th man cuz it would make 0 sense they swap simon out

posted 5 days ago

hell nah the whole team of EDG already diffs AAAY's dogshit ass, bro is blessed by the production team but can only hit head, high hs rate but dogshit KDA does it even matter, his omen paranoia blinds his teammates, his initiator util helps the enemy team instead of his teammate, bro cant fill for jack shit and hes not even a good duelist player, atp AAAY can just fucking retire

posted 6 days ago

"teams" its team im sorry to break it to you, te is ass rn

posted 6 days ago

vyse on icebox is more troll, look at how good drg did when nathand joined, the team actually looks more in form instead of some ranked team, fpx is just dogshit and can only beat shit teams like TEC

posted 1 week ago

bro ayyy is so dogshit, self proclaimed god of taps but can only hit head, low kill efficiency and 0 gamesense with negative util value, he can retire

posted 1 week ago

at least NA has somewhat competitive teams, every year CN has a fluke team which wins 2 games then instantly starts eating absolute shit right afterwards

posted 1 week ago

im sorry TE wont even beat sen/loud/mibr, its not even about comps rn, players just look ass at the game (mainly ff)

posted 1 week ago

stop defending TE bro theres no way TE lets this team with no coordination and a CF player get 11 rounds on pearl. trace is ASS rn, CN has been a one team region since day one. even if u insulted talon, it doesnt change the fact that T1 DRX GENG are competitive, while TE is losing like a dog on stage LMAO. ur just making urself look stupid by attacking his fav team

posted 1 week ago

5 chichoos will be too busy asking for photographs and glazing nats that chichoo would just lose for free

posted 3 weeks ago

from 0-10 to 13-10, this will be the greatest comeback in valorant history

posted 3 weeks ago

"the person who can beat prime edg has not been born yet" 🥶 my fav player lowkey

posted 4 weeks ago

kangkang > jawgemo individually imo, but cuz jawg is more of a sacrifice spot on g2's strats

posted 4 weeks ago

serum drug is the aura of kangkang, something yall dogshit fucks dont have

posted 1 month ago

edg have a slight chance losing against TL but defo not DRX, the whole apac region looks like dogshit rn LMAO

posted 1 month ago

would be as low energy if my igl was botfrag 9-30 every game

posted 1 month ago

lowkey might agree with this

posted 1 month ago

valo a bit too baby, gotta give more freedom and let players and the audience show their passion (for example ALLOW SHITTALKING AND BMING)

posted 1 month ago

bait used to be convincing until people like you started commenting 😔

posted 1 month ago

fpx has been throwing cuz everyone on the team is fucking dogshit at util, only life is kinda consistent and competent

posted 1 month ago

id put simon as the goat of breach, or even kayo. his util is just so helpful for kangkang to win

posted 3 months ago

most valid and reasonable one ive seen

posted 3 months ago

listen its about the players not the org, if the players are "the best" they would get picked up by some T1 team instead of being stuck down here at T2, winning 1 game against a good team means literally nothing its just a popoff, try doing it in playoffs or masters or champions

posted 3 months ago

edg is better in a lot of things:

outaiming ppl: just find clips on youtube

strats: invented a new lotus comp with double ball smokes to counter the current meta. it is smart in two ways as clove can solo hold C long with the oneway and can always fall back and put the entry smoke. double smokes also hard counters the current meta as there was no flashes except omen flash, so you would have a hard time finalizing hitting a site.
nobody's mid round calls were also good, for example in a game of sunset against TH, TH called a timeout. they read their intention to reclear B main with 3 people as they were ecoing, so nobody instantly called a rotate A through mid, catching the mid and A site player, leaving a 5v3 retake.

mentality: most games they lost the 1st map, but they could always come back the other 2 maps. even in finals when kangkang aced and still lost the map, he was still cheering his teammates up. when the team was losing 5 rounds in a row, it was kangkang who stood out and eco 4k'd TH with a guardian.

with all these i cant see the reason they shouldnt win a champion

posted 3 months ago

i mean losing offseason is completely fine, just dont fumble next masters, idk why u hating on some invitationals literally nobody is trying out his phoenix on split and new comps n shit, if u say edg only peaked in champs then its a skill to peak at the perfect moment LMAO

posted 3 months ago
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