EG, MIBR, hopefully C9
BBL, potentially KOI if their financial situation doesn't improve
GE, hopefully DFM
Will probably all re-sign
Dfm's deal with CR probably cost a ton, considering that they acquired almost the whole roster.
DFM'S deal with CR is purely for marketing purposes, so dfm needs to spend a separate amount of money for the CR roster. Meaning more spending
Also they announced creating an academy team.
This time dfm is actually COOKING with the new roster.
Also they have 16 sponsors. 🤓
So I think dfm spends a lot into their slot
I don't understand the C9 hate, they never had any drama, they are never full trolling their team, I LoL it's even the only decent structure of full NA
Mad Lions will probably save KOI, but that would be nice to have KOI merge with TH so Ibai fan would have a good team to cheer, and Germany could have finally their first team