I will listen to ANY song you post in it's entirety and give my expert feedback on it. 10 mins max!
I searched new drop and clicked on the first result which is by Don Toliver so hope that's the one you meant. It's a pretty good song with a very nice beat. Don Toliver has a lot of bangers. I like most of the song but if I were to have any gripes about it, it'd be near 2:10, don't really fuck with that style of vocal modification or whatever you wanna call it. I can also see it getting a little repetitive but I could potentially see myself listening to this normally. Nice song.
I've never heard of this artist but this song is insane. I love this like "grunge"(?) style with the bass and drums (I don't think I know the right word, sorry don't know my genres very well) but any song with this style I immediately fall in love. Her vocals are very beautiful and the lyrics are catchy and easy to sing along if you wanted to. The rap(?) or the faster parts near the middle also flow very nicely and are very pleasant to listen to. Added this to my liked songs because I would definitely want to listen again.
Ok I know you said 10 minutes max but you should listen to Snowy roads by Cursedsnake
I'm not listening to the whole 48 minutes but I skipped through it a listened a bit (maybe like 7 minutes listened total). It has a nice feel but it's a little too edm-ish for me to listen to normally. I could see myself listening to it while reading since there's no vocals or maybe if it comes up on my youtube autoplay now that I opened the link then perhaps I'd stick around for a bit out of not being assed to change the song.
I had a really nice time listening to this song. The vocals are very beautiful and the instrumentals as well. I never would've found this otherwise since I haven't really expanded my music language horizons past cjk and english music so any recommendations past those are appreciated. I don't really use youtube for music, is this song on spotify? I don't really know what to search
Nice song buddy thanks for posting. I thought it was a joke post judging off the thumbnail but turns out they're just two guys! I don't think I'll ever get tired of acoustic music. I love the raw vocals of the left guy and the crowd singing near the end is beautiful honestly. They're also in like perfect sync that's so impressive to me even though it's a bit unrelated to the song. I'd love to learn guitar one day but not anytime soon. I'd definitely listen to this. 10/10
W the guys at the end are marietta this comes from an acoustic session they did together after a split ep they made both very good would recommend
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this one is another banger
there's like 2 more I wanna send but they're probably too close to current politics so best to leave them be
I'm curious do you listen to this for real or are you just sending it? Nothing wrong, you'd just be the first I've met that does. The music is actually pretty good but I also listened to the other one you sent and I think I'd prefer it over this (big shock ik). The Ottoman Empire one just leans into the bagpipes a little too much for my liking (although the recording might be making them sound worse). I was going to say this one was more menacing than the other but when I reached 2:00 on the Qing Dynasty anthem the drums made me think otherwise but then I reached 3:00 in and it became so majestic all of a sudden wtf
not too often now (I barely listen to music as it is), but I still sometimes listen to some historic songs while studying. I guess it just motivates me
(I think there was once a study once which proved higher BPM songs leads to better retention, and I mean these songs were usually made to motivate men to go die in war lol)
Lmao I've never thought of listening to historic songs while studying, and if you were studying history @ the same time that's actually a clever idea š gotta try it one day. I can't really listen to music while studying, can't pay attention to shit but if it's instrumentals like this then maybe
Idk how people don't/barely listen to music, my whole day is crowded by music but I know a lot of people who are the same way as you
Only song here that I've already heard already (still listened to it in full). The entirety of the album is pretty good I'd say. I like this song a little more than the others because it leans into the clean majestic vocals rather than the rap (even though Tyler's rap parts aren't bad). Also the beat drop (?) 3 minutes in is crazy good + followed by a beautiful ahh verse. Definitely something I'd listen to normally, just haven't been on the Tyler listening train for a minute. If I had to have a complaint, I don't really like when songs put nonsensical talking like at the end of this song. Whether it's at the end or the beginning, though it's usually more bearable for me if it was at the beginning because it's followed up by a beat drop or something similar perhaps
Never heard of this band but it's a really pleasant song you know. Even though it came out in 2008 it kind of gives me cyberpunk vibes with the background synth (?). The vocals remind me a little bit of mitski. Also I think the mixing is a little scuffed because she is so quiet or maybe that's intentional. Very calming, I don't really think I'd listen to or add it to anything at this point in time but maybe like 6 months ago would've been all over this song fs.
I've heard parts of this song on tiktok but never heard it in full before. The beat is really nice and the popular parts are pleasant to listen to. Probably would've absolutely loved this like 4 years ago. Still wouldn't mind listening to it right now but I have no playlists like this. You know Kid Cudi has a lot of great songs but often they get overshadowed by the tiktok audios. Lowkey I don't know if he produces them himself or what but with all his songs you can usually expect the beat to be something nice.
Lowkey I might get flamed a little because he seems so beloved by everyone but I don't really like any of Kendrick's stuff. Just feels like he's screaming the whole time and the beat be too hard. And why is he screaming mustard... š I don't understand the deal with this guy sorry... I've been telling everyone they have songs I'd listen to normally but I would go out of my way to avoid this song š
its very catchy and it came out 4 days ago. my favourite from her deluxe album
Heard good things about her album though never took a listen my self. First impressions is WTF is that album cover. Sza has some occasional bangers and this is no exception. Definitely really catchy and energetic. Although I think it may be missing a bit of variation throughout the duration ngl.
Also, I've heard other songs use this kind of beat (not sure what it's called) and while it's super fun to listen to I think I get tired of them a little quick. I could see myself listening to it a couple times but not a timeless song for me. Nice song though buddy. I'll give it an 8
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