Flag: United States
Registered: February 13, 2023
Last post: March 17, 2025 at 5:20 PM
Posts: 1850
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hi my name is

posted 2 hours ago

prXDD in big 2025

also talon in big 2025 over DRX AND T1 XD

and unless sen magically fixes their entire mindset over one month, they aint doing anything either as a team


other than that sure i can see it

posted 5 hours ago

type shit

posted 9 hours ago

if people care about saudi and israel and china then they care about human rights

if people dont care about china but care about the other 2 its because theyre uninformed

if people dont care about china or israel it means theyre israeli and want the genocide to happen

if people only care about saudi it means they are american

posted 10 hours ago

first time i will be rooting for nrg as an org and not for fenis xdd

posted 10 hours ago

not written in option 2:
represent and endorse a government built on discrimination and spread propaganda that the saudi government is directly paying you for

posted 10 hours ago

listen, like i love corejj and yeon (is he american or an import?) is trying his hardest, but holy shit please drop APA he is constantly being proven as a fraud EVERY FUCKING INTERNATIONAL LIKE RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

this is why quad hard clears

posted 11 hours ago

if keria didn't fucking INTTT on leblanc then i think we might be seeing a different first strike champion tbf, and hle went through like 4 5-game series before even making it to first stand

also i hate liquid with a burning passion, theyre just trying to be korean while being shit and american, flyquest is the best international contender we have

i also think that both cn and lta sent the wrong team for internationals, and like blg/flyquest would have made it farther/done better for both regions

posted 11 hours ago

I think its ok when the esports isnt like part of the branding

like no one knows G2 or NRG or KRU or Trace as G2 Esports, its just G2 or Trace, etc etc

but global having it as part of their branding is horrid, same with boom

posted 3 days ago

discord pfp does not help the allegations

posted 5 days ago


  1. VIT
  2. KC
  3. TH


  1. G2
  2. NRG
  3. LOUD


  1. DRX
  2. GENG
  3. T1


  1. EDG
  2. XLG
  3. BLG
posted 5 days ago

bcj >= champs wins as your goat

posted 5 days ago

back when zekken was on xset :(


posted 6 days ago

thats a name i havent heard in a damn long time

akrew was so fire

posted 1 week ago

u fell off bro... not even a comment under the bait

here's a comment to boost ur engagement, u need it <3

posted 1 week ago

Oh my god sen broke FrenchToast

posted 1 week ago

name + flair

posted 1 week ago

average zekken try to 1v9 moment

posted 2 weeks ago

30 min cooldown for a nothingburger is crazy

posted 2 weeks ago

every 60 seconds in africa, a minute passes

posted 2 weeks ago

enz0 in the big 2025

posted 2 weeks ago

the counter is shoot her out of the fucking sky, she doesnt have the same util jett has to get herself in safely with the cloudburst. just wait out the dash, or bait it out then her value is immensely down

posted 2 weeks ago

XSET below FPX CN?

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

swvyboi swapped flag trust

posted 2 weeks ago

nv back in val would be peak

posted 2 weeks ago

Oh god swap the flair ur cursed please put on edg flair tyvm

posted 2 weeks ago

CHICHOO is currently 1.46 rating and a fucking demon smurfing on everyone at this event. He also happens to have the a higher rating than Yay at Champs 2022 (his best event statistically), with a higher acs and kda on VYSE. NOT on chamber, the demon awp character that takes gunfights as a character, but as LITERALLY A HARD SENTINEL. If he keeps this up, can we finally dethrone yay as the best international performance of all time? He currently has half of yay's rounds, so there is a chance he might not be able to keep this up, but...


stats for reference

posted 2 weeks ago

unc (im turning 19 in 16 days)

posted 2 weeks ago

hello 100 dollar pls

posted 2 weeks ago

name + flairless

posted 2 weeks ago

"we should have single elim games because it makes people care more!!!!!!"

