ask the best player not on a team some questions
heh... I'm gonna give you a one-in-a-million offer bud.
If you can prove yourself I guess I'll allow you to join us in our next tournament
but don't get too cocky.... if u bottom frag once ill cut you in an instant.......................
just think about it..... XDG nabil...........
see you in prac.....
You are goated like I saw you one of the highest rated in a few tournaments before if a team doesn't pick you up they are trolling. As for some questions:
Where do most teams in Tier 2 get their scrims from?
My team doesn't have access to ProZone on Gankster yet but do they get it from there? or do they just all know each other and just organize in DM's or maybe the Hangouts Discord? or do you not know?
How much time do you have to dedicate every day to Valorant?
What are some things or tips you would say to people who are interested in getting into the Valorant esports scene?
Also would you be so kind to add me on discord which is: dollarxcade
every good team uses the prozone pracc group, its invite only, some people dm each other and become scrim partners if they enjoy practicing each versus each other
depends on a lot of things, but id say a couple hours each day probably, some days i dont play at all
not sure honestly, id just say keep an open mind with everything. this means roster moves, meta changes, and all that stuff. try not to judge before you've seen things in action, and always be willing to learn from others