Flag: Canada
Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: March 19, 2025 at 2:17 AM
Posts: 2670
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going into stage 1 more so then any of the previous years teams are making immense roster changes almost as if its a mini rostermania. do you think any of these teams will be successful this split? i personally do for some but its interesting that 20/48 teams are making roster moves and some of them are teams that went to bangkok. Also why do yall think so many teams are making roster changes compared to previous years?

just going to list out the teams

Americas: 5
NRG -bonkar -verno +mikes +brawk
2G -pryze +askia
FURIA -mwzera +pryze
MIBR -nzr +verno
LEV -nataNk +rossy

VIT -trexx +CyvOph
FNATIC -elma +d00mbros
TL -kamyk +serial
M8s -robbiebk +kamyk

GenG -yoman +ash +suggest
RRQ -estrella +crazyguy
TLN -governor -ban +killua +thyy
GE -deryeon +patrickwho
PRX +Patmen

CN: 6
NOVA -swerl +obone
DRG -tvirusluke +cangshu +NathanD
FPX -NathanD -berlin +shr1mp
EDG +Jieni7
AG -nizhaoTZH -bunt +who the fuck knows
TEC +tvirusluke +coco

posted 9 hours ago

i agree fnatic will comeback i dont think they are winning an international this year

posted 14 hours ago

ok nrg is crazy they have already performed better than nrg by miles we will never see a disaster like that again. but i agree with u on everything else.

posted 14 hours ago

yep heretics maybe kcorp are the only chance the region has to win anything this year

posted 14 hours ago

do you still believe in vitality after the benching of trexx? i do not personally but to each their own i guess.

CN is pretty much edg and then trace, blg, xlg, drg, and nova all of these teams could make masters it just comes down to form. trace and xlg are more macro based where as blg, nova, and drg are more about player quality. the rest of the teams are pretty ass.

RRQ and PRX are not doing anything imo. prx is basically realizing their roster is no longer the best at shooting so they are trying pivot more into the meta but their players cant play meta agents well. i mean they have jingg on smokes and mindfreak sentinel with a sub ready to replace them at any moment. as for rrq -estrella for +crazyguy might be the biggest troll pacific has seen in awhile.

posted 14 hours ago

yes basically maps where they play double duelist look good maps where they dont they look like shit its a very map dependent team but the break kind of worries me for their future this season look at sentinels last year. pacific isnt a walk in the park like china is for edg and all the teams who didnt make bangkok have an advantage going into regular season.

posted 14 hours ago

seriously dont see enough discourse about this they just benched their best performing player (besides derke but personally i thought trexx was more impactful) for a tier 2 player. the reason being trexx criticizing sayf's calling after the loss keep in mind these players have had multiple years together and sayf called in guild. as for the replacement natank is avaliable idk if they forgot but hes definitely better lmao. ive lost all faith in this team going forward.

posted 15 hours ago

t1 won i do not care we will win the next one

posted 15 hours ago

t1 is my 4th the only reason i dont have them top 3 is because they havent been scrimming since their win they all went on vacation and they are only good on 4 maps of which 1 is leaving the pool. and t1 did NOT farm apac they barely got past boom. apac in general is probably the most competitive region i think its very hard to stay on top. as for drx i just think they peaked early with their understanding of tejo i still think they will be good i just dont see them winning their region again and have more hope for global and talon.

posted 15 hours ago

apeks is like at best a top 8 team but i respect the loyalty. and prx is cooked fam they dont even know who their starting jingg is on smokes and mindfreak is on sentinel its a mess over there maybe champs but toronto is not for them.

posted 1 day ago

thats c9 and vct korea isnt real just because 3 of the top 4 teams for 1 event happened to be korean doesnt make it vct korea lmao. saying that i do think all of the korean teams will finish top 6

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

bro swapped 3 teams for my 4th places lmao

posted 1 day ago

FUCK i thought this would be genius bait but im caught in the first 5 mins

posted 1 day ago

vitality as soon as they lost a game turned into complete ass and then we hear they are trying to bench trexx probably because he doesnt like how the team is being lead. mechanics can only get you so far and im saying this as a fan of the team.

