Did you guys even watch vct that year? It was so clear that team was head and shoulders above everyone else. I mean, they made it to the grand fucking finals at Tokyo while playing with a half baked gameplan. For context, EG were scrimming with REFORMED the whole time and the whole tokyo game plan was around him because demon1 had visa issues. They assumed he wasn't going to show up. They changed roles and everything, and EG were still so damn good and able to make it to the finals.
Once they were no longer nerfed, they decimated their competition completely at Champions. I said it perfectly in the other thread: "EG played some of the most tactical valorant of all time, everything they did had a purpose, and every opponent was gameplanned against extremely well. Their comps and maps were so clearly a level above everyone else, and their synergy and teamwork was unmatched. And among all else, every single player was playing at an elite level, especially demon1 who was unarguably the best player itw after champs."
Even if they played fnatic, they would have probably smoked them. At Tokyo they were extremely close to beating them with a on-the-fly stratbook, and not to mention fnatic looked a lot weaker and shakier at champions. Not just by eyetest, but at times they looked really messy and it was clear they were relying on hero plays from their star studded roster. Like for example, they choked 13-1 against DRX on fnatic's own map pick, bind. They went on to win that series, but it was so clearly not the same fnatic that could steamroll everyone like they did at Tokyo.
Loud and PRX didn't choke either, they put up a great fight and were absolutely elite, but Potter and Boostio outcalled and outplayed them pretty convincingly. Also all of those players were so insane that 2nd half of the year, obviously demon1, but especially Ethan and Jawgemo. And c0m had some elite utility usage and clutch rounds. The competition could also not do squat against his lurks.
Basically, yall need to stop disrespecting EG because you guys are outing yourselves as casuals.