Flag: Poland
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: February 19, 2025 at 2:58 AM
Posts: 812
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derke is great.
trexx is not top 3 but he is still really good (+ when u have more great players on a team its harder to get crazy acs cause people just don't fail enough for you to need to hard carry on in)
Sayf is actually a super high value igl because of how hard he frags and his self reliance.

vit is great

posted 2 days ago

The fact that you use bronze as low elo just proves my point, you have mental issues so bad that you cant deal with people being positive and wanring to win and not just shutting down internally, unlucky

posted 4 days ago

c0m is crazy, franchising champs prizepool is a cheatcode

posted 5 days ago

Man ur my fav vlr user rn

posted 5 days ago

I mean tbh a rush mid is at least a 1v1 fight, ofc you can do it well and make it tradable or advantageous for urself, and I agree ultimately its about how you play with or use your teammates, but I think no fear stupid players will be more successful in ranked in general xd

I am playing in immo 1/2 mmr rn everybody is like ex immo 3 or whatever and my duo is very confident in his aim and is a duelist player, he is not briandead but he is definetely gonna swing mid some rounds. Yes he gets flamed from time to time after going 6/19 but there are way more games where he goes 25/15 and he averages 1.16/1.2kd 55% winrate green/blue tier tracker (honestly i think its only gonna get better cause we were quieing when I was sick and had finals and after that ended up in loser mmr(both of us 1.2 kd (and I play for impact xd) to go like 10/10 cause people just type gg ans stop caring round 3 in 50+% of the games).

Why am I saying this? I think if you are kinda stuck you should find some high impact agent that you like (I used to play iso I stopped enjoying it, now I have most impact on chamb/deadlock/yoru, just because canezerra can frag on iso doesnt mean you will like it), watch how a pro plays it IN RANKED and if you work on your mechanics, you will improve and gain elo. There is suprisingly a lot of depth to pushing through smokes, swinging spawn or walking down mid, or just how u r gonna strafe, swing, spray etc. In fights. Yap sesh my bad

posted 6 days ago

I wish they added retweets to vlr

posted 6 days ago

Yeah ngl this shit is not pulling me in for a listen

(Not on no celibacy shit, but damn isn't this man like 45 paying girls for sex and never in a happy relationship, i dont care bout his "sexy songs" or the typa girl that actually thinks they are sexy)

posted 6 days ago

Noooo brother, you would be suprised how many giga passive smokes,ini, senti players in higher elo genuinely throw games by dling literally nothing and then complain like they arent the retard.

So many sovas will dart the same useless shit every round (like bro when they go haven A we dont need that dart that nobody is swinging off of cause we hear their asses running down short, just save it for the retake, it has no value), so many senti players will place the same trios that get insta broken, shockdarted etc. but will refuse to use their shit for paasive map control or early round info (sometimes you just gotta throw that cypher cam deep into main and insta rotate if it sees nothing) , so many smokers will not throw smokes that disrupt site hits or make shit uncomfortable by playing close to smokes (brother that main smoke doesn't do shit if they have sova + yoru on their team, if anything its helping them).

People are stuck in bad habits, run the same protocol oe set play every game or cant adjust to how teams play. Its easy to blame your reyna for swinging main and dying, but sometimes thats smarter then jerking off all game, so scared to make a mistake that you have absolutely 0 impact on the outcome.

posted 6 days ago

Smoking is a horrible habit, it's a hard no for me. I have drunk and smoked weed at parties or with friends and I don't crave it. I never wanted to do it alone and I don't think about it when I think of hanging out with people. Meanwhile everyone who I knew that started smoking (except 1 friend who is quitting) actively thinks about cigs and cant stop themselves from smoking, people fucking up a tin of snus a day. Nicotine is way too addictive

posted 6 days ago

People like you are why ranked is unplayable, I bet you give up after pistol. I bet you no comm, I bet u r hardstuck and think it's not your. Mental age of a toddler

posted 1 week ago

verno played like the fucking goat in the offseason, i think his performance in t1 is nerves and they should work on that instead of benching him and letting him go to waste

posted 1 week ago

Keiko is great but this result is quite confusing, didn't expect the game to just be like a blowout

posted 1 week ago

I have played the past 20 games without a fever and severe faitgue , ran into a few triggerboters and inted a few, but generally it feels like I am not playing very well, but everything around me is just so muddy I do somewhat ok

posted 1 week ago

Am I tripping or is everyone, except a couple of teams just genuinely playing really bad mistake filled valorant.

