Flag: Monaco
Registered: May 29, 2024
Last post: March 9, 2025 at 2:37 PM
Posts: 15

i dont care that much that zellsis accidentally said it in the podcast. zellsis can simply learn to stop saying it big whoop. it's disturbing though how many chronically online val fans are now going into the comment section of everyone who disagrees with zellsis using the word and just insulting them and calling them the word and also other things like the f slur.

posted 1 day ago

you got 3-0ed

posted 2 weeks ago

they said this about nrg when they faced blg for the second time too

posted 1 month ago

th need to ban abyss they have too much trauma from this map

posted 1 month ago

you really want to kick talon's igt? (in game translator)

posted 1 month ago

how did i just notice that 100t stole the edg champs comp for lotus

posted 1 month ago

everyone thought edg was gonna get grouped fym "overrated"??? they were extremely underrated all throughout champs until the grand finals

posted 6 months ago

Who is currently the best player in VCT for each of the duelist agents?

Some picks from me:

Jett: Aspas. His Jett is insane, with a rating of 1.30 in the past 60 days, and high ratings for other agents too. Yes, rating isn't everything, but if you look at the stats for first engagements, you can see he is not exactly the baiter and statpadder everyone says he is. He actually helps his team by entrying most of the time as Jett.

Raze: Previously, I may have said Jawgemo or Jinggg, but this year hasn't looked great for Jinggg and Jawgemo has not played nearly as many games as many other players have, since his team did not do quite so well. I think now the best Raze is probably Zekken or Derke, who both helped carry their teams in Champs with very high KDAs and ratings as primarily Raze mains even in games they lost.

Neon: Although earlier in the year I might have said MiniBoo, now I would have to give this title to Kangkang. His first engagement rate as Neon is through the roof, and he probably has the highest rate of successful slide kills in VCT. Also, EDG started doing better around the time CN got access to the Neon buffs in the update. Looking at grand finals specifically, his Neon on Sunset was absolutely bonkers.

Reyna, Yoru, Iso, and Phoenix are not played super often, so it's hard to say who's the "best" on a certain agent if there's only one person who regularly plays them, eg. Reyna for PRX something (although he didnt play her in Champs). Yoru is sometimes played by Derke, but rarely played by anyone else recently, except for Life on Abyss. Iso was used a bit when he was buffed and then quickly fell off in usage, but Alfajer seemed to have made good use of him on Haven. And I gotta be honest but I don't remember Phoenix being utilized well at all recently. These are just some thoughts I have; I don't really have a "best player" to pick for these agents.

All of this is just my opinion. What does everyone else think?

posted 6 months ago

i want my money

posted 6 months ago

her translations arent the best but she gets the point across most of the time. translation "this road was too hard for us" as "this was not an easy road for us" did not get the same emotion expressed as his original words though.

posted 6 months ago

china isn't making it out of groups, as much as i want them to.

posted 7 months ago

closest odds i've ever seen. 1.84 to 1.84.

posted 7 months ago

g2 already made it to finals

posted 7 months ago

lev has the chance to do the funniest thing

posted 7 months ago

people said that about nrg when they faced bilibili the second time too "they never lose rematches"

posted 7 months ago