Leo falling sick resulted in him not doing well and him as well as fnc falling off
Yes, he stopped playing bc of his sickness, im not disagreeing
I literally offered evidence that trexx can go par for par with leo
If you dont want to actually discuss then dont rage post, accept that even if you disagree, youre wrong and just tilting on vlr wont make you any more correct
I feel like alfajer doesn't make sense for cypher since he hardly plays the agent anymore and has a much better killjoy. I think vo0shaku, nAts, and Flashback all have better cyphers. I think what made alfajer so good at cypher is how good he is at aiming rather than his util(Though he still has pretty good util, just not on the level or other cyphers like nAts).
Fade - Leo/Shao
ngl shao diffed prime yay chamber with fade while lifting a trophy and cauanzin diffed leo with fade i just dont think leo is comparable to both on that agent idk if its based on his lotus gameplay but you might have shady memories because his best agents on 2023 always were sova and skye