Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 12, 2023
Last post: March 8, 2025 at 3:23 AM
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my last few weeks were shit so hope Ur right man 🙏

posted 1 day ago

but u gotta rem it was against top teams of other regions, but at the same time sen looks clapped

posted 2 days ago

where jakee

posted 2 days ago


posted 3 days ago

the ACC owner might just not be friends with something, unless we see something in a ranked game elsewhere

posted 3 days ago

from what I heard he's 6th but they'll sub out mf or jingg for him if they play bad in split 1(don't qualify for Toronto)

posted 5 days ago

wat did he do

posted 5 days ago

fan of mcu, more chill than val to play, also wanted to try smth new and its actually fun and devs are putting in work. we got 200 units(basically rivals vp) for free because their servers got shut down

posted 5 days ago

i got 2060 units which skins shld i get

posted 5 days ago

t1 played double duel on every map, with 1 perma duelist and 2 people swapping in and out of different duelists. prx has 3 duelist players who can also swap between duelists. t1's first international event where they made playoffs, they won. prx has made playoffs and had more than decent placings in, masters reykjavik 2(4th), masters copenhagen(2nd), masters tokyo(3rd), champions 2023(2nd), masters madrid(3rd), masters shanghai(6th). as a team theyve had 10x more exp than the t1 squad together, yet prx has yet to win an IL, while t1 using an aggro style (smth prx is known for) has managed to beat a g2 with jawg.(prx cldnt beat g2 with icy)

posted 6 days ago

who tf gonna be playing clove when half the round Ud have no smokes and the only smokes u get last 12 seconds only

posted 6 days ago

when I saw them lose round 21 and got dropped to an eco on 10 12 I went to sleep because I didn't wanna watcth them lose. can't blv they pulled it back

posted 6 days ago

actually they did and said that in scrims they tried running it on almost every map but it didn't work out for them

posted 6 days ago


posted 1 week ago

dambi, jingg, jawg gonna go crazy

posted 1 week ago

and guardian looks horrid

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

that knife looks crazy

posted 1 week ago

I'm pretty sure waylay can't dash away while opping, and the TP needs to be activated first by placing down which is way less convenient than just popping dash

dash updraft being 1 ability and having a breachult as ult is insane tho

posted 1 week ago

T1 wins 3-2

posted 1 week ago

if this goes map 5 sylvan gonna be able to break the assists wr

another question, what's the bo5 assist wr?

posted 1 week ago

where u see

posted 1 week ago

so dumb that the VCT fan girl on twitter is tryna cancel him and saying it's offensive to Indians while there are actual Indians in the comments saying it's not offensive and all she has to say is that "they don't speak for all Indians". so your saying YOU speak for all Indians and the actual Indian person DOESN'T?

posted 1 week ago

he can raze yoru but he's not allowed to

posted 1 week ago

I was on asc rank up game... last act but I've been more focused on sch work recently

posted 1 week ago

how long would it take someone who's hit d3 and is now P2 to hit asc if I had 1 week to kill and grind?

posted 1 week ago

nah but alot of crowd favourites also arent here

posted 1 week ago

ideally id want drx vs liquid and t1 vs g2

posted 1 week ago

imgur NOW

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

aim: aspas
brain: fns
decision making: zekken
OP: kangkang
movement: jinggg
utility: leo
clutch: chichoo
vibes: zellsis
highlights: kangkang

posted 2 weeks ago

they're being very meta and sticking to comfort: mako omen(comfort+meta), freeing Tejo(comfort+meta), flashback cypher(comfort), hyunmin your(meta I think), beyn filling the scan/flash init. mako also tps in to help as second entry because of the lack of a raze/Jett/neon
set plays and sheer amount of util also helps

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah same

posted 2 weeks ago

in 2022-2024 whenever I watched him play on FNC I never thought he was a mechanically crazy player, just a player who's put in good situations and has enough mechanics to frag in those situations. yeah I knew he was really good and sometimes he would pop off and put out a clip or 2 but not that often. this year, I can actually see his mechanics and how good he is as a duelist and making space. isit just me or nah

posted 2 weeks ago

they didn't want beyn they wanted yoman

posted 2 weeks ago

pretty sure that was a fanart

posted 2 weeks ago

aayan let me in!

posted 2 weeks ago

madlions 65 he

posted 2 weeks ago

how yk

posted 2 weeks ago

All the NA people complaining about timezones and how it isn't catered to them then saying the game is dying because the viewership is lower. ever wonder maybe it's because sen is an NA team so more people wouldve watched if it was a diff timezone, and since it's not another cn/emea team they might just not watch because they don't care ABT the teams?
and obviously there's other factors in play like how there's no tenz no Turks no prx one Brazilian which is on an emea team of all teams, and since all these are big fan bases and none qualified the viewership will be lower
y'all don't even get to complain about timezones, the next 2 events which will arguably be better because of more teams are shit for Pacific/cn, and while yes there's been 3 Pacific/cn events in a row, the first Pacific event was in 2023 so 2021 thru 2023 lockin, it was all bad timezones for eastern audiences

posted 2 weeks ago

he was 2 and 8 now he's 14 and 9

posted 2 weeks ago

why Jett over raze?

posted 2 weeks ago

the rumoured changes are Estrella and jaxe replacing yoman and foxy9 respectively
Jaxe has 1 game on senti(not including chamber), and since I am not familiar with jaxe I'm guessing he's a duelist main swapping over to senti similar to how foxy did last year.
Estrella in RRQ is not a scan init player and his shooting is comparable to yomans.
jaxe is a question mark because maybe his shooting is really good and maybe he plays senti alot in ranked, but foxys aim is also top tier and he has more exp playing senti at the top level. id say downgrade but foxys my favourite player so I am biased.
Estrella is a downgrade in almost every way. I think hes good but yoman has so much more exp on scan init role and they're both callers as well, and since one of the main reasons why most people feel GENG is more lacking this year is because of the lack of lakias great util usage setting up teammates, this would be a huge downgrade.

However we don't know anything as we r just viewers, so maybe gengs scouting comes in clutch once again and jaxe and Estrella destroys in gengs new system. DESPITE THIS, on paper this a huge downgrade any way you cut it. Also not good for team chem cutting the 2 new players just to replace them.

posted 2 weeks ago

foxy9 but he might be getting dropped 😭

posted 2 weeks ago

the scrim had soulcas maybe it's a lil bit wrong

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah if u think about the champs 22 and 21 teams, I could only really see the first or maybe 2nd place teams going on runs in 2024, but the top 4 for 23 had they all stayed the same would've been insane

posted 2 weeks ago

what did Jakees gf say

posted 2 weeks ago

was she at champs 24 other than that idk

posted 2 weeks ago
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