How are people so sensitive?

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This for some reason is a hot take now, but how tf are people getting hurt by words? If someone is actually bullying you then its a different story, however, when something is said with no ill intent and not even towards you, it offends you? I just saw the zellsis "drama" and it genuinely has me concerned for some peoples mental state. Do yall think zekken is like "omg zellsis actually thinks I'm a r*****"? (imma censor it bc apparently its the worst word to exist)

Why is intent never taken into account anymore? When people thought extraemily said the n**** and people went apeshit, while she seems like genuinely one of the sweetest people ever, even if she did, she clearly wasn't being hateful to anyone. I just can't understand people anymore, why is everything a problem nowadays and everyone is trying to cancel everyone over the smallest things?

hate me or not, this is just my honest take


its chronically online people


cuz ur representing an org, thats where the problem is


ohhh so that's why there's a bunch of kids crying over this, they are harming the org!




simple answer its a slur. is it really that hard to not say it? the words historically have been used to shame certain groups for a reason. youd think we would be past the point of having such limited vocabulary


Also a medical term, zellsis didnt seem to have a malicious intent


it started as a medical term absolutely. but hes not a doctor is he. everyone by now know its a slur thats why they use it. the point of it is to compare someone who you think is stupid/annoying whatever to someone that has a disability. that is ill intent regardless of how you say it bcos its definition changed. im not gonna care if they use it bcos i dont put pros on a pedestal but theres a million other words they can use and personally i dont bcos its really easy not to


people dont call people diagnosed with the medical term the word, they call their friends it, it was something between friends and at the end of the day its a word.


i think the important part is that he said it on camera and it wasn't censored. tbf there are tons of other words to choose from and if you're on camera, filming a content, its a bit of an obvious thing to use words that is not a slur
I mean SEN content team could have just censored that word but they really let it out like that.


Thats absolutely true, I feel as though it shows they are good friends with eachother and even though its for content purposes its natural for it to slip out sometimes, the content people should have removed it, but It shouldn't be a huge deal, in my opinon.


personally, yea it got blown out way more than it should have been. SEN content team had 1 job to do man.


its not that deep. if ur offended by the word then just ignore it


realistically doesnt solve the problem but read what i said in #9.


i kinda get what ur saying but at this point (at least for me) retard has went from meaning "mentally disabled' to just "ur being a dumbass" + policing speech especially in a situation like this is hella lame


but thats bcos in your speech its so normalised like any other word could be eg swearing ppl think exactly the same for that and people just dont like hearing it bcos of how that word is typically used. i get you might not have bad intentions to actually say it towards someone which the slurs are used for but to some ppl they still will and how is everyone to know oh they dont actually mean it. thats why its easy to just swap it out for another that means exactly the same thing. you cant get rid of its history basically. the same way you cant erase the history of the n word regardless of how you use it. like someone said he also is part of an ORG so different standards


Yo shit-for-brains, thats how language works. I promise there are words in your vocabulary that were previously medical terms for the disabled are now NORMALIZED INSULTS. Language evolves over time. The difference being the N-Word has ALWAYS been used to disparage a race. It has not evolved, it has not normalized. Grow up.


Just because you think it's a normalized insult doesn't mean it's right to say. what a braindead take. it's like people calling homosexual people f*gs back in the day. Don't use any of them, and there will be no issues. SEN is still a public facing org at the end of the day. They have to control PR and not look like homophobic, racist, or promote hate speech, even if he just casually let it slip due to him using it in his daily volcabulary.


for the first time a westjett video is partially correct


nvm i read what penpen said




honestly ive just stopped caring about this stupid internet drama. I don’t know the correct answer.. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, I just don’t say it because it might offend people. I don’t care who’s right or wrong and honestly it’s made me a lot happier. I will simply watch my valorant games and be happy with my free entertainment without worrying about twitter nerf wars.


Normally I don't but I saw he put out an apology tweet, so I checked it out and became very disappointed in people who made it such a big deal


I think a lot of people havent been through the burnt of real life, therefore creating a drift between balance of empathy and apathy. Its all back to weak man create hard world blah blah blah. Or they are so deprived of emotinal attachment in real life, they form a parasocial connection to organization/people that dont know them.


I work with people with disabilities and it is obviously highly offensive when you use an intelectual disability as an offense, they are by far the most marginalized people and many of them can't even defend themselves and need their parents to have a life and to fight for them (many arent oralized or can't even go to the bathroom by themselves). Just try to be less of a douche.

