« When Deadlock first came out the whole scene decided she was bad because her Sonic Sensor didn't act like a Cypher trip. »
Deadlock doesnt sound as a good exemple, she was really bad after release and did receive a huge amount of up and still stand under 10 % Pickrate even after all that huge ajustement, I kinda agree with the community saying she would be viable if her sensor would work as a trip. People where getting mad because she couldn’t properly cover the flank, and for a senitnel it’s something even Chamber could do. I was studying the meta at this time and in proplay they are a consensus about having 1 diver, 1reveal, 1 smoker in every team, and then we had 3 places for 2 profil (Sentinel, 2nd controller, Flasher), and when you dont fit any of the 3 first catégorie, then you really need to be strong to find a place in the meta, and being a Sentinel that cant cover flank make it even more hard, and since she have nothing special that make her OP, I don’t think even all this up she will be meta (And it’s a shame because I love her design and lore)
« The reasons I would consider Sage a Sentinel are her wall denies space and vision. » doesnt denying space and vision being exactly the definition for a controller ? Sage is an expert of slicing dangerous territorry thanks to her wall, as you said in your definition of controller. ^^
« She can control space with her slow ability » Sentinel are good to own a space they have, while controller are good to make a separation between 2 space, her orb sounds more in the 2 catégorie, it allow you to stall and will more work than an Astra pull or a molly than controller have (And the only exemple that exist in senintel is KJ molly, Deadlock gravnet is another case since the spell doesnt stay on the ground countrary to all those other spells)
« Her Resurrection and Heal are more selling points for a certain type of playstyle. »
I definitly agree on that.
« A playstyle for playing passive. »
In atk, the one that have to play passive is the solocontroller, he is not allowed to take any risk because if he is dead the round is over, and in defense nobody can really be passive.
« For me, controllers offer a gamble and don't lock anything down. » I disagree on that, smoke lock space and force people to respect them, smoke is as good at locking space than any sentinel utility (Maybe even better, since most of sentinel util can be broken really fast). Sure you can cross a smoke, but you will need to use util to cross, because if you dont it’s not a gamble, you are in a situation where you will probably die, kinda the same way that you will probably die if you run into Sentinel util, without breaking them or baiting them x)
« Outside of Astra's slow, most controllers are there to make it risky for you to attack. I know this seems similar but controllers don't focus on attacking your movement, they focus on attacking your health pool. » To me it’s the exact countrary, as I say in the video, role of sentinel is to setup deadly trap that threaten directly your healthpool and all their kit is turn in that direction without the help of anyother agent. Sometime I just feel a common subconscient definition is « A defensive agent like controller, but that dont have smoke » T.T Can you develop more on the mouvement thing ? You might have an intresting point here cause that true that a common point sentinel kinda have, but I dont think it can be seen as a main definition (because if slowing was the turning point, then Astra and Harbor would be seen as sentinel), but to be frank, the mouvement ability is kinda minor, since all thoose slow are meant to be destroy, and doesnt play a huge part on the kit.
« But I think at the end of the day, the beautiful part is, you can choose to play any agent the way you want. »
Sure ! But, my question is here not to say to anyone how they should play any agent, I’m a huge fan of the creativity using Sage, wish is to me the best agent in term of gamedesign (Because it’s allow to support a lot the team, but also to be sometime selfish thanks to the creativity the wall be bring !
The question on how I class Sage is here for one reason : I need to class her when I’m doing my « archetype math » if you already saw one of my vid about analysis you probably now what I mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXpGC-wAsZE but to be short I analysis the winrate of everycomposition in fonction of their number of sentinel, initiator, controller and duelist, and Sage is the only one I cant class T.T