Flag: United States
Registered: May 11, 2024
Last post: February 24, 2025 at 1:27 PM
Posts: 51

wont even lie i was gonna engagement farm using chatgpt, but each time i did it, it said that sentinels weren't the worst/fraudulent. So i guess according to the most objective source of chatgpt, sen isnt frauds.

king bob u should prolly quit vlr now cuz chatgpt said u were wrong. ggs go next.

That claim is highly subjective and doesn’t match the broader track record of Sentinels in Valorant esports. In reality, Sentinels have earned widespread acclaim by winning major tournaments and consistently performing at a high level. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Subjective Opinions vs. Achievements
Some fans or rival supporters might label Sentinels as “the worst” based on personal biases or specific match outcomes. However, esports is a passion-driven arena where rivalries can lead to hyperbolic statements that don’t necessarily reflect an organization’s overall performance.

2. Track Record and Success
Sentinels are known for their impressive tournament wins and strategic gameplay. They notably secured a historic victory at events like the VCT Stage 2 Masters Reykjavik, which cemented their reputation as one of the top Valorant organizations. Their consistent performance and strong team dynamics have contributed to a solid legacy in the competitive scene.

3. Criticisms and Rivalries
Critiques of any organization, including Sentinels, often stem from isolated incidents or personal opinions rather than an objective assessment of their capabilities. While no team is immune to occasional poor performances or controversial moments, these should be weighed against their overall successes and contributions to the scene.

Labeling Sentinels as “the worst” ignores the significant achievements and high regard many in the esports community have for them. Like any passionate debate in competitive sports, such opinions are best understood as part of a larger dialogue that includes both strong support and intense rivalries.

Ultimately, whether one loves or dislikes a team, the competitive spirit of esports thrives on these diverse opinions—but the record shows that Sentinels have been anything but the worst.
There’s no credible, widely accepted evidence that Sentinels have engaged in fraudulent activities. Sentinels is recognized for its strong competitive performance and professionalism in the Valorant esports scene. The claim that they are “the most fraudulent Valorant organization of all time” appears to be a subjective opinion—likely fueled by fan rivalries or isolated controversies—rather than a fact backed by verifiable incidents.

In competitive esports, passionate debates and strong opinions are common, and sometimes rival fans use hyperbolic language to criticize opponents. If there are any specific incidents or behaviors you’re referring to, it would help to look at those claims closely with verified sources. As of now, the general consensus in the esports community is that Sentinels are a reputable organization with a track record of success.

posted 6 days ago

thanks for the engagement farm material, preciate ur help seo

posted 6 days ago

literally copied what the dude for the ap physics exam and i engagement farmed.

im literally becoming a pro at ts.

if anyone wants to learn how to engagement farm, you can buy my course. just dm PrancerMane on discord and he will get u in contact. (Warning: You may get groomed by Prancer)

posted 6 days ago

Ochem exam in 3 hours, reply with help. its bout like reactions n shi( i didnt go to lecture enough mb chat). like sn2 sn1 shi idk

posted 6 days ago

me when yoru

posted 1 week ago

I sent this in the cloudberries disc

Thought I'd summarize here:

Its not his aim.

The vibe merchant is becoming anti vibe. Any person whos gone through leadership training or has picked up the skills from being in these situations would have a better idea, but its that in public, speak positively about the team/members. Take time to critic/reflect in private.

Working with especially young players, its really important for mental, especially post game and in front of media to keep it up.

I'm sure any one who has played sports( and theres countless examples in esports as well), can tell you a discouraging/bad coach can take away a player's will to perform. I think zellsis addressing the issues is great, but I think the way he does it and when he does it, has been negative on the team.

Vibe merchant/ Bundle Seller, ur a great dude, but seeing these past post match interviews, has just made me disappointed. At the end of the day, I'm a fan, so don't take it to heart and I'm sure there is internal discussion going on.

leave thoughts below, so i can engagement farm :D

posted 1 week ago

Ur literally baiting with this conversation, lock in

posted 1 week ago

Bro lwky this is proof. I had to make a post about engagement farming to get engagements. Lowkey vlr exposed , going to start posting like m4 or stuff like this. Let me know if this is the play.

posted 1 week ago

Bro I had good takes, yet no engagements. There’s gotta be tech.

posted 1 week ago

Yo how are all of yall so good at engagement farming. Stg I had some higher quality posts early on, but that shit gets no engagements. Everyone on the premier team is dialed on engagements. Ahem, aayan, cloudberry(respect, just mentioned), Prancer, heenz. Need yall to dial in and teach me how to farm.