And it is not a "minor" thing, just as I, as a gay guy, won't accept many words of prejudice that someone might use against me. Again, they just can't defend themselves for many reasons

edit: don't forget about how you hurt the people around the PwD. Calling someone retardad is also offensive to people that have PwD at home in their intense need of care or you are just refering to his relative as a lesser person. This shouldn't be so hard to understand


retard doesnt mean intellectually disabled anymore and its not used in that sense by anyone,its a synonym for just stupid at this point,the word can be used in many ways depending on the context,calling someone with a disability a retard is for sure offensive and disgusting but the word has evolved past that,sure in a ideal world nobody would ever say any mean words no matter what but its pathetic trying to mob up on someone for saying something so small in a clearly non offensive context


Sure, let's do a game of imagination: what comes into your mind when you thing about "someone retardad". But I won't explain to you the meaning of words and how they impact groups of people. You are using the same articulation as people use when they try to say that doing "gay jokes" isn't homophobic.

You are free to be stupid and rude if this is what you want.


somebody whos stupid or slow,im pretty sure the word impacts soft people like u more than the people who actually qualify as formerly known "mentally retarded".The slur connotation of retard is not the only meaning the word,a moron or a idiot literally means the same thing and im sure people who had learning disabilities used to get called that too but they are still fine apparently,wheres the line of whats considered so "offensive" u need to apologize for saying it lol


Dude, have you read "I work with PwD"? specially autistic people. I know how they feel about, because I see it and I see how invisible they are for the society. You talk to me as being soft, I am not, I could demoralize you without using any kind of slur, but I just don't see the point of not being empathetic with others.

You don't know "where is the line of what is offensive" because you can't put yourself on other's shoes, not even for a minute. You probably never ever saw a PwD, a severe autistic, cerebral palsy or whatever. But... guess it is what it is, the true stupid people are the majority.


i dont think u read what i said lol,words can have different meanings in different context,i reaaaaaally doubt the people u work with care about what word someone uses when describing something stupid,i think its u who cares because u associate the word retard with disabled people so every time someone says it u think its the same as "u act like a disabled person" when it doesnt even mean that anymore,u cleverly left out the part where i said are words like idiot and moron acceptable because they have the exact same history and they were the actual slurs for stupid people when "retard" was a completely neutral term

"In typical usage, retard is a pejorative term either for someone with an actual mental disability, or for someone who is considered stupid, slow to understand"

"Retard was previously used as a medical term. The verb "to retard" means 'to delay or hold back', and so "retard" became known as a medical term in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to describe children with intellectual disabilities, or retarded mental development.[5] For context, until the 1960s, the terms moron, idiot, cretin, and imbecile were all genuine, non-offensive terms used, including by psychiatrists, to refer to people with mental intellectual disabilities and low intelligence."

"Much like today's socially acceptable terms idiot and moron, which are also defined as some sort of mental disability, when the term retard is being used in its pejorative form, it is usually not being directed at people with mental disabilities. Instead, people use the term when teasing their friends or as a general insult.[12]"



"I reaaaaaally doubt the people you work with care" Do you have any basis for thinking that or do you believe that so you don't have to feel bad for using slurs? In reality, when people are bullied or hurt with certain words or slurs repeatedly, it isn't fun to see those words thrown around casually by other people. I know that I, a gay guy who was called and heard a lot of homophobic slurs growing up, certainly care when people use homophobic slurs or gay jokes and I know disabled people who definitely do NOT like people to use the word retarded. Maybe you have to experience that or have empathy for people that do to understand idk


"homophobic slurs" and a synonym for stupid is not the same btw,retard is not a exclusive slur targeting people with mental disabilities as i just showed in the previous reply, its a term also used in the same context as moron,imbecile or idiot,basically any derogatory word describing stupid in some way,u guys have just latched on to this one word because its the the new trend to be offended over without even knowing the other words share the exact same history and backround but arent considered offensive by anyone in todays age because nobody told u they were used as a "slur" against a "marginalized group" hence no one cares when someone says "moron" or "idiot" nowadays. Funny how words only mean something when U give power to them


Oh yeah, because f** was totally only ever used against gay people and never "excused" as "just jokingly among friends".

Your argument has been made a thousand times, with all sorts of words. It never holds.

Words mean something when people USING THEM give them power. But that power doesn't magically dissappear when a new person picks up the word. If you were a decent human being, you'd not be using words that remind people they're unjustly oppressed every fuckin day, just cuz they're "funny" and it's mildly inconvenient for you to make the tiny effort to use something less charged.


ur comparing insulting gayness to insulting someones intelligence lmaoo,u people who try to make the word retard about disabled people are making the word more offensive than the people actually using it,i just gave u countless words that were originally used in the same way as "retard" and they dont have that connotation because people werent telling u theres some hidden insult against the disabled when there isnt so now those words have evolved past their original meanings


bring back bullying, that's gonna 100% resolve the issue of people being overly soft


Lower EQ people caused it, higher EQ people will ignore those bait


i dont care that much that zellsis accidentally said it in the podcast. zellsis can simply learn to stop saying it big whoop. it's disturbing though how many chronically online val fans are now going into the comment section of everyone who disagrees with zellsis using the word and just insulting them and calling them the word and also other things like the f slur.


Words mean things, and what you say is representative of you as a person. It’s literally that simple.

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