Flag: United Arab Emirates
Registered: February 28, 2024
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 12:09 PM
Posts: 557
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yeah you guys got humbled and kicked out in groups in your home soil lmfao

posted 13 hours ago

isnt carried by best duelist itw convo anymore, stop the 2021 cop the game have more than 1 duelist/player who can carry 1 game

posted 13 hours ago

stop it with the fluke win and mickey mouse tourney if your team sucks just appreciate other teams success, ggwp for both teams.

posted 13 hours ago

as you say saw, but this is actually what's happening with SEN rn, they lack the desire to win and fight for it, if you really watch their games you can see them give up so early on some maps, they don't have the fighter mentality

posted 1 day ago

he changed his mental, because he had something to prove and he really wants it, that's the fighting mentality the new roaster lacks imo

posted 1 day ago

am not actually pushing for changes, its just how I see it as a fan.

posted 1 day ago

yes thats my argue but these kids doesn't give credit were it have to be given tbh.

posted 1 day ago

24: bunch of raw dogs who actually wants to win and fought hard even in their low moments.

25: bunch of aimers kid who give up so easily with 0 mental.


posted 1 day ago

I really want G2 to win just because they sticked together for a long time as a roaster, but also the story of BuZz and Stax,,,,

posted 1 day ago

2023 EG was the best team ever formed in this game, they thrived in a year were LOUD FNC PRX and other teams were considered to get trophies, end of the story any1 who deny EG was the best team is delusional kid who thinks EDG would have won back to back trophies and NRG were a super team.

posted 1 day ago

``Jawgemo = KangKang's orb``


posted 1 week ago

so ender and mimi is better than them? I mean you right but I prefer listen to them than mimi and enders tbh

posted 1 week ago

why are we getting enders and mimi ffs, both have zero aura, at least give as doug steel babybay these are the real ones

posted 1 week ago

true I heard the rummer

posted 2 weeks ago

bang is mid he aint banging any1 with this form tbh

posted 2 weeks ago

Understand and try to get involve in the convo even if she is yapping about something your not interested in.

posted 2 weeks ago

SEN 2023,,,

posted 2 weeks ago

Dw ITS ONLY 1140 EPISODES, half of them doesn't relate to the manga (main story) I estimate that there only like 500 episode that you should the others doesn't even matter, aswell as the movies the writer said its not connected to the main story.

posted 2 weeks ago

Detective conan

posted 2 weeks ago

I know but the guy said I see EDG beating most of these teams like EDG wasn't vulnerable at all lol

posted 2 weeks ago

cap, they are vulnerable and we saw it against TE in kickoff finals imo

posted 2 weeks ago

T1=trace is criminal, SEN second is criminal aswell, you forgot vitality and DRX imo are the second contenders unless we see a better version from SEN in their opening match

posted 2 weeks ago

they won Ascension trophy

edit: just saw you typed in tier 1 lmao

posted 2 weeks ago

oh unlucky, the guy was entertaining to listen to while he cast, he hold no words and criticize so much lol.

posted 3 weeks ago

Guys did steel casted any of the games?

or he is not casting anymore in VCT

posted 3 weeks ago

Alfarter lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

posted 3 weeks ago

he is a baiter and not a fan

posted 3 weeks ago

why would any rage baiter should put a SEN tag/flag, brother our fanbase deserves to rest a bit, put on some NRG or OPTC tag and talk your shit.

posted 3 weeks ago

was telling my genuine thoughts,,

posted 3 weeks ago

Nongshim RedForce will not win a single game split 1 and 2 and will get relegated trust i think they are the worst team going into split 1 despite their 3 fluke wins in kickoffs imo.

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't see the delusional NRG x Optic TRASH talkers spook about kickoff 25 was micky mouse? is it because G2 won it this year?
I mean it was the same circumstances new agents was drop right before kickoff 24 and 25 aswell as new teams was formed so we are all these kids now?!.

posted 3 weeks ago

Demon1 crushed multiple opponents and won champions 23, were most teams were insanely competitive FNC LOUD PRX and the list goes on, don't compare him to a regional only player who only put stats against trash teams in the league and fumble against good teams.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Trust me you ain't dismantling LEV in split 1, demon1 starting to get his shit back and com is playing good, tex and king will also bounce back, I actually have them in top 3 in split 1 above NRG and 100t.

posted 3 weeks ago

am their biggest fan bro even in their downfall, but truth should be told G2 is superior, but with the season goes on teams will catch up to them trust.

posted 3 weeks ago

still, look at the second map, you will get what I mean here, G2 is insanely good in all aspects of the game rn, I just don't want the delusional fans to get hyped and start dreaming to win against G2 in the grand final, at least not at this point of the season, maybe with time we will be at their level and better.

posted 3 weeks ago

Chill, SEN abyss is good, G2 is a perfect team thats why it looked bad yesterday, please chill we are not even bound to win in GF G2 is both mechanically and strategically better than all Americas.

posted 3 weeks ago

its the same, G2 was too good that it make SEN abyss bad chill bro we are not in G2s level RN.

posted 3 weeks ago

true G2 is actually in another tier

posted 3 weeks ago

we played good, its just how G2 positions their selfs making us looks bad thats how they are.

posted 3 weeks ago

would be great matchups in the upcoming event no cap.

posted 3 weeks ago

SEN is better than the other 10 teams hands down, but G2 making us looks bad with how insanely they are GGWP G2.

posted 3 weeks ago

grow up bro they are good people tf are you saying, kick this guy from the fan base plz

posted 3 weeks ago

Trading wisdom for fire power.

posted 3 weeks ago

who yall got today? I want SEN to win ofc, But if G2 can stomp SEN as they did to LEV and C9, we can consider them as the team who got the chance to win 3 trophies this year because there is no contender in the other regions (hot take), happy for them because G2 shouldn't get relegated from TIER 1 while teams like FUR and 2G doing nothing tbh

posted 3 weeks ago

i watched, trust me its just their players stepping up thats all I would give it to geng or TH better

posted 3 weeks ago

TBH EDG won champs because of chichoo and idk who else just started hitting shots imo, and ofc kangkang carrying them as always, no strates just hitting insane shots and thats why we saw that EDG can be inconsistent imo

posted 3 weeks ago

when is Leo coming back to get your team some aura?

posted 1 month ago

I do not hate g2

f0notic fan trying to hide their failure by throwing controversial discussion.

posted 1 month ago

i heard he prefers his roles just like Woot for TH, both are insane but prefers off duelist role, god I miss Woot duelist from Master shanghai,,,,

posted 1 month ago
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