posted 1 week ago

After seeing kk’s shot and other raze satchel rockets, I want to see more fake satchels. While the satchel rocket is effective for a reason, you can see kk aim higher than head level in precaution. Let’s maybe see some fake satchels or horizontal watching to swing with the rocket??? I wanna see raze players horizontal satchel. Feel like vertical mobility is fucked nowadays anyway

posted 1 week ago

he was on swiftplay liek 3 hours ago , think hes takin a media break

posted 1 week ago

In my opinion, it was sinatraa or sick, but with Leo not playing in over 8 months, I think he is taking that spot now. Yes he achieved intl success, but I think people would say that he could have done a lot more and gone further. Also I’m new to this interaction farming shit so let me know how I’m doing.

posted 1 week ago

lets gamble on what scorelines gonna be tbh

reply with ur guesses for the two games,
lowkey i got 13-5 1st game and then 15-13 2nd game

posted 2 weeks ago

you guessed correctly, i became a sen fan because they were the first team i watched. Sick and Dapr were my favorite players, and i remember i think during high school i was hyped af when tenz joined. but he is not the reason why i like sen. also i dont know how tf flairs work, otherwise i woulda made it more obvious.

In general for me,

Americas: Sen
EMEA: TL( been watchin naTs)
APAC: Zeta Division( no idea how but i just like randomly watched their games of yt from the past couple years and was like aight), but as of recent Boom(their twitter dude is funny af wont lie)
CN: honestly dislike most of em, but like ill take prolly trace or blg

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

they are the same comp but different sentinels basically, so like ur saying screw them both, go brim cypher neon tejo breach

posted 1 month ago

Currently debating between

  1. Vyse Neon Breach Tejo Astra
  2. Deadlock Neon Breach Tejo Astra

Please give ur inputs in order to see the success/downfall of the cloudberries.

posted 1 month ago

I heard that topphat guy is pretty good

posted 1 month ago

by the end of 2025, sen will be similar to geng 2024

posted 1 month ago

I think its time we start getting a name for sen vs geng. Because el classico between Optic and Loud, they met up 6 times. Officially, sen have also fought geng 8 times. With a count of 4-4 series, 8-8 maps, 1-1 trophies(thank you rocketbullets). So what do we call this new age classico????

posted 2 months ago

their academy team should be competent, and will hopefully help them pick up momentum throughout the year(as long as kaplan uses them well for prac, like simulate exact scenarios to antistrat), as they can pull a 2023 eg.

posted 2 months ago

my bad

posted 2 months ago

sen wanted to gift the fans with another sen match today, so they purposefully lost and took it into game 3 ot!!!!!

posted 2 months ago

world where gen g beat talon and we get a sen geng rematch for the 6th time, but instead of being it loss win for sen its win loss.

posted 2 months ago

i think narrate should take more risks. like he's smart and he plays the situation really well, but like in the 2v4s or 2v3s, he needs to take more risks. I think the mechanical skill of players such as narrate should mean that they try and go for those nontraditional plays in order to throw off teams in some of these disadvantaged siutations. example round 28 vs mith narrate taking the risk and winning them the round

posted 2 months ago

well one reason, may be that the neon nerfs were announced fairly recently, and it doesn't make sense to override their practice that they have done for SOOP because of changes made public within the past week. Another reason is that they could be hiding comps/strats in the off season while neon is still great and they can win with it. I find option 2 less likely, but still a possibility.

posted 2 months ago

im down, i play duelist with some initiator/controller flex, my dc is kamui9046

posted 2 months ago

Sick, one of my favorite players to watch and has been my favorite sen player until his situation occurred

posted 6 months ago

Teams if ur running double senti, use vyse with kj. I can see the tech, vyse +kj molly lineups for bomb on attack. Vyse has better retake util( has a grav net like utility with the razorvine, but also the pop rose ability + the wall to isolate fights on the retake). Kj can play more of the info sentinel like with the deadlock cypher comps. Like double senti comps should be in consideration with the addition of vyse. I think vyse will become part of ascent, bind meta fs, especially if teams use double senti. I would even consider vyse great for lotus, just so many walls you can place the flash through that can help with floods, and places to isolate duels.

