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Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: December 11, 2024 at 4:07 PM
Posts: 120
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They released their Halo roster a while ago, not sure if they're gonna field one in the future, so if they indeed leave that esport it would make sense to allocate what they used to spend on it to the academy roster that way it wouldn't make a difference in the finances. They weren't really winning anything in Halo anyway and they were not as popular so it's not a big loss. They've been leaving all the titles to focus on val.

posted 2 months ago

See this is just ignorant. GC wasn't created because there was a biological disadvantage between men and women, it was because there are a set of social factors that makes it hard for women and marginalized genders to get opportunities (cf some men just outright refusing to play with mel). It's just a safe space to highlight them and for them to grow.

posted 2 months ago

Idk about primmie but Karon didn't even had t2/t3 experience, he was just a ranked demon. Insane double standards.

posted 2 months ago

You do realize that they trialed her right? Like she just didn't get signed because she's flor, they trialed people and she was better than everyone so they signed her. Y'all are so blinded by your own biases you refuse to see talent when it's right in front of your eyes.

posted 2 months ago

No one was making fun of the situation, it's genuinely horrible. As someone who actually went through an extremely violent coup, this was a harmless joke about Zellsis. People need to take a deep breath and be mad at things that actually matter.

posted 2 months ago

What don't you understand with "life is too short to do things that don't make you happy?"

posted 3 months ago

I know this is probably bait but fuck it i'll bite. Him retiring was not about him choosing the easy money. He just wasn't happy competing anymore. And i'm sure with Kyedae getting sick last year he realized that instead of doing something he didn't find joy in and having no time for his fiancée he wanted to spend more time with her doing other things he was passionate about. Life is too short.

posted 3 months ago

Every single list or ranking i've seen is putting them #1 or #2 in Americas, wtf are you talking about

posted 3 months ago

He was literally Master at the start of the year and he grew up playing league casually. He's not a pro but he's not clueless. BTW just because ppl don't play a game on stream doesn't mean they've never played it, they have a life outside the one you see on the screen lol

posted 4 months ago

It doesn't really matter. Riot is the only one who can give the ok to release the content. And the comms videos are only snippets from a whole vod anyway.

posted 4 months ago

NRG has no say in it. Even NRG has to get approval from Riot to use the footages in their comms videos. No approval=no authorization to show the footage.

posted 4 months ago

Are we really comparing :
1) someone saying one stupid thing vs someone saying racial slurs AND sexually harassing a girl
2) someone purposefully leaking a vod with comms that's only available on a riot platform that NEEDS an approval from Riot (against the rules) vs someone accidentally uploading a scrim (his own footage, not against the rules, just frowned upon) and immediately deleting it?

Surely we are not stupid enough not to realize these are absolutely not the same things right ?

posted 4 months ago

Louie Bag - Yebba & Smino

posted 4 months ago

It was leaked already that EDG's bundle will have a special effect so yes they do reward winners

posted 4 months ago

Mm but he didn't even pronounce the n part how can y'all predict what he was about to say I'm confused

posted 4 months ago

What's the first one? Can't hear shit

posted 4 months ago

It probably means that her cells counts are normal again, but she's gonna need to be monitored for the next months/years as there is often a risk of recurrence (cancer coming back). She's in remission now but she's gonna have to stay cancer free for a while before she'll be officially out of the woods.

posted 4 months ago

She announced she was in remission last month. Still needs to be monitored for the years to come but she's ok now.

posted 4 months ago

Wait i was wrong actually, i think ban was not an import on T1 since they had Rossy. He just must've always been a resident.

posted 4 months ago

Ban was an import in 2023. He became a non import this year so they were able to get Gov.

posted 4 months ago

You do realize that Tenz was contract jailed right? Sean Gares talked about it back then. He was on the bench with an inflated buyout. 1M was not reasonable, even for someone like TenZ. C9 even asked 2M to 100T before Sen. 250k is a lot considering Aspas was a F/A when he got signed and there are not many orgs who can afford that. Consequently you are literally condemning him to stay on the team but that's the outcome Lev wanted anyway so it works out for them. It would be a real contract jail if Aspas were on the bench unable to leave next season though.