posted 1 day ago


coldest take lmao


im a little concerned by the verno addition comms wise but i have a lot of faith in frod that he wouldnt let a decision like that be made if it didnt benefit the team and considering how they did with only weeks of practice in kickoff i have a lot of hope for them


i think this team will take awhile to heat up like i could see them placing 4th in their group pretty easily but as the split goes on i think they will overtake a lot of teams


meta suits them + i have a lot of faith in all of them to bounce back considering all of last year


removed the fraud + meta suits them + emea is a shit region + picked up a good coach


i know people are confused by the roster move but serial is insane and moving nats to initiator makes sense considering the problems they were having in the comms before


i think foxy9 is terrible and adding in ash and suggest are good moves imo it just comes down to how they execute and they were already top 3 pacific with a dysfunctional roster so i dont see how they will get worse


they get to comm in thai now which should help their biggest weakness in team cohesion and as long as the rookies dont melt they should be a comfortable top 3 team by the end of the split


this is probably my biggest punt in terms of no real evidence but this roster has the talent its just about getting it to mesh and i think with the full roster now and months of practice they should be contenders for the top 3 and abyss is out of the map pool which is honestly why they didnt place better in kickoff they just got exposed so early on.




pretty decent team in a region full of shitters


vo0kashu gaming + good ideas

posted 1 day ago

Told her im big like bieber she aint believe me SEEYUH 🤯

posted 2 days ago

new post sum bs 3am west? did bro pass geography?

posted 5 days ago

i am music ♥

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago


posted 1 week ago

whos calling do you guys think is better? personally im going with munchkin.

posted 1 week ago

this game is not cs2. yes its not perfectly balanced and never has been but bro its gotten a lot better over time. the players have gotten better but if you compare it to early valorant utility its much better. and what would you have them do? nerf ever single character to have a 8-9 orb ult and 3 ability charges max? like everyone would say how the utility feels watered down and not impactful. its really hard to get the right balance and imo the draw to this game isnt the gun play its the agents.

posted 1 week ago

this is true the map designs on like all but ascent have this problem. haven, lotus, and fracture kind of get around this from having high impact early skirmishes where people dump a lot of util but 100% the map design is a problem when you have maps like abyss and icebox somehow in the map pool which just arent competitive made maps. idk what the map designers are smoking but the benefits of letting the com make maps would be astronomical for the games longevity.

posted 1 week ago

all it comes down to is the games they game they came from have limited utility and as people have gotten better the utility usage is the thing people have improved on the most and yes it can be overwhelming its not perfectly balanced but regardless its just a take that doesnt make a whole lot of sense.

posted 1 week ago

too obvious bro try to sell some believable bait like t1 arent the best team itw

posted 1 week ago

yeah last year it was edg and fpx who were competitive now its just edg but the league actually has competition for the other spots its like blg, trace, xlg, nova, drg are all pretty decent

posted 1 week ago

thank you id be saying this even if i wasnt a g2 fan

posted 1 week ago

wolves is shit bro

posted 1 week ago

this makes sense he had a lot of health problems during kickoff and they performed well with obone so im not surprised hes good but yeah this just makes more sense with coms in mind

posted 1 week ago

macro, consistency, micro, gameplans, meta read. i am not saying t1 is like way worse all im saying is if you played the gf 10 times t1 would win like 4/10

posted 1 week ago

double map ban was barely a disadvantage for them they both are bad at fracture and bind. it only effected them on abyss either then that it would have been the same veto. also they did play better in the bo5 thats not what im saying at all.

posted 1 week ago

stax played a better gf then meteor but yeah

posted 1 week ago

lost to liquid btw

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

if g2 dont make toronto come back to this post and tell me to delete my account

posted 1 week ago

when did heretics play at bangkok? i must have missed their games.

posted 1 week ago

this is insane coming from a zeta flair lmfao

posted 1 week ago

the joke that is meteor winning mvp? i mean seriously did the people voting watch the event? izu was robbed. meteor was like the 4th best player on the team for the event.

posted 1 week ago

saying t1 is better than g2. thats not to take anything away from t1 they won they played better in the bo5 they deserve the win. but going forward for the rest of the year g2 will outplace t1 thats pretty obvious from their consistency and read on the meta meanwhile t1 fluctuate drastically depending on map they only have 4 good maps all of which they run double duelist on. also g2 are the biggest chokers i have seen in the game and im saying that as a g2 fan like seriously the grand final debuff for g2 is like 5x what it is for most teams. the t1 win is more of a match up diff then them just being better (g2's worst maps also happen to be t1's). the same thing happened in madrid last year the best team at the event lost and thats okay, results dont tell the whole story thats whats fun about watching esports or sports in general if the best team before the match won every time it would be boring.

posted 1 week ago

when is lukxo able to play?

posted 2 weeks ago

all good picks besides rrq they lost their igl and still dont have replacement. also kru is destined to qualify to champs but masters is off the table like always.

posted 2 weeks ago

why does it say that on vlr????

posted 2 weeks ago

more games when? swiss stage ends today

posted 2 weeks ago

its impossible now right?

posted 2 weeks ago

?? what

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

obviously will not win bro

posted 2 weeks ago

very true as long as vit and heretics are top 3 literally anything else is possible

posted 2 weeks ago
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