Flag: Australia
Registered: June 17, 2020
Last post: December 24, 2024 at 7:12 PM
Posts: 36

Embarrassing flop nabil πŸ˜”

posted 2 months ago

I joined when the team was Tier 3 and qualified with them to Challengers, and I left the team for personal reasons after the first split.

posted 5 months ago

You have your dates wrong then.

posted 6 months ago

TenZ is awesome πŸΈπŸ‘

posted 9 months ago


posted about a year ago

Apologies HackNaija, I have let you down again :(

posted about a year ago

Jordan Poole in the Warriors?

posted about a year ago

The answer to your question is no.

posted about a year ago

One day I won't let you down HackNaija, but that day is not today 😭

posted about a year ago

Not sure why you love saying my name so much. I'm not going to waste my time and reply anymore since it's clear you're an immature troll.

Obviously I won't include agents like Yoru in comparison to info initiators in FK/FD. Initially you were talking about how low first engagements means Leo doesn't take any risks and compared him to Ethan and now I've brought up the stats that they actually are similar in 'early aggression' as you would call it when playing the same role if we're to look at first engagements. Are we now going to say it's easy for Ethan to look like a good player when he's letting his team take 99% of the risks? It's a ridiculous statement either way.

Also, Skye is the best info initiator in the game by far and every team plays her accordingly.

posted about a year ago

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply but also why you're getting upset enough to start making things personal over me stating Leo is considered the best info initiator right now, and exaggerating that point as if it's crazy and not widely agreed upon and for a while at this point. It's extremely rare for an initiator to be the entry on a site hit or a retake if everyone is alive. If you read up above, the Ethan stats I referenced are for when he played info initiator, the same role which Leo plays. The reason why I isolated it is because Ethan also played Yoru and KayO during the event, which is also why I included the rounds to show the discrepancy on a per-round basis.

posted about a year ago

Leo hasn't solved info initiator but he is the best and most consistent in the world at the role; first deaths =/= early aggression. There is a push and pull throughout entire rounds of play; early aggression is only a tiny factor that is part of the equation of what determines a round. Saadhaak has never played a similar role to Leo's, there are a lot of players with inflated stats but Leo (and all of fnatic) aren't them. Ethan was underrated, but that doesn't mean Leo is overrated. I went through and found+did the math for Champions since that's what you're referencing a lot here.

Leo (info initiators in Champions):
12-8 (FK and FD) over 251 rounds.
20 first engagements.

Ethan (info initiators in Champions):
11-13 (FK and FD) over 205 rounds.
24 first engagements.

There isn't that huge of a difference as you seem to be trying to sell in my eyes. 20 vs 24 first engagements with only a 46 round differential. Even after all that, Leo still has more first bloods (since you mentioned people getting value for early engagements on this type of role). Regardless, using the FD statistic to measure for 'inflated stats' doesn't make much sense; rarely will a player in this role actually be in position to take good early engagements.

posted about a year ago

Leo plays his role the best in the world; he doesn't have many first deaths but does that mean he doesn't take risks? No, just like the majority of controllers and info initiators, he takes a lot of risks; they just don't come in the first engagement of the round because he's usually finding information or setting someone else up to, that's his primary role before anything else. He also wins many more of the first (and all) engagements he does choose to take compared to others because the engagements and risks he takes in general are very calculated so his first deaths will naturally be lower as a result.

First deaths are a bad gauge of how many 'risks' someone takes but is an even worse gauge of if someone's stats are inflated. There's not any metric you can find on vlr that is good for that; it's all about watching the games and seeing who is going for those exit frags when they shouldn't, being more aggressive against ecos when they shouldn't and baiting when they shouldn't.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ACS is the most meaningless stat, especially for controllers; KAST, Rating, KDR, ADR, APR, FDPR and Clutch % (in no particular order) are all miles ahead of ACS for gauging a controller's ability and impact.

posted about a year ago

Why do you think the comp is absolute dogshit?

posted about a year ago

You a mind reader or something?

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

A world class player or even a tier 1 player? Not yet. I feel like I've improved a lot since benching myself on Soniqs but there isn't anything to back up how much I've gotten better because of the lack of quality tournaments to compete in.

posted about 2 years ago

Curious when it matters the most because Shao had huge impact in every match, especially in the Lower Final and Grand Final which are definitely when it matters the most imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Chamber is basically a duelist, there's a reason why the whole professional scene says he is.

posted about 2 years ago

Vitas is one of my favorite artists, he's really popular in China πŸΈπŸ‘

posted about 2 years ago

I like 'The 7th Element' by Vitas.

posted about 2 years ago

The queue times are longer and the community is much smaller; in reference to some of these other comments, there isn't much to do in Australia honestly but the food is a lot better there and there isn't as many NPCs - also, KFC is really good over there.

posted about 3 years ago

We've never tried using Reyna on Icebox over Raze - we copied Liquid's first ever Icebox agent composition and then we eventually realized Sova was too strong so we exchanged Killjoy for him, we experimented with KayO for a few days over Raze when he got introduced but apart from that we've never tried anything else on Icebox.

posted about 3 years ago

Icebox - Viper/Sage/Sova/Jett/Raze

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

The wall update is a nerf, it starts with half it's original HP.

posted about 4 years ago

Great pickup!

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago