I watched a interview in Bilibili that Vookashu are in VCT CN for money 【【哇塞专访03】vo0kashu专访!专注瞄准,多加训练。-哔哩哔哩】
yeah he doesnt have a problem with nats but he isnt gonna team with a guy who lost him his job that entire situation is just messy. from my understanding sayf and redgar had very strong opinions on the macro of the team and often argued and the other teammates took this as sayf and redgar were the problem and complained about them to management when in reality both of them liked each other they were just very passionate on how to run the team.
I wouldnt mind them going the 2 meh igl route while giving cender more time to grow
Getting some hard fragging IGL like sociablEE to help out and then trasition to full duelist could be a really fun experiment
(though I feel like we might be reaching the too many cooks in the kitchen point real quick)