i said this in another thread but i will copy paste it here
"they are accused of committing many human rights violations which include but are not limited to modern slavery, women's rights, restriction of free speech and war crimes. they are also associated with extremist groups allegedly, idk how much validity these allegations have. despite this, they still maintain close ties with many western countries including the US."
I would put that 4th point as 1st but this community as a generalization doesn't care about the treatment of minorities (and in this case also women)
Excluding any moral reasons the tournament is kinda ass.
"The announcement does not include information about which games will be played as best-of-ones, best-of-threes, or best-of-fives."
This means we got bo1s the same way it means all matches will be bo5s.
It is simply saying that they dont have that information yet
Also, even if they had a valorant event last year and it was invite, it doesnt mean that it would be invite again