I made a thread previously on which teams/rosters people thought would be future breakouts for CN
what current players do you guys think will be future staples of the different leagues?
He is fine at best. But he is not showing skills of a mega talent. He is older and has been playing for a long time. These kids i mentioned have started playing yesterday and are already insane mechanically.
If i am to include older talent in these lists they have to be absolute standouts like sociablee and izzy
I am not saying he cant play T1 at all. But will he be the next wo0t? Next riens? Next Alfajer?
I think kids like Xeus, Kaajak, Ruxic, Comeback, larok, loita, GSR .... Those types of talents are "the future"
Mistic has also been farming T2 consistently getting massive ratings. Is he the "future" of T1? He has stood out more than alora te across the board. Guys like Sociablee and izzy have consistently stood out more than him...
And he is NOT top 3 aimer in T2 lmao.
There are just too many good players already in T1 and too many standouts pushing towards T1. Good T2 journeymen just arent ever "the future" of T1. Sure, they might play there for a while but more as a side note than a prominent factor.
(Why are you even talking about french players? I didnt mention a single one of them and havent been advocating for any. Maybe natank now that he is jobless but thats it.)
Alorante is the type of guy to be the 2. Yetujey, he has incredible aim and good gamesense like wtf have u even watched him play??
Also u only mentioned Alorante as „old“ and haven’t listed any other player from my list
and for Mistic u can def argue that he’s one of the better T2 smokes players and u can argue that he can perform to some extent in T1 and he did in Liquid, it wasn’t his fault that TL had no structure and he def had his moments
Like u don’t have to be 18yo to be a T1 prospect like wtf is that logic, look at Texture who went to T1 while being 24yo
Alorante had many different trials in T1 and went to top 3 very often (also he could’ve been in T1 by now but some orgs take to long to confirm if some1 can join and in T2 to join a paid team is very hard and Fokus is a very rich org so no Koi or BBL isn’t better than Fokus)
Also Alorante has very strong teammates where he don’t need to solo carry all the time, Izzy is duelist entry and was on a shit team aswell as Soci having to play on shit teams so no wonder they stand out and having insane stats doesn’t matter when u lose every game
Alorante could be one of the best emea Sentis
Alorante > Sheydos
Alorante > Chiwa
Alorante >/= Minny
Alorante >/= Benjy
Alorante < Alfajer
Alorante = Yetjuey
Alorante < Less
Alorante = Westside
Alorante > Hype
Alorante = Hiro
Alorante < Nats
Alorante = Suygetsu
The Senti class is the most stacked in Emea actually but he would still clear atleast the half
But in T2 he’s the best senti player without a doubt
Also I hate regularly on French Val, Natnk is alr but Kada is better atm (also he was France biggest prodigy while being 24yo) and in T2 only Yohpa and with a lot of imagination Akumaa look good
This new TALON roster will do wonders since they're all (aside from Crws sorry) mechanically insane youngsters. If Crws and Frost/Jovi can rally these players into a solid and cohesive team with solid macro and strats I think this team will at minimum be fighting for top of PACIFIC (I'm biased but I'm also realistic when I say TALON now has 4 mechanical demons).Though I think without Crws this team would struggle without a leader and IGL with a strong game understanding. It could also all fall flat since mechanics aren't everything but Frost and co have such a good job at turning Jitboys into an insane anchor with great game understanding, Crws has evolved so much as an IGL and Primmie is just getting started.
Z11 and TALON Academy also looked stacked for talents that could potentially be brought up. Really hoping for FULL SENSE to win Ascension this year if they make it and finally get 2 Thai orgs in PACIFIC since there is too much talent that deserves a chance on Tier 1.