Flag: France
Registered: December 21, 2022
Last post: March 3, 2025 at 8:48 AM
Posts: 3350
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Bro, they push G2 in game 5, lets be honest the gap between the 8 team in Bangkok where almost non existant, everyone could have won Bangkok on a good day, or with a slightly better read of the meta. The player are good, they just need to work better instead of spending time on finding a scapegoat

posted 21 minutes ago

You did it, you winned all by betting on the underdog ! T1 bring you first place

posted 16 hours ago

Good point, thats true we where good for 3 years, we also have to keep in mind that last year Heretics is in final twice, we are not as bad as people says, EMEA was trash at this event ? No worry, everyone can be bad at some point, next master may be too early, but we will come back stronger at champions !

posted 16 hours ago

Furrya ! <3

posted 16 hours ago

Gamebreaker ! I'm curious to see if that strat will work on next event !

posted 17 hours ago

Final ranking :

  • PP12123213123 4155 (Put T1 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd lel)
  • 229fn 3082 (Correctly guess T1 win)
  • Minna-bot 1651
  • number2_cNed_fan 1044
  • deranker 1029
  • highlyte 1012
  • tserc 919
  • Finzori 902
  • Maxine-bot 729
  • scarlemange 729
  • zhongZHI 729
  • Laundry 728
  • Kirako 563
  • GambleNats 313
posted 17 hours ago

Wait as an emergency sub ??

posted 21 hours ago

i'm so scared about the future

posted 21 hours ago

Wait... I'm starting to think that non-ironically, please make me change my mind

posted 22 hours ago

And that what always should be

posted 1 day ago

then it's just sound as hatefull speech little girl

posted 2 days ago

Fly quest sounds the org that made the most sense since it's an NA based team that doesnt have a T2 team but show interest in val since they have a GC roster

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

When did I act like that ? Did I say "Omg best american team is better than EMEA" or "NA is so bad they need to import more" ?

posted 2 days ago

I feel Icebox is mush more no brainer than Breeze, the new change make me change my mind on the map

posted 2 days ago

Import- kills a region in long term.

And acting like if EMEA hasnt made top 4 and top 6, your 2nd best team didnt even beat Liquid

posted 2 days ago

Again and again : 0 team planet
If G2 is mid then it's a 0 team planet

posted 2 days ago

How disbanding will help us to improve ?

posted 2 days ago

Same for the 8 team in this master TBH

posted 2 days ago

Split APAC in 2, Pacific (KR+JP+TW+OCE) and Asia (SEA+SA+ME and either TR or CIS or both) (We keep Magrehb for ping and cultural reason)

posted 2 days ago

It's a shame CIS doesnt have any spot in EMEA but sadfully it's lack some place in the franchise list

I have a hope for 2027 or 2031 :

  • KR become too big,
  • War is over and CIS is back (finally a T2)
  • Reduction to 8 franchised team and 4 ascended (In EMEA only GX and one TR team can be dropped, every other 8 franchise are too important, -1BR team, -1NA team)

And this 3 thing create a situation where :

  • Riot decide to Split Asia (SA-SEE + potentially MENA and CIS) and Pacific (KR-JP-OCE)
  • In Pacific OCE and TW receive a spot (One remaining spot for unkown team)
  • In Asia MENA, CIS, VN receive a spot (and lets be honest CIS will have 2 or 3 of the 4 ascention spot)

Problem with this is that CIS deserve 2 spots and in that system they are only one left, meaning while in Pacific they are 1 franchise spot left (And
It's hard to say who could have the next spot but Japan have already 2 may be enough, and Korea shouldn't have 4 franchised spot especially since they probably will have 3 ascended team already so they don't need one more franchised.
I have a wet dream of the last spot is going to north korea for more hype, but it's impossible. Mongolia and maybe Hong Kong are 2 dark horse but too small for having a franchised team

posted 2 days ago

If we want a TR superteam, then we might need to count TR player as an import in other EMEA team, so you dont get poached

posted 2 days ago

We need a Russian Franchise, a Russian T2, and maybe even a Russian T1 if KR become a huge powerhouse and we need to split Asia and Pacific

posted 2 days ago

I'm glad we pass swiss, TL and VIT did better than expected, and VIT actually show improvement compared to their horrific run in EMEA that look impressive only because everyone where horrible

posted 2 days ago

She might stay in EMEA for good now

posted 2 days ago

I admit we are too small compared to Jupiter

posted 2 days ago

Russian need a T2 (and maybe even a T1) region

posted 2 days ago

I don't understand why, they have strong argument for Ceres, more than overrated Pluto

posted 3 days ago

So we are supposed to not talk about that thing that might affect val ?

