Flag: Germany
Registered: July 4, 2022
Last post: November 22, 2024 at 4:34 AM
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All im saying is Scream won 1 out of his first 2 maps
Sadhaak didnt win any

It aint complicated maths people!

posted 3 months ago

its really not that thick of an accent....

posted 3 months ago

offline event

and not sure
production isnt THAT big (decently big, but not like china level) so ig they just wanna keep it simple?

posted 3 months ago

Nah should be a stomp tbh
This Fokus roster isnt even a month old yet so an experienced t1 roster like TH has the advantage in every metric

(Still got enough hopium left though, so ez 15-13 for Fokus)

posted 3 months ago

The distinction is that the former org doesnt get anything out of it

So with this the only one who "profits" from the slot being reallocated is the players
This changes the dynamic between Riot and the Orgs (they dont "own" anything since they never payed for it) and also means that theres no reason for an org to ever transfer the slot voluntarily

You also cant forget that Riot is still the one picking the "whitelisted" orgs from what we know; they are still fully in control of who they let in
(Thats why youll only see current t2 teams get the slot for example)

(Also isnt this NS buying SPG or am I misunderstanding whats going on?)

posted 3 months ago

ngl I feel worse for pal
bro is regretting his life choices rn https://www.vlr.gg/349210/permitta-unicorns-vs-fokus-challengers-league-2024-dach-evolution-split-2-r3/?game=171240&tab=overview

(different roster, but funny af to see our streamer org suddenly make a competent team)

posted 3 months ago

I was not expecting this to be the best map of the day, but dang this is delivering

posted 3 months ago

ggs to cls they played well, but rough for exo

I hope cls invests in some media training so we can at least cheer for them down the line

posted 3 months ago

Imagine signing a roster for the imaginary league

interested to see how it works out; could be scary (and good to see an org stick around ngl)

posted 3 months ago

yea idk, musashi is just the goat

hard carry and igl in one
I pray we get him back to dach cause wtf is this

posted 3 months ago

Idk if this is really an upset given the quality of both rosters, but huge shame to see Ruddy get eliminated "early"

I do hope we see some (if not all tbh) of them end up on various rosters in Polaris
(and maybe finally have Ruddy get into t2 one day xD we need the socials game ffs)

posted 3 months ago

ya told me about it a while back ye
and since he stopped playing for fokus right after I was just waiting for the official announcment

at least I dont gotta swap teams to cheer for in spain now, ucam winning it this year

posted 3 months ago

dangit, they didnt give him back :(

posted 3 months ago

Insane game by ATN
actually a different team to last week

posted 3 months ago

tragic end
fun game regardless and nxt are gonna come back tomorrow for sure

posted 3 months ago

I havent really been... so no?

The only thing I can think off where I "hated" was me saying that I dislike CGN's playstyle going into ascension (because I dont understand how it works). If its because of that then yes I will continue to keep "hating" on CGN when trying to predict an incredibly competitive ascension tourney xD

posted 3 months ago

Not sure if I like initiator lime yet, but dang this is one stacked roster

DACH has the potential to be VERY fun next year with some of these rosters

posted 3 months ago

Hes live atm watchpartying eclipse (https://www.twitch.tv/rudivalorant)
talking bout the game and giving some insight into how he thinks about the game (/how these teams should be playing) for peeps interested

posted 3 months ago

regarding temp:
.... yes thats how tournaments work....
its a temporary roster, what do you expect
temp will get better as their season goes on, but so will g2. Its not champs g2 gozen that played.

regarding nxt:
nxt could have gone 0-9, losing every map 13-0 in t2 and the point that they are one of the staple t3 teams, and as such a team that can compete on the level as them is also a good t3 team, will still stand

In case its been lost along the convo: the take my comment is responding to is "That would actually require them to clear t3 first kekw", pointing out that GC teams are currently t3 teams ("GC teams are t3 and just as capable as the other top t3 teams to win relegation and make it into t2")

posted 3 months ago

placement of nxt really doesnt matter for the point im making of "good gc teams are good t3 teams"
you can see this by just looking at nxt's record in general: they are one of the best t3 teams we have and (as expected in a healthy region) are right on the line of t2

temp12345 also won their next week 13-4 while still playing with their coach (vs the 4th place team) so it also doesnt really matter for the point either

(and not sure how TOG making roster changes going into the split matters since thats just how t3 works; they played their entire premier season with the same core, with the big replacement being karma for "ddd" (dont know who he is, but karma is a well known t2 player in dach))

posted 3 months ago

on twitter (/semi public discords) from other players in the northern europe invite division (a gc team gets byes when the schedule conflicts and they cant take part in premier that round, so thats what created the tension)
People got salty at that initially, but the accusations and shit that was being said about the team kept escalating to the point where it was just aspiring pros intentionally hating on them every chance they got

and just public trackers (https://u.gg/val/leaderboards/premier?page=1&premierZone=eu_dach&premierSeason=6f067888-4acd-15a4-93a4-a2a11ac4d279 + https://www.vlr.gg/event/1948/challengers-league-2024-dach-evolution-split-1/relegation for g2 for example)

posted 3 months ago

g2 gozen went 3-0 in DACH invite div (beating the eventual winner and core of https://www.vlr.gg/team/9042/teamorangegaming week 1)

The top GC teams are t3 and just as capable as the other top t3 teams to win relegation and make it into t2
however it makes no sense for them to actually win it, since theyre already in the more stable league and the scedules are not exactly compatible

