This for some reason is a hot take now, but how tf are people getting hurt by words? If someone is actually bullying you then its a different story, however, when something is said with no ill intent and not even towards you, it offends you? I just saw the zellsis "drama" and it genuinely has me concerned for some peoples mental state. Do yall think zekken is like "omg zellsis actually thinks I'm a r*****"? (imma censor it bc apparently its the worst word to exist)
Why is intent never taken into account anymore? When people thought extraemily said the n**** and people went apeshit, while she seems like genuinely one of the sweetest people ever, even if she did, she clearly wasn't being hateful to anyone. I just can't understand people anymore, why is everything a problem nowadays and everyone is trying to cancel everyone over the smallest things?
hate me or not, this is just my honest take