All 3 carried by 2 or more players peaking simultaneously in their rosters. Shao+suy were insane in Copenhagen and even Ardis was frying, Fnatic 2023 nuff said even I would have won a trophy in that roster if I were to replace toaster, and fns had Mr consistency Jacob Whiteaker who had 1 negative map the entire year+marved. The fact that their teams won a trophy was despite their efforts to troll every map.
Boaster was Micromanaging the team in 2023 of which he is trying to stop to improve his individual performance.
So no, your bronze ass wouldn’t have won a trophy.
This was also the year before “fragging IGLs” became a thing. Which some have said depends on the meta.
You’re in the group of people who continue to under appreciate IGLs unless they’re fragging heavy.
Like I said, depends on the meta, also depends on the style of the team, and the style of the IGL. If the 4 other players have complete trust in an IGL, their leadership and calls. You can essentially win a “4v5”. But it’s only a 4v5 in your eyes because you look at frags.
Edit: btw can you compare Boaster and Valyn’s kick off performances please. Think it just proves my point lol.