do you guys think PRX will change anyone in roster?
if so who?
not at all. his KJ is quite good and forsaken can play cypher and kj to a high level. The main reason they cant play sentinel is because of something and jingg. if you have seen the meta has been the sentinel or flex player being able to play duelist and some sentinel. ( meteor, tex) but the flexibility on jinggg and something is really low which impacts what the team can run.
I don't want to anything to change. Tanmay said after bleed demoted from league.
babyjj out for FNS. FNS's calling lead paper rex to 3 finals with something picking up raze and forsaken going i miss her mode and prx going full s gaming. baby jing's crazy raze instalock on every single map brings nrg to 3 finals with s0m and jinggg duoing in the ranked and shitting on every uncle aimer in NA. Demon1 and Jinggg bring back the jett and raze double duelist meta, both dropping 200 against every shitty na team. prx meet nrg in all 3 international finals. Paper rex win bangkok due to home crowd buff. NRG win toronto due to home crowd buff. It all comes down to the finals in paris. PRX go up 2-0 due to FNS's insane calling and something jett diffing demon1. However, PRX choke to NRG and brings it to 2-2 with baby jing's crazy raze shitting on PRX and demon1's omen diffing mindfreak (HAHHAH) as PRX's choke heritage comes into play. On the final map of split, FNS comes up with a crazy idea, he goes completely silent and PRX go up 9-0. FNS exclaims in excitement and finally starts speaking saying that there was no way PRX loses this. The moment pujan opened his mouth, things changed. NRG go up 10-6 with s0m and demon1 one tapping every single prx member. FNS seeing this. goe silent again and PRX go up 11-10. baby jing has not had a good map. He pied and everyone was calling him Ping and J0nggg. He curls his fist. For all the abuse by indonesian m0ny0t lovers and NA couch potato, jobless baiters on vlr, and for all the people calling him washed and a 3 agent merchant. They were wrong, he was a ONE agent merchant. He double satchels into PRX and aces twice in a row. All my baby jing lovers cheer and start to applaud him. At match point, with PRX in shambles. FNS raging along with alecks(the desk slapping merchant), forsaken looking like he was going to cry, something's arm shaking so bad that it was impossible to aim steady. Jinggg smiles, for one last time, double satcheling in PRX and aceing YET AGAIN. NRG HAS WON CHAMPS AND NO ONE GETS TO CALL BABYJJ J0NGG BECAUSE MY PES F GOAT HAS WON CHAMPS BEFORE P0P0R R0X.
They probably won't make any changes in players but in roles. Jinggg has been playing Jett a lot more than he used to, so maybe we see him as the full time duelist. Something has been playing a lot of initiators, specifically Sova and Fade, so we might see him play full time initiator alongside the Gekko and Breach.
Which means f0rsakeN flex and d4v41 sentinel, and of course mindfreak controller.
If PRX want to win a trophy they probably need to drop jinggg or something, both players have their own unique styles and bringing in a proven igl or excellent support player would solve some of the teams issues. Like EDG choosing S1mon wasn't a firepower choice it was more of a 'team player' choice.