im ngl i got cooked
Asc 1 -> Plat 3
my stats on my alt are wayy better even though all I do is run it down no comm on iso, whereas on my main i actually try to be useful 😭😭
im ngl i got cooked
Asc 1 -> Plat 3
my stats on my alt are wayy better even though all I do is run it down no comm on iso, whereas on my main i actually try to be useful 😭😭
yeah, I've been playing a lot less recently (compared to before)
the lobbies feel way harder and I feel like the amount of toxicity/throwers has increased by a lot
unironically it's at a point where i'd rather play 0 stake switfplay games where i can stop playing instead of ranked (with vague hopes to run in to a dev)
do you not enjoy having to try to win? The most exciting games in my eyes is when the score is constantly neck and neck or I have to actually IGL for the team to win.
If anything ranked reset should be really easy if you play a day late since youre with all the double ranked up people who are typically almost an entire division below you.
For me it isnt harder but there are way too many throwers and bad teammates for me to realistically play without a 5 stack (and my 5 stack is barely available so i just pretty much stopped playing)
There’s a balance to it, I’m down for close games. But in these lobbies all I’m getting is close games (both wins and losses, mostly losses) and stomps (never in my favour really)
But things like people being toxic and throwing is a bad experience no matter what.
Last game I was getting flamed for picking omen by the other duo stack when we had a clove, which soured our vibes before even round one, and it likely cost us the game, and a game before that we had this jett who had comms completely off and would just sit in spawn.
I have absolutely no problem with people not playing well, even I’m having a few stinkers. But to actively put up with people throwing because their tiny ego got insulted, or having to put up with people who only are toxic and bring other people down is just exhausting :/
But who knows tbh, maybe I’m just being overly sensitive and I just need to suck it up. It’s just that my love for (playing) the game is slowly disappearing 😔
A3 to d3 fucked lobbies though I am ngl, me n my duo have 1.09 and 1.16 kd plahing together and we are hovering around 55 wr, when we were near 60 playing the same way with the same stats. Idk what they did to my mmr but many games are only winnable if both of us hard carry. Possibly getting better now but at the start it was drop 30 or DIE
imm -> d3
lowkey cooking this act ngl