Sayf too low & leaf too high imo
I think Leaf's been pretty consistent at a high level, I saw another list put him at #1
how is leaf too high
good list but why is johnqt here not even the best on his team
not fragging wise but he is a top igl
nah he is the best on his team in stats
in that case he is def the best on the team
only in vlr rating no?
I think valyn over mako honestly
I mean... he's not wrong, that definitely is a list
thats one of the lists of all time
A Better List: 1) Zmjjkk 2) Derke 3) Keiko 4) leaf 5) free1ing 6) zekken 7) Less 8) Zellsis 9) Mako 10) Trent
no hyunmin is insane
KangKang over John, no?
I didn’t think you wouldn’t pick anyone from China
oh crap
I forgor
I’ll do another list