posted 4 months ago

That has nothing to do with him playing professionally tho. People love to see him play shooters, that's it. Just like Tarik's viewership dips when he plays variety. It just happens to everyone that doesn't play their main games regardless of their professional status.

posted 5 months ago

Why? She didn't know it was a sensitive topic and she immediately apologized. What more do you want from her? This is such a strange thing to say.

posted 5 months ago

She was just talking about getting sick from pollution and trying to guess a plausible reason why the air quality in Korea was so bad (someone in her chat asked). No one outside China would've known it was such a sensitive topic. People need to chill. She apologized that should've been the end of it.

posted 5 months ago

LMAO ok buddy

posted 5 months ago

It's not just about roles but more about how an agent can enable a player's play style. Idk about Astra but it's difficult to be aggressive on Brim so it fits Zellsis more.

posted 5 months ago

Gekko? Also he literally can learn anything, his breach was also really good even when he was just learning it. He just got switched off of it because zellsis was absolutely not it on controller.

posted 5 months ago

I think someone should tell you that there are so many EDG fans in the replies and making similar tweets. If you can make a generality for a fanbase we'll make a generality for another fanbase doing the exact same things :)

posted 5 months ago

"trying to cancel boo" it's bad to call out racism now? Oh boy oh boy

posted 5 months ago

Source: you made it up.
Just because you believe in your heart something is true doesn't make it real :(

posted 5 months ago

Me when I'm obsessed with TenZ

posted 7 months ago

Sentinels has nothing to do with his mental illness. That's not funny.

posted 7 months ago

GenG looked shaky during the regular season but because of the skill gap between the teams in Pacific they could win without having to go hard. So they could chill and then go all in in playoffs/during international events. In Americas, it's a bit harder, if you take your foot off the pedal teams can catch up easily. SEN started scrimming during Champs 2023, so you can understand why after winning Madrid they were tired af. 100t weren't burnt out, they literally said they felt great after Shanghai, idk what happened to them.

posted 7 months ago

only missing playoffs by 2 rounds? I too would want to fall off that hard

posted 7 months ago

He had to drop +30 to win a game in 2022 or else his team couldn't win shit, it wasn't sustainable. They didn't adapt to the Chamber meta until LCQ, it was too late. 2023 was just a wash team wise. He had a couple rough games but overall he was still solid. 2024 he's getting to actually work with a competent coaching staff and can develop as a player, so imo he's on a upwards trajectory and has still yet to reach a new peak.

posted 7 months ago

Peak Valorant years and it's 2021 Berlin 💀 you are literally a 12yo baby mad because a dude has fans, ain't no way

posted 7 months ago

I guess Berlin is not a masters event either then lmfao

posted 7 months ago

The question is why are you obsessed with TenZ?

posted 7 months ago

Hating people because you've been baited is kinda extreme

posted 7 months ago

Even them you can't really compare. Cryo and Demon1 play diverse controllers if not on Jett (Brim/Astra). Tenz only plays Omen as a controller, at heart he's a flex (kayo, breach, gekko, yoru). He himself says he's not a controller. None of these comparisons makes sense.

posted 7 months ago

Rent free

posted 7 months ago

Was he even trying atp

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

You can't dislike zellsis all you want but saying he contributed nothing is delusional, especially when even the players/coaching staff themselves see the difference with having him on the team. Sacy and him both help John midrounding, he's flexible af and ofc he's the vibe guy. The team with Johnqt & pancada was still ok but it was clear it was missing something.

posted 7 months ago

He literally just switched at the beginning of off season what are you saying

posted 7 months ago

You can't really say that. They are 2 different players and they bring something different to the team. Pancada is an outstanding player but he's just not what the team needed. + He's not as flexible as he's proven that only his smokes are god tier while Tenz brings that flexibility. Overall it's just a matter of play style and what the team values more. (Bonus: the chemistry with the duelist is important too).

posted 7 months ago

1/4 ain't better

posted 7 months ago

I just don't think he can read

posted 8 months ago

who even uses a twitch emote outside of twitch lmao

posted 8 months ago

the 1st masters of 2021 was not international but it was stil called masters and he got the title+gun buddy for it. So yeah technically he has 3 masters.

posted 8 months ago
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