Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 9:21 AM |
Posts: | 28607 |
How come you haven’t won ascension yet
Still haven't managed to win ascension
Turkish players are insane but you guys cannot make a good roster work out to save your lives. A thousand failed projects in Turkey and rosters that just implode mid season. The ones that usually work out are the ones you least expect, less egos
All going negative has nothing to do with baiting or not
I might just be a fucking idiot but coming into every T1 game this Masters I honestly thought they were gonna lose every single time (Other than Trace). It's the first time that ever happens to me so props to them
Well tbf GenG ain’t a bunch of friends out together either
narrate played 3 international games while being in EMEA and he won 1
Bro met some ladies in Bangkok and hasn't been the same ever since
Wake up early instead of going to sleep late if you don't wanna mess the schedule up
I do, both roles take different qualities but I’m talking more about a personal preference not even difficulty in this specific situations
Is it tho? I think it’s way more complex to determine than that
Either way I’m purely talking about what I like better not who is the better player. It’s almost aesthetic reasons, or feeling or idk
It’s not a now thing tho, it’s been like that since I ever first saw em play
I might be crazy, but I’m starting to see a trend here. I often find myself being a bigger fan of the clutcher than the superstar duelist
To be more specific, I’ve always liked Less over Aspas or Chichoo over Kangkang
You also want him to entry on Cypher or what?
Brother give the guy a break, he is already the IGL the lurker the Oper and the main fragger
As long as from now on we only play 5 rounds per map
Aspas was mid af the 2 first maps FNC won
Honestly think about that Lock In Icebox. I do not know if Loud comes that close to winning if you swap Aspas for Derke. But I sure as hell know FNC doesn't comeback without Derke, if you listen to those comms, Derke singlehandly wins that map
What I'm saying with this is, they're as polar opposite as 2 superstar duelists could possibly be. Completely different styles
For real idc, rig that shit if necessary but wtf is that
Yeah they might not be Bleed but they have money
Tell your friend the minimum salary for a VCT player is established by Riot and it's 40k a year. Which is more than 3k a month so that's impossible. And while PRX might not be the richest org out there they wouldn't be able to retain players so long if they didn't have at least somewhat of a competitive salary. They all get paid more than 6k a month 100%
Hell no leave the goat Caps alone, G2 is winning Worlds
Bro's the best player in the world as long as he's playing an EMEA team
He just started playing with ChipiChapa, this is his first professional team, but he's not a 16 year old, he's 21
So yeah, he's probably gonna be one of if not the best sentinel prospect this year
yeah but one kick off doesn't make up for all of last year, it's a good sign, but it could very much be a 1 tournament thing
It's not just rumors, Anonimotum reported verbal agreement, that might aswell be official. And I don't think EMEA teams are making changes after Kick off, we'll see what he decides, I don't think he'll join tier 2 since good teams are playing EMEA masters and not making changes. Probably will have to wait until after stage 1
still a lost season for no reason at all. He could have won a bunch of trophies with VIT
FNC already signed doombros for assistant and promoted Milan
I think he was and still the best player on that roster yeah
Bro rejected Vitality and half of EMEA to accept the NRG job and they kicked him after Kick off brother xDDDDDD
I'd argue that is not as bad as what NRG did to bonkar. Natank was either LEV or tier 2, meanwhile Bonkar was wanted by 90% of EMEA, including Vitality I believe, and now he's jobless xDDD
Oh really?
Then I'm just pointing out their history aswell xD
Itopia was apek coach when natank beat them to win ascension
Brother wanted to sign him in the first place
So LEV managed to sell more bundles than the other 10 teams because their logo is cool? People were just buying it even though they don't like LEV. Or maybe it's that LATAM fans have more money and they can afford it, which one do you think it is? Okay brother, whatever you wanna believe
you could make a case Lev are the team with the least fans in americas
No, no you can't
the fans they did have 1/2 years ago, all root for Kru now
Lev still has a shit tone of fans, a LATAM fan will 90% of the time support LEV if they're not playing KRU
Not how it works, also LEV had the second most sold bundle in Americas last year only behind SEN
It isn't the last year, you're probably confused cause it's till 2026, but it's until the off season of 2026, so this year and 1 more
It was 4 years, we're in the begging of the third
Holy random af. They did a Rossy to Natank, poor guy
Vania has the most firepower on the team, makes sense. Mimi can IGL better on smokes
Yeah I'm glad Upset is reaching his potential now that he has a good support and jungle in FNC
also that was the buyout they paid C9, not Tenz's salary
if we're talking about form, yes
The community complained pretty strongly about bo1's but at the same time they wanted all teams to play on the same day to reduce cost since they were forced to expand the amount of teams. So they kinda met halfway thinking it was a good idea