Hello my VLR children hope you're all doing well here is my list of current best player in the game by letters of the alphabet.
Also they have to be currently playing, for example no leo or yay
A- Aspas
B- BenjyFishy
C- Chronicle
D- D4v4i/Derke
E- Ethan
F- F0rsaken
G- Grubinho
H- Hyunmin
I- Icy? Izzy?
J- Jawgemo
K- Karon
L- Leaf/Less
M- Meteor
N- nAts
O- Oxy
P- Primmie
Q- QutionerX
R- Riens
S- Sayf
T- T3xture
U- UdoTan
V- Valyn
W- Wo0t
X- Xeppa
Y- Yoman
Z- Zmjkk