Flag: Switzerland
Registered: June 9, 2024
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 1:30 AM
Posts: 8

This one really got you riled up

posted 2 days ago

Whole event should have been offline

posted 2 weeks ago

Just get off this site bro, there are better things to do in life. Not even hating rn just some advice if you want to look back and be happy about how you chose to spend your time

posted 2 weeks ago

All I see you doing is baiting 24/7, I really do feel bad for you because something has to be going wrong in your life

posted 2 weeks ago

No way you enjoy life when everything you do all day is hating on vlr

posted 2 weeks ago

By and large, yes, maybe because the USA has been a leading nation in the Olympic Games for longer than China. But you only have to look at the last Games, where the Chinese swimmers were suspected but later allowed to take part despite positive tests(
To think that nobody in valorant doped is naive and childish.

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't want to accuse anyone of doping, but I was wondering whether players are checked at all. There are drugs you can take to be much more focused and it would be a clear advantage over sober players. Especially the history of Russia and China at the Olympics, where there have already been cases or strong suspicions of doping, show that countries dope their athletes to achieve success. If you look at China in particular, where esports are somewhat important, the possibility of doping should not be ruled out.

posted 3 weeks ago

If you use vlr in off season you’re cooked

posted 1 month ago