ya we'll have to see how it goes. I hope it goes well.
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Registered: | February 1, 2023 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 8:36 PM |
Posts: | 2685 |
ya we'll have to see how it goes. I hope it goes well.
I don't think a self-admitted ascendant 1 player has any right to call one of the top Americas pro players a "bum"
Brother his mother died from cancer just 1 month ago. He played this game wanting to get a win for her.
If you filter by playoffs, then he was the 3rd highest rated player in playoffs, behind trent and Chichoo.
Stop being braindead.
Jett can throw a smoke for herself, which is easily replaced by astra/omen(or any other dome controller really) support smoke.
Jett CANNOT take A main ascent the way Waylay can. Waylay will be able to go from A short to Top Mid in less than 5/6 seconds. No other duelist can do that.
Your take is 100% valid, but i think the point is that he knew G2 could get 8 rounds on defense, but dominating with 9 rounds against a double duelist comp is hard, so I'm not going to fault him too harshly for that.
The real issue is the comp's weakness on attack. They needed to default more and show more B main presence so that T1 wouldn't stack A so much, but they didn't do that almost at all.
Let's focus on map 5, since that was the deciding map, specifically the first half. The first half was so important that JoshRT used both timeouts.
He used his last timeout for the last round of the half. If G2 had won that round, and the 2nd half played out the way we saw, G2 would have reached 13 rounds in regulation.
But G2 did not win that round. And that round embodied G2's problems on the map, specifically on offense.
G2's comp simply does not have a strong B execute. That's the limitation of Chamber and vyse. So without ults online, the comp struggles to take B.
T1 knew this, and they always leaned towards A, using either aggressive kj turret positioning or Izu with his tp taking aggressive space on the B side, to enable the rest of T1 to lean A.
T1's comp has great retake potential. Neon with her wall and sliding in, Izu with flashes, Stax with sova util.
On the last round of the first half, Izu was aggresive in B main, and that allowed the rest of T1 to already be on A and to spam the smokes during the execute and get kills.
Have you seen some of the shit she can do? She can pop up in Ascent A main so fast it's ridiculous.
In a pro environment, how are you stopping her if she has supportive stuns and flashes being thrown for her?
Vision strikers is a very strong B main control play; she can do "vision strikers" on any part of the map, on any map.
she enables so much by being so broken. You can do double dive with her for unstoppable site execs. You use her as solo duelist and do double initiator, double sentinel, or even double controller.
She makes Phoenix, Chamber, and Jett almost entirely pointless. The only thing she doesn't have is flashes, but she doesn't need any because she is worth building a comp around.
She is going to be meta lmao. She has way too much in her kit.
Her dive is the best dive in the game currently. It has it's drawbacks, but all the dives have their own drawbacks, and her dive allows you to do more than Jett's updraft + dash or Raze's double satchel for executes/retakes. Or even aggressively fighting for space. Have you watched her gameplay?
She then has a piece of util which on offence is basically a no-kill required phoenix ult, and on defence is a chamber tp. The only limitation on defence is the timer, but you can just use it on contact with your team's sentinel/initiator util.
Her stun/slow is very strong and can be comboed with other util.
She is the only duelist with a site-wide ultimate, which once again can be comboed with other util.
She is busted.
who tf is necroing all the Lockin crowd threads lmao
it's dishonest to edit your previous comment to address something I said in reply to you, without clarifying that you made an edit. That's pretty self obvious.
one tournament =/= period of dominance.
one team =/= entire region
That's it.
Holy revisionism LMAO.
-EMEA got grouped at Madrid.
-Fnatic won no games in Shanghai, FUT got to playoffs off beating DRG & a struggling LEV and only beat Fnatic in playoffs, only TH with the podium finish, and it took them 3 tries to beat G2. 100T & G2 cleared the rest of EMEA.
-Champs: Fnatic, after not winning any international games for the whole year, finally got 5th/6th, losing to SEN.
In what world is that a two team region. Heretics was the only good, consistent team from EMEA in 2024.
Fnatic won Tokyo & Lockin. Navi got 3rd/4th at Lockin. Navi proceeded to get grouped at the next two tournaments, and FUT bombed out of playoffs at champs & Liquid only ot to playoffs in Tokyo because of seeding given to them by Fnatic. They got first rounded at champs.
Fnatic was the only good EMEA team in 2023.
FPX was a consistently solid team. Fnatic had a singular top 4 placement, and then 5th/6th. Fnatic in 2022 was not a serious contendor. None of the other EMEA teams are even up for discussion.
FPX was the only good EMEA team in 2022, and you could maybe argue Fnatic were half decent.
In the past 3 years EMEA has been a one team region. EMEA did well in 2021. That's it. There's never been this multi-year period of EMEA dominance. That's a myth.
My reply to you said "yes at Champs 2021 EMEA was dominant"
One tournament in the first year of pro valorant. Not for several years like the original post, or like you tried to say in your reply to me. You continually ignore the point of EMEA being a one team region for the past 3 years, but whatever. You try to shift the goal posts of the conversation to ignore the points you don't like.
Whatever. It's clear that you're baiting, so good job I guess.
Please read what I wrote again. One team doing well =/= region doing well.
Bro also deliberately excluded Masters Reykjavík lmao, for no good reason.
EMEA has had a good team every year. Gambit in 2021, yes at champs 2021 EMEA was dominant with Gambit & Ascend, FPX 2022, Fnatic 2023, TH 2024.
In the past three years, EMEA has been a one team region at best. This is not difficult to understand. Outside of Heretics in 2024, no EMEA team was good. Outside of Fnatic in 2023, no EMEA team was good. Outside of FPX in 2022, no EMEA team was good. Fin.
0/8; EMEA was never dominant, the revisionists are back at it again saying that one team doing well somehow makes that entire region good.
IDK if you're a fragging IGL, but you're 100% the blue-collar working man's champion IGL.
Mirai sykko
(I'll see myself out)
I usually tune into matches live past the initial ads, and mute when it goes to ad break. Plus apparently the moan got muted for a year.
Just started to watch the vod of G2 vs TE. WTF is that moan the vod starts with
I dont want to spoil, but stick through to season 2. I promise you will be happy.
Thank you, but I am very alone.
(sadge DSG moment)
any clips of what he said? he's just dming rn
Congratulations! Hope you have a long and happy relationship!
bro it doesn't work as an AITA if you leave specifics in.
-remove fns, just refer to him as IGL (32m)
-remove shopify gold, say you got an offer with another team
this might the funniest sentence I have ever read on vlr
Is all this Rob Moore shit coordinated engagement bait?
There's no way Rob is being serious, right? Because this is the cringest shit I've ever seen in VCT if it's not engagement bait.
I would argue PRX Pearl 2023 instead of bind.
wait, he even outed himself for being a bandwagoner lmao:
non-sensical defense, as expected from a bandwagoner
no, alecks straight up told something to play reyna instead of gekko lmao
Imagine being a bandwagoner who used to say MiBR > G2:
Bro is so dedicated to hating that he's replying to month-old threads. I can at least respect the dedication.
brother the only way to disprove this is to deactivate your account because LEV made top 3 at champs.