no ur just a dumbass who doesn't understand that valorant is a game where a team can win on any given day and is about adaptation, and otherwise we get people calling trophies "fraudulent" and teams who weren't the best team winning events because they were better on one random day or had one comp they had never shown before

posted 2 weeks ago

unc xdd

posted 2 weeks ago

ange1 got merc'd one tournament for having snus iirc, so I would assume there is some sort of tobacco test at least or maybe you just can't use it before the match

either way, drug enhancement isn't really all that good because there's no physical attribute that needs to be improved, and caffeine is fully legal

posted 2 weeks ago

checked flag and flair and ya almost got me

6/8 wp

posted 2 weeks ago

funniest shit ive read all day

posted 2 weeks ago

xset !!!!!

posted 2 weeks ago

someone's going to say f0rsaken too high but foxy on here over anyone like chichoo or someone is disgusting

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. W drawing holy goat
  2. N4rrate mental showing in a drawing is CRAZYY
posted 2 weeks ago
  • demon1 was champs mvp lets be so fr
  • 8 team format means jackshit when 4 of the 12 teams are piss poor anyways, if not more
  • won a region title joining a top 8 champs team into an americas region that looks the worst ever parity wise in the franchising era
  • beat sen when they were on the worst form of the year in 24, never played tenz when sen was actually good

Jawg is good, but let's not try to use bullshit points to have to prove why he's the goat rn. Let him prove it with winning this year

posted 2 weeks ago

If you want max viewers you need a korean team not prx, japan would be cool but i think some korean team + prx is best for views from apac

posted 2 weeks ago

oh my god

rare henbaby W??

odds are lower than pulling a shiny raquaza in emerald

posted 2 weeks ago


the ONLY reason this team is even AFLOAT is because Zellsis is keeping everyone's mentals from collapsing in on themselves, and Zekken is getting fucked because of his team not fucking helping him at all

this is genuinely the most 0 thought post ever, 8/8 bait very believable

posted 2 weeks ago

-> ghost gaming was highkey good in 2022ish era, just didn't have the firepower to put up with the other teams
-> inherits a burning down sen 2023, makes them look pretty good but they get outclassed by real teams with no time and no cohesion of a team
-> brings in johnqt, gets zellsis to a team desperately needing whimsy, and ends up bringing the team to look like the best in the world before the 2024 szn
-> return of tenz, zekken fully enabled, wins masters as a coach
-> team has no time to do anything and it shows, but they end up making champs
-> prove worth as coach by getting demolished against geng, but in a short time period redo themselves to look good and then beat geng in the rematch, and run all the way till 4th place, where they were just getting outaimed as a team, even though the strats were getting them into winnable rounds
-> 2025 loses the 2nd best initiator of all time (dont care talk to a fucking wall if you disagree), and the hard carry of the team that was being enabled and was an integral part of the system
-> offseason clearly doesn't look good, but it seems more of an entire team thing than just one person
-> comes to into kickoff looking okay.... but winning off of plays than strats which looks like a team ineptitude rather than kaplan not having good ideas
-> plays g2 and gets shit on
-> beats mibr with not a lot of time, and completely shit stomps g2 on their own maps, which shows how insane their anti was considering how little time they had to prep
-> goes to masters and team looks fully out of it... no hard fragging duo system anymore, so everyone else has to pick up fragging slack which they can't do, team plays WAYYY too passively and not coordinated at all, completely falls apart due to mental issues.

Kaplan is a very good coach who is clearly deserving a spot on Sen, it just seems that this team's mental and passiveness and lack of one of the best smokes fraggers of last year and the 2nd best init of all time in their comms made their internals seem horrible.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

XSET 2022 Champions: 2 series lost, 1 heart won <3

posted 3 weeks ago

hey dont diss my bois :(

but yeah copenhagen was not fun

posted 3 weeks ago

Tejo missiles + kayo flash + sova/tejo drone + fade ult maybe

posted 3 weeks ago

Crazy how the best senti/viper player of all time who got jailed last year is magically insane again after his team is competent and doesnt have qck as a duelist 💀💀

posted 3 weeks ago
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