It also feels similar in ranked, everyone is so obvious and like shaky and undecided. Idk if its me finally getting healthy and understanding things better or has the val world fallen into slop

posted 1 week ago

Lowk kajaak improved a lot since his first showing, he is looking promising. Crashies and boaster don't seem grat though, crashies is trying too hard to not make mistakes and play for his teammates and forgets to play for himself

posted 1 week ago

nvm they decided they dont want it anymore

posted 1 week ago

munchkin saw he might not make a masters and started calling his fucking ass off, this util is crazy

posted 1 week ago

i ve seen these games, in fact I have played these games, what the fuck is going on

posted 1 week ago

A3 to d3 fucked lobbies though I am ngl, me n my duo have 1.09 and 1.16 kd plahing together and we are hovering around 55 wr, when we were near 60 playing the same way with the same stats. Idk what they did to my mmr but many games are only winnable if both of us hard carry. Possibly getting better now but at the start it was drop 30 or DIE

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

I think PRX actually has a culture problem, people liking each other doesn't mean that they are fully devoted to the game and focused. it can mean that but here its not the case

posted 2 weeks ago

been saying, idol culture just doesnt make sense (IMO in general) in epsorts

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Racism and mental retardation gotta be correlated cause why would you ever kick an igl with a 1.08 rating, who performed well whilst being sick throught the tournament.

posted 2 weeks ago

Why are people acrinf like rrq is a bad team? They only lost to geng in OT this ssn and have looked really fucking solid. No shame in losing to that team + they havent lost yet

posted 2 weeks ago

We need headgear in esports

posted 3 weeks ago

This is i guess my bias because i play with a good jett and both of us talk to eachother when we hit sites so our sync is good.

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean i would say that you will get teammates thaf make it 'impossible' to win games more than once in 10 games (like a triple negative guy who no comms because he just gets sad about how badly he is playing), however i think only like 1/30 games will have a guy who decides that his next game will be a loss before they start queuing.

posted 3 weeks ago

Decently often. I think comming very little is fine but straight no comm if you have info that is necessaey to win rounds is a soft throw, like if you know about a lurker or some guy pushing through a smoke or whatever and your comm is the difference between your teammate getting a kill and him getting killed than its a throw.

I think a lot of people like soft throw rankes, dont comm, dont do their roles job, dont play with the team , tilt and give away rounds because they 'dont care' etc. Its more of a bad mental issue than people delibreately losing games

posted 3 weeks ago

I think in ranked u get 1 controller 2 duel ( 1 dive at least) and 1 senti + recon or often times even 2 senti. I dont get mnay flash init on my team and the same niche exists just not with smokers but duel players.

posted 3 weeks ago

Abyss > lotus imo, not that she is bad on lotus but i think on abyss she has the biggest edge over other sentinels

posted 3 weeks ago

I think vyse might be one of the most underrated ranked agents rn.

On defense:
People don't understand how to push into vyse setups and bait out walls, flash is consistent mid round info. You can wall to get 1v1s, isolate jetts or have a flank trip. If they don't hit your site you always have a flash for retake.

On attack wall is good for lurk info, people don't know where to stand when you throw vines for execs, flashes are good cause people hate playing ini in ranked and it's really easy to switch into aggressive lurk and then just throw vines to hold space when u get a kill and wait for ur team to ( hopefully) rotate.

My duo is a jett spamming 1.25 kd goat so maybe I am biased because I can semi consistantly rely on him to entry, but to me the agent just seems really strong

posted 3 weeks ago

Make sure your windows are closed tonight. Barricade your doors.

posted 3 weeks ago

very impressive to have a lesser ability to focus, still call 2 great maps and just ownso HARD individually both with with aim and util

posted 3 weeks ago

Honestly i am not even sad, I think the team is just fien. Definetely a big improvement, hoping they figure out their shit comps wise with the full roster ( Polish is basically phillipino if you ask me)

posted 3 weeks ago

You are a loser bruh, how can you have so much hate in your heart for people that never wronged you.

posted 3 weeks ago

looking immaculate, great prospect i am suprised i haven't heard about him before he joined m8. i like his aggression a lot, he really is made for duelist

posted 3 weeks ago

Bait used to be believable

posted 3 weeks ago

Kinda crazy, shows how little firepower the team has. Batu looked good on duel tho, maybe they can duo carry

posted 3 weeks ago

Fuck it bro they have nothing to lose and eveything to gain

He got his first kills as i typed it i dont care anyways

posted 3 weeks ago

Excellent player who plays for himself (imo he is good enough to prioritize his life and his playstyle is justified)

posted 3 weeks ago

Crazy goat 🤝 goat

posted 3 weeks ago

this is the problem with space creating duelists.if things work out you do your job whatever great. if shit doesn't work out you lose all confidence and you play like that 3/14. idk

posted 4 weeks ago

Shes still the best player on that team...

Molsi and hype would not drop 1.8 in gc I am sorry, they would be good but bro these are not even bench players, they r financial liabilities if we r running that compariosn

posted 4 weeks ago

Lock in if you don't got time to prepare get your head in the right place to cook during the exam. Look at a past exam solve that shit real wuick with some math ai and secure a pass i believe

posted 4 weeks ago

Cant u still do it i swear methods still exist, my friend told me he was setting up before a game like a week ago and I subbed in for a tourney and the acc had a custom res

posted 4 weeks ago

fully shave your head, eyebrows and all

like shave smooth to the bone no buzz shit

posted 1 month ago

Yea he is 30 trying to aim flicking like marteen and shaking like asuna, if he had calmer more consistent aim like a Papi or Less he would do much better as his role is not to multifrag but to just get trades and easy kills

posted 1 month ago

They r rebounding for sure, how can u have bad mental when a guy clutches and all of you scream Papiiiiiiiii, this is a long run team. Th3y r going to champs

posted 1 month ago
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