have you guys committed to any schools yet? if not, what are your top choices? i personally am thinking about case western, ohio state, or rutgers
i don't know much about the rest of the school, but ohio state's chemistry program is top 20 in the country tied with hopkins. and im going as a chem major so its an option for me. im from pa so i've been surrounded by Pennstate my entire life and i do not want to go there. also the campus and location isnt really my style.
Well, here's my line of thought for picking the university I wish to attend:
graduated with honors. got accepted into Georgetown, LSU, University of Alabama, University of Mississippi, Northwestern State University, and Tulane University(i live in the south, applied to every school i researched and got accepted). I ended up applying late to go Nicholls State University(like 20 mins from my home town) but still got accepted bc i was scared of being away from my family then transferred to Lsu. Then I quit and said fuck 4yr colleges now im doing a trade school bc im so exhausted of learning bs i will never need to know and now im planning to leave the USA in like 5-7 yrs.
ummm these are the best tier assumptions from my knowledge and schools i know.
Tier 1: Harvard, MIT, Stanford, CalTech, etc (the ivies + t20 schools)
Tier 2: UMich, Emory, Carnegie Mellon, USC, case western (either big schools that have good academic or small research institutes that have good academics)
Tier 3: Penn State, Rutgers, Ohio State, etc. Mainly state schools
Tier 4: Temple, Drexel, etc (for most people safety schools)
Tier 5: Any school with an acceptnace of 80%+. usually these schools are pretty small.
edit: i dont think that schools should based off of tiers or anything as each school has their unique strengths and weaknesses. some schools may have better programs while others may not. some schools may have better research opportunities while others may not. it all depends on what YOU want to do and thats all that matters. for example, Ohio state I ranked as a tier 3, but their chemistry program's rank is tied with Johnshopkins which is a T1 school.