posted 3 days ago

Mirror is an underated concept in video games

posted 3 days ago

<3 on you my bro, I though nobody would get this one T.T

posted 3 days ago

trent < trente-et-un

posted 3 days ago

It seems with a new law, trans people would have issue to get a VISA to play in the USA, because it would be consider that they commit a fraud on their birth date by the Trump administration, wish may impact a lot GCC in the near future.

(You guys that want to ban politic from this site are delusional as fuck, with how mush politics impacted Valorant in the 3 last years and unavoidable)

posted 3 days ago

thanks for the answer

posted 3 days ago

What are you talking about ? SEN pushed G2 to map 5

posted 3 days ago

Why Curitiba ? This sound random.

For BR I can only see Sao Paulo for big city, or Fortaleza for ping reason, since all the internet cable pass by there since the ping is 100ms for Sao Paulo to Miami maybe it's like... 70ms in Fortaleza

posted 3 days ago

USA may be the worst country in the world to hold VCT americas x)

posted 3 days ago

Damn if you are true then VCT americas really need to spot being held in USA, USA visa politics truly hurt the integrity of the competition. Does anyone know if Canada have easier visa access to BR and LATAM people ? If yes Toronto might be the good choice, if no... Well I have absolutely no idea where to go, we need a big city with enough population to have a crowd, in a country with no VISA problem, and in a stable country. I could propose France with Guadeloupe that seems to have easy access for Brasilian, but fak not enough people in there X.X
Not fully sure if Sao Paulo could make the cut, probably

posted 3 days ago

And they deserve to be unfranchised to stop represent the region they were hire to represent, because long term wise this is catastrophic.

Faria said something really important : "Adding more team will make jsut the slice smaller and not make the cake biggger", the only thing that make the cake bigger is representation, you want more people buy skin ? Make everyone feel represented, give OCE a spot, and let LA and BR keep some slot. They will be always a winner of Americas that will sell more, but if tomorrow every Americas team switch to english, it will just obliterate the sense of belonging and the national rivalries and destroy the league in the long term, no team should accept to sacrifice the sake of their region for the long term in order to increase slightely their chance to win a trophy in short term. Shortermist is what destroy everything todays

posted 3 days ago

Fair point, I need to be more specific. Portuguese and spanish are mutually inteligible language (Mush more than Catalan and Spanish for exemple), what matter the most for the identity of a team is a language, while you keep portuguese the identity stay strong, if BR team recruit a guys with a mother tongue who is Papiamento (Portuguese creole) it's sounds ok, because the team will focus on BR speaking people, if you start switching to EN then it open the door to recruiting some player that dont represent the region

posted 3 days ago

#1 Artzin - Better Portuguese than English

#2 Aspas - Better Portuguese than English

#3 Xenom - Better Portuguese than English

#4 Cortezia - Better Portuguese than English

If the team switch to english it's a lose for the soul of the team, I could accept one import but this would open the door to every windows

posted 3 days ago

South Americas team are loosing their own soul by importing NA player, Lev deserve to loose their frnachise spot after their betrayal. The team's name i Made In Brasil and not Made In US

posted 3 days ago

And thats an excellent thing especially with how mush peer pressure has destroyed life and forcing people to hide who they truly are :c

posted 3 days ago

Yeah, Lunar vs Heroic was peak entertaining especially since the game was so important for the playoff and the result almost settle everything

posted 3 days ago

You missed an amazing BO in GC EMEA

posted 3 days ago

Bruh, thats as if as I was saying : "EMEA clears EDG They’ve won 0 EMEA trophies compared to our continent."

The only reliable data is that earth has NEVER won a BO in an intergalactic event

posted 3 days ago

When is it ?

posted 3 days ago

I admit the ring buff was impressive on Nats

posted 3 days ago

Don't underestimate Ceres, sure sometime they are a liggle bit scramble, but they have far more potential than Pluto

posted 3 days ago

Guys, is earth valorant cooked ? I swear none of this team has any chance when we gonna play the intergalactic Val game against Mars and Venus

posted 4 days ago
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