key word ''Historically''
in fact s0m is quite litteraly better in any smokes than tenZ
s0ms knowledge is and util usage/ protocolls are way better than tenZ because he didnt play smokes professionally back then.
not saying that tenZ is bad but as a smokes player hes worse than s0m
even jitboyS mastery wise hes better than tenZ.
hope i helped u with my explaination :D
yeah well has his better util usage won anything, no and also i think you are forgetting cove incident, where his util usage was as good as an iron player, and also KDA wise TenZ has had a higher KDA then s0m did when he was on Omen last year, and dont you dare compare some APAC lowlife smoke player like jitBoyS to TenZ, that mf has been average at best for TLN, TenZ's omen was the reason they qualed to Madrid
this is so superficial. tenz legit has had one of the craziest APR stat of all time this year. even without looking at stats, his flashes are always on point just by a look test. people here love to reduce him to just his aim. and yes s0m is better on every other smoke agent. thats cause tenz has never played anything other than Omen.
Better smokes player yes, the horde didn't like that comment apparently, sure tenz switched to the most duelist like controller (pre clove) and was able to put up numbers. That's to be expected.
Everyone talking about how Tenz has trophies forgets that it's a team game. SEN wasn't shit post Reykjavik up until Madrid. NRG as an org historically also hasn't been shit so the statement isn't fair to make about trophies as that doesn't reflect the agent choices
I said SEN as a team overall was shit post reykjavik 2021, Good enough to get to Berlin and Champs, but didn't do much meaningful there, 2022 missed everything, 2023 missed everything and went out first at Lock/in (to FNC which is understandable, so thats not rlly fair to judge too hard)
All I said was s0m is a better smokes player, Tenz is better mechanically so he can frag out better, and has done consistently for years, even on bad SEN teams, its the same case with s0m on NRG through various roles. Don't think its very hypocritical to say that its a team game?
Mate, Tenz has a better rating than sOm on Omen. You can attribute it to getting more kills, and then I would give you examples of Tenz paranoia and shrouded step making unbelievable plays.
So I don't think we can agree here.
Example: SEN Split is a masterclass of retakes and it is because of many factors, one of them being Tenz utility usage apart from his fragging. You remember that 2v4 against NRG where if Tenz has not smoked the bomb sacrificing his life johnqt would have been finished by demon1.
I mean I can go on and on about Tenz making plays using his utils. So, I won't agree to this conclusion of yours.
S0m is a better smokes player OVERALL was my point, Not just Omen, until TenZ is playing Brim, Viper, Harbor, Clove, and Astra. Its gonna stay that way, TenZ is a better player mechanically who can play Omen.
Its like saying Leaf is the best KJ in the world because he's an ex duelist who puts up insane numbers and has good value from playing KJ because thats his role on the team now.
Smokes, TP and Paranoia
Example - 2v5 vs NRG with Johnqt.
There are many examples where Tenz has clutched using his TP and repositions like 3k on top market box, TP play over A ramp on split, 2k vs PRX to close Ascent for madrid finals, TP into viper smoke on C site lotus, TP over Mount box on lotus multi kills and many more.
I have never seen an omen player play so aggressive and that's what makes his Omen better.