Flag: Canada
Registered: May 2, 2024
Last post: June 24, 2024 at 3:07 AM
Posts: 4

make chamber have instant shooting 100 bullet ultimate that costs 1 ult point his head hunter 1 tap to the legs and his tp can go wherever you want it to go using your mind

posted 1 week ago

The controller class is fucked right now. Astra needs a significant buff but omen also needs a small nerf to his smoke regen. As it stands he gets the most smokes out of any other controller besides harbour, but harbour can't smoke from afar and I guess clove but their smokes last 13 seconds. His blind is also just better than any other controller utility to set up his team, which isn't a big problem, but having that plus 5 smokes in a round is absurd. Nerf his smoke regen by 10 seconds and reduce his smoke range he should be balanced.

posted 1 week ago

Especially for such a mid team

posted 1 week ago

Astra sucks enough that no one will pick her over omen with few exceptions

posted 1 month ago