In summary, post plant meta is going to get worse, and vyse will become meta soon. Uhhh come back to this post at the next big tourney and check on this, but i see the vision.

posted 6 months ago

Run a 10 man roster, sen has the money

posted 6 months ago

Ok that’s great meta is meta. But that doesn’t mean you can’t play meta. Sentinels literally were using most of drx plays. That was not going to work. Zekken and Zellsis may have looked better(Zellsis specifically,, Zekken always looks great on neon) when they use breach and neon.

posted 6 months ago

Truly had higher hopes and was expecting Zekken neon and I would have been more confident if Zellsis played breach.

posted 6 months ago

Sunset haven lotus, I have a post explaining my reasoning but its like a lot of words and I'm on phone rn, so to keep it simple. Ascent banned by heretics, bind banned by Sen. Heretics takes sunset, Sen take haven, heretics ban abyss(anti-strat capabilities on both sides, heretics has less film, Sen has more). Sen ban icebox.

We go lotus

posted 6 months ago

For sake of this post Sen will be team b and heretics team a

Th ban 1: ascent, its their perma ban. No reason to not keep banning it. Unless they have something crazy, I think Sen are still better on ascent than them a W, so ascent banned. Honestly great for Sen they can save a map ban.

Sen ban 1: really th’s pool is like lotus bind sunset abyss, but after that drx game on abyss, I doubt th feel great about it compared to the rest. I think optimal map ban here is getting rid of bind, heretics is pretty good on it and I don’t think Sen is as good as heretics on it.

Th pick 1: really down to sunset or lotus here, but I think they take sunset. So far been a dominant map for them, and Sen have looked shaky at times on it in these past few matches.

Sen pick: this should be an easy haven grab, they look great on it and heretics don't, simple as that.

Th ban 2: down to icebox, lotus, abyss
I think heretics likes lotus, and so does Sen so probably won’t ban this. I think icebox was ok for heretics, and same for Sen. Abyss for heretics seems mid and out of pure doubt of what Sen play, heretics ban abyss.

Sen ban 2: ok Th looks strong on lotus. Only dropped the map to lev. Knowing Sen, I think with the amount of footage they have on heretics lotus(even though Sen has a lot of footage), they will try and antistrat this map the hardest. They ban icebox.

Map 3: lotus

In summary,
Map 1: sunset
Map 2: haven
Map 3: lotus

posted 6 months ago

Normally FNS, TMV, Sliggy, and I'll watch the analysis vids from like tmv and tdawgg after matches.

posted 6 months ago

How would someone become an analyst as a g3 player( guys i know i am cooked, i suck ass at the game but I love theory/understanding the game).

posted 6 months ago

FNC need to beat Sen. I promise if u if Sen is feeling well and in the mood(not playing not to lose, playing to win). The map pool favors sen

posted 6 months ago

Beat lev if Sen want a chance at winning champs. I think right now levs map pool is better than sen’s. If lev goes to grands, they gain two bans which since lev has a good map pool, they can ban sens good maps, and it becomes ggs quickly. If Sen and lev play in lower finals it’s an even 1/1 ban for each team and sentinels can have more leeway.

posted 6 months ago

I agree, I think that if they do make it to a lower finals or grand finals appearance. With the 2 map ban advantage to the winners side, saving abyss for lower finals or even grands can be a surprise that forces a ban on it. Allowing Sen to have sunset or lotus guaranteed instead of banned. Their haven is not bad rn, so if they get 2 maps + they play well on bind maybe. They can prolly have a good chance in lowers and finals

posted 6 months ago

Sentinels should play ascent if they want to win. Save abyss as a trump card for future. FNC prolly bans sunset.

I hope/wish maps go 1. Lotus 2. Ascent 3. Binder

posted 6 months ago

Ok so this is probably the most important part of the game for tomorrow due to the team’s having similar map pools.

FNC have been perma banning icebox which is pretty convenient for Sen as it is not their best map. This is crucial. Sen need to ban haven. This is FNC’s best map by far, getting rid is so important in reducing fnc’s chances of winning.

Assuming FNC have first pick, FNC will probably take lotus. This is not bad for Sen, as long as they are comfortable and are calling well, Sen can win this map.

Sen pick 1: this is a controversial pick, but they need to pick ascent. fnc’s ascent is kind of dog and it’s a map that if Sen can perform even mid, I think they can take it.

FNC ban 2: here I think they ban sunset. Yes Sen do look weaker on it after today, but I am sure a long standing team like FNC understands they are still good at it, they just weren’t playing it well that day. Again, FNC has banned sunset often. Could also be abyss just due to unknown factor.

