Tell me you know nothing without telling me you know nothing omfg. I've watched every drx game since they started in valorant, and I can tell you right now that you're wrong about most of what you said firstly freeing is igling now, it was a trial during an off-season tournament and they stuck with it. Athan is unproven rn but judging on how he is performing compared to beyn, I would say they are very very similar in terms of skill. Maybe agent pool is a bit different but that's it. Rb was not very comfortable on initiators like kayo, and he had a couple of decent sova games but that was it. He is phenomenal on sentinels like kj or cypher, and was alright at astra, but on the other agents he flexed on, including duelist, he was underwhelming. Rb was indeed mechanically good, but his performances on the agents he wasn't comfortable on did not reflect that skill so he got dropped. I spent a while coming to terms with why drx did what they did last year, but look at who replaced his main role on drx. Flashback might be a top 3 mechanically gifted player in the pacific region rn, he clears rb. Idk about now on TEC because I don't really watch China games, but from his time on drx , I can say that much about rb. The only time buzz was not playing duelist on drx was during the chamber era and very rarely on kj and kayo in 2022. Since 2023, he's been a duelist player exclusively. He is good on other roles, but that doesn't change the fact that he literally only plays duelists now.