i know i suck but im actually crying let me out of here https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/askrial%23idiot/overview
i know i suck but im actually crying let me out of here https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/askrial%23idiot/overview
https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/askrial%23idiot/matches?season=all so you havent seen this match have you
i mostly focus on getting really focused on my util for one specific agent per map. i have like a google doc with like agents that i pick on maps. ex. fade on ascent, yoru on haven, harbour on pearl/abyss, kay/o on sunset, cypher on split (which is debatable now that my recent games with him have gone horribly), and raze/skye on bind.
trust me when i say this:
do 30-45 mins of aim training a day. outside of val, like in aim labs or kovaaks. then do deathmatches and focus on aiming with movement (the most important thing in this game hands down)
just by doing this you can hit gold/plat. when that happens, then you focus on util and teamplay
im currently imm1 and i started from silver just like u. u got this!!
As a Harbor main, you are commiting too many mistakes.
And the main.
What I recommend to you is, see a video about clearing angles, and starts to force you to do AD right instead of just pressing W.
And, for Harbor, you need to work you team play and Harbor knowledge by seeing some videos or, recording you matches, and focus on the mistakes you does.
Yep, as I said, I am a harbor main, I can see when u use or not the skill.
Like, round 2 in pearl, you Jett died to a Outlaw and you died to a Kj bc you opened the angle pressing W.
You didnt buyed a Cascate or bublle, neither used the wall to do the passage.
And after that, you teamd didn't comm about what to do.
you're not as good as you think, get your aim up and it'll carry you to at least diamond
don't play controller or initiator for your team, it won't benefit them, the cypher is good and it'll help with your awareness, if you like it then you can use it as your main, pretty decent to carry a team since you can lock areas alone and have mini smokes to lurk around/stop pushes while waiting for your team.
I'll echo the thoughts of others here. Less on the Harbor, more on the Cypher and Killjoy. Both agents are easy to play and let you play more passively and focus on your aim. Self conscious about your setups? Look up a quick radiant setup guide, CambCamb is a good channel for that.
Omen and Clove are also good for ranking up. I wouldn't play duelist unless your mechanics are good. To improve your mechanics, pick a sens and play more, aim train, maybe some deathmatches. Silver to Plat lobbies are heavily aim focused, I'm Plat 1 right now. You can win games through individual mechanics. Gets harder as you go up, more difficult to carry.
some ppl here r not addressing the elephant in the room, ur aim
because ur aim is bad instead of focusing on improving ur aim ppl looking for ways to play around it
sooner or later ur gonna have to deal with aim
just play more, focus on crosshair placement, get a good duo, have confidence
theres no quick solution to this its gonna take time
just keep working on ur fundamentals