Sen ban 2: this is a really hard pick here. In my opinion, if FNC do not have the oversight to ban sunset and instead ban abyss(they don’t look great on it and they have no clue what Sen plays), then Sen should ban bind as FNC still looks good on it. If sunset is banned, I would say ban abyss. Yes, FNC look great on bind, but they if Sen want to have a chance in the next rounds on grand final, they need abyss as a hidden trick that can win them a guaranteed map.

In summary
Map 1: lotus
Map 2: ascent
Map 3: Bind

posted 6 months ago

Nrg 2024 > 2025 will be similar to Sen 2023 > Sen 2024 as long as they participate in the off season tournaments. Think the roster change mid season would have been more effective with time. Hopefully they have their roster + prospects decided and can prep more through off season tourneys and scrims. Americas is eating good 2025.

  • A Sen fan
posted 6 months ago

will comment, even if i think sen has a chance

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago

@astrogalaxy The roster you suggested sounds horrid. Breaking down who you said:

Som: Flex/Smokes
Yay: Chamber/Jett
Zekken: Duelist/Entry
Marved: Smokes

This team is pretty ass when we think this through. Zekken playing the role of entry is fine, but where does yay go, his main agents are chamber and jett, and he hasn't been promising on other agents. Not many maps require double duelist, with split and maybe breeze being justifiable. Marved would be the primary controller, but thats also the position that Som played for NRG, so there is a role conflict there. This team also misses a valuable initiator such as crashies, ethan, or com for example. The weaknesses in the roster's roles aren't the primary issue but even then its too big of a gap.

If nrg wants to create a good roster this is what they should do,

Keep ethan, the world's best flash initiator when he can play his role. Great Mid rounder
Keep Demon1, I assume like TenZ, the mental issues/backlash he is facing rn is weighing on his performance. At peak performance, explosive duelist.
Drop crashies- Ethan plays the same role as him, and as of everythinf and recency, I have Ethan as a better flash initator.
Try and keep victor, if possible it would be great to have him in a jawgemo type role, to be the primary entry for the team as when the EG roster existed.
Recruit Saadhak. World Class IGL, enough to be said.
Get Less, Once again world class player. Great viper + senti.

How roles would work:
Ethan- Flash initiator. Kayo skye, breach primarily.
Demon1- (2nd Entry + Flex Controller)Have him continue jett, but slowly let him explore smokes as he has with brim astra, and hopefully omen
Victor- Primarily Duelist- Raze Phnx Neon(Both Phnx and Neon he has play time under and it would be helpful to adopt some strats from Loud's playbook)
Saadhak- Flex/IGL
Less- Viper/Senti

This roster is achievable. Both saadhak and less are looking for teams right now and you have your other components.

posted 9 months ago

If we think about it tho 100t will be going against Lev, Loud(With a subbed less), EG(idk jawg could do sumn, but im taking 100t), mibr + fur(:skull, but maybe xand and pancada save furia who knows), and that leaves them with a min record of 3-7 max record of 8-2.

Sentinels goes against Kru(i think kru have been kind of exposed these last few series and is a very doable matchup), Sen v C9(yeah c9 can always have Oxy9 go crazy, so idk), G2(look good, but also dependent on icy going crazy(while valyn does do great, i think icy really needs to perform to consistently look great on their attack halves), NRG(truly mid after what we have seen), So min record of 3-7 or 7-3.

Now, I think why 100t looks so good is because of their strats and some individual talents. Whether its cryo popping off, asuna or bang. They all seem to have great talent. On top of that, their best map bind seems some what unpenetrable when it comes to their defensive half. But it has shown holes.

TLDR: Sen has a chance, but its reliant on relying on new comps, strats, and better anti-strating coming into this part of the season. Its unfortunate only G2 is coming from this side of the bracket, but sen has a chance depending on how they develop.

A suggestion I think might be useful is starting to use double duelist or 0 duelist comps on some maps. The main reasoning why TenZ was taken off that duelist position was because of his decision making was too rash and he was pressured to be primary entry. With his time as flex and now, zekken flourishing, tenz could take that jett or yoru spot on some maps, allowing zekken to do what he does best on raze. Also, zekken started his career as an igl and flex player. We have seen many comps in other regions with no duelists, zekken has experience playing agents such as sova and others. We could definitely see some interesting plays come out of sen, since their roster is really flexible when there is more though to it. Will see how life pans out though.

posted 9 months ago

thank u

posted 9 months ago

is aspas about to break the kill record. Pretty sure its like 101. Hes at 84 at map 4. So like 18 kills = breaking it, so prolly right?

posted 9 months ago