The Drogba of Valorant
Flag: | Mexico |
Registered: | June 16, 2022 |
Last post: | March 13, 2025 at 10:21 PM |
Posts: | 6764 |
Yes prime chamber didn't also have 2 dashes.
How is she unlike prime chamber, and in what way do those differences matter?
Every team is going to play hyper slow defaults so as to not give up map control, and let Waylay lurk up into off-angles and play for a pick before instantly rewinding back into safety, just like prime chamber.
Only, unlike prime chamber, your entire team can then group up into the midround after a hypothetical pick and execute a site with her 2 dashes and execute util + 5v4 man advantage
As a result, we'll get even further deeper into a retake meta and Sentinels will become more useless. Even Vyze's wall gets countered by the rewind--or teams will just start running Waylay + Yoru double duelist
Push up. Get pick. Press button to be safe a million miles away for free.
What made Chamber OP in 2022?
Think about it like this.
What made Chamber overpowered in 2022?
Being able to use your entire kit to get site every round makes every other team have to play flood and retake.
It's going to make sentinels obsolete
That's not the issue.
If she gets a kill on site after dashing she doesn't need another one--that's site executed.
Jett dash after getting 2 kills is virtually useless--I don't think that makes Jett better or even remotely on par.
The fact that she can entry risk free is the reason I think she's OP
Isn't jett dash also single use per round? either way with everything else in this kit you probably won't need to execute more than once anyway
the dismiss looks faster than running speed, and if you've ever tried chasing a clove ult you know it doesn't make sense to chase it if the rewind spot is too far away.
that alone would make her broken in my eyes, but she also has a sorta-stun? base ability and an execute ult?
and talk about this stupidly busted agent riot decided to release.
wtf is this shit? they gave reyna two jett dashes and the ability to dismiss without getting a kill
Yoru currently has 100% pickrate on Fracture now.
Yoru hasn't been changed since I made this post.
I always knew.
For 2 years everyone tunnel visioned on jett, raze and later neon so much that they lost brain cells trying to understand yoru's kit at a high level.
Get Lucy some help ong frfr
how many years did the average cs pro play cs before going pro in cs
You don't understand my point, do you?
Yes, in an esport where the average pro is a former pro of another game, a normal player requires at least that amount of playtime to catch up to the top players starting from scratch--and even then out of the immensely large pool of players that attempt to do it, only a select few make it through. Use this same logic with the significantly smaller pool of pros that aren't men.
Go ahead. I'll buy as many as are necessary.
I'm sorry for smurfing, but your ranked game cope doesn't apply to the pro-scene.
Could you remind me of the scoreline against NBG?
They are capable of beating these teams.
It's meant to develop player talent.
GC has never had any intention of being permanent
This is straight-up infantilizing.
They are able to win on merit--let them.
I see, mb for the confusion.
I disagree though. The entirety of the GC playerbase is against non-merit based qualification to tier2
Are you really so daft so as to think they qualified directly to challengers from GC?
Per your logic, they must've surely lost to the "more-deserved tier2/tier3 players" who were competing in that closed qualifier, correct?
They qualified fair and square. What exactly did Riot do?
name me a single successful duelist player in recent times (besides OXY) who consistently frags out on low sens
What? you shouldn't put your 140 edpi, lurk kill specialist player on raze? who would've known
Current form:
Going off of all-time potential:
I'm ngl the roster they had for Shanghai looked like it had more potential
Stellar analysis, although I have a few suggestions to help you improve!
You mention abyss, but where is abyss? Not a lot of people know this but it's actually in China! Beginner mistake, I know.
A lot of your points are kind of surface-level. For example: in the section where you talk about DRX's rubble control issues, you only mentioned abilities! Well, at the end of the day this is still a gun-game. You need to also account for the positioning of each player. I strongly recommend incorporating a heatmap which shows the positions that DRX take up on aggregate all-around rubble.
While I appreciate your match ratings, they are self-serving and subjective at best. Think outside the game! Whether a match was "good" or not could very well depend on how much money it lost me in crypto betting. Take me for example, who gambled my life savings on T1! Quite frankly, it was a very exhilirating game for me throughout! So, as a result, I find your ratings to be rather....low.
Otherwise you seem to be doing a really good job! I hope you can learn from your mistakes and improve going forward :)
time to watch the bears beat the firefighters or whatever americans root for
Would be fun but theres a million different off-season ideas out there and Idk if this will ever see the light of day
Everyone that made bait posts about GC or people's religions
40 bucks nobody cares about skins that much
Last Oasis will forever be the best gaming experience I have ever had.
-Skill based combat
-A clever solution to offline raiding
-Insanely well-built physics engine
-Giant inter-regional guild politics
-Incredibly fun movement mechanics.
Closest thing to an IRL "God-tier game". Shame that it died
Learn to microflick. Slowly increase the distance of your flicks until you're comfortable flicking in straight lines
2025 KRU with kiNngg over adverso is actually a crazy roster how the fuck did Onur fumble that
Bro thought he had Haaland and decided to give away Palmer
Fr the match page is missing vital information about Icebox's off-map geography
If they don't accept you you can always come to XD Gaming as a team manager (i cant pay u tho)
Yes... but its a secret.....