(and thats ignoring the fact that t3/t2 players are anything but welcoming to GC teams competing in their leagues... the amount of shit and hate heroics got for competing in invite div last split was genuinely pathetic)

edit of the edit (not that anyones reading this anymore, but for the record since the last edit was complete bs):
g2 did drop out of premier split 2 like I thought initially and did not take part in relegation (despite not dropping a game in premier) - I got confused and looked at the split 1 relegation, in which they lost to nxt 2-1 (who then made it to dach)

posted 3 months ago

Id love if they make different 100% titles for all the different tourney sizes/tiers, ye

(Obviously cant have the 8 team 1st t1 lan of the year reward the same title as champs)

Pickems for masters, ascension and gc-champs would be great ingame to esports engagement

posted 3 months ago

The lack of left handed mice taking off should tell ya all you need to know (best we got is ambidextrous and even those are rare and generally cheap/ergonomic office mice)

You wont learn it from your parents (since no one puts any thought into stuff like that) and youll have to constantly swap the position of keyboard + mouse during the learning process since youll be sharing a pc with a right handed parent

And just too inconvenient to swap nowerdays

Its sorta like how writing was in the past (less violent, but the idea of it). You just had to write with your right hand, who cares if its your dominant one.
So while I do all my activities with my left per default, you were expected to write with your right and thats not worth relearning after youre done with school (/the years teachers stopped giving a shit)

posted 3 months ago

Because theres only so much more you can use for casual discussion

Like I agree its utterly stupid and makes no sense whatsoever, but the amount of resources we have access to is... well pathetic for an esport of this size
Arguments that are purely based on opinions or "eye test" are borderline pointless when it comes to discussion between dedicated fans of different teams/players, especially since most of us are utterly clueless as to what actually goes on in a pro game

With Rib leaving we just lost a major resource too, and that was already for paying customers
Its hard for a Fanbase to develop stat-literacy when when the stats arent available in the first place

posted 3 months ago

gonna depend on how you rate (using players performance on the team vs using how the players look after they left the team as the measurement)

if its on the team then mini/cojo need to be #1
theyve never missed

their worst pickup was enzo, and they had their most dominant regional performance during that time and looked decent international

posted 3 months ago

the whole series was such a good introduction for how entertaining ascension was gonna be

posted 3 months ago

sort ascension by ACS if you need a reminder that he does have the potential to be absolutely insane (in t2)

just.... not transferring to the new team atm
they still got time; if they cant figure it out by the time the season starts then I get being upset but rn is where you want players to have issues so they can fix them

also better on other agents than neon so thats a tad unfortunate for the current meta

posted 3 months ago

ye I get what youre saying
my take on mistic is less about IGL'ing and more about freedom and confidence (which I think he'll have in t2)

watching mistic in polaris he was one of the most creative omen players in the world; just having fun with his abilities and outplaying people

we never really saw this creativity past the first couple weeks during his time with liquid and I feel like thats where they went wrong
(we dont really know if its confidence, or the system not allowing for it, so I dont wanna point fingers)
If you take away his omen mastery during the omen meta, then youre just left with a meh player (... the story of 2023 liquid as a whole tbh)

tldr: think he should get what made him great in polaris back, now that hes in t2 again

posted 3 months ago

Nah the roster cooks
similar (probably better?) to last years on paper, and we already have various (t2) pros saying that the roster is way better than that one on the server

when the player im most worried about on that roster is Xuss, then you know its stacked

posted 3 months ago


ok its vod watching time

ok map 1 was actually a deserved win
some unlucky spams for sure, but ACAI did just abuse JJH playing postplants offsite at the start (and got a huge lead because of it)
Both shot well so cant complain on that front either

Omen diff confirmed

posted 3 months ago

tbh theres a good chunk of teams that need to take note of that

by far the best and (imo) only correct way to think about importing

posted 3 months ago

3 days late smh, but Tombizz got us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUICQ5zFpdk

posted 3 months ago

Would be the perfect solution in an ideal world ngl

Riots idea is that they compete in GC and premier/open quals at the same time

Not a good system since

  1. no incentive to actually compete (making it to t2 is way worse for the orgs than staying in t2 in terms of visibility and prize pools)
  2. conflicting schedules (which leads to the GC teams getting byes, which leads to t3 players being..... lets say "unfriendly")

But ye because of 1. a direct promotion would probably get significant pushback from orgs too

posted 3 months ago

nah no clue, I only ever did OS and physical build errors while working in repair

software like valo is a mystery to me

posted 3 months ago

can confirm; that weird ass software keeps eating up my cpu too

posted 3 months ago

What is it?
Windows Management Instrumentation
Basically a standardized way for software (and some low level drivers that some company use for administrative purposes) to get information about the current state of your OS and information on it

Yes it seems stupid, and does WAY too much stuff, but you need it.

Now fixing....
Well that stuff is kinda hard
Microsoft has a LONG article that guides you through how to identify the problem, but actually solving that kind of stuff can be a pain in the backside

So realistically:

  1. Uninstall the weird software you installed in the last couple days that is 100% using your pc to mine crypto
  2. wait a couple days and hope its just something on your laptop using it while updating
  3. reinstall windows (easy af if you have a proper setup with only your OS on a drive/partition, otherwise a pain in the backside)
  4. go to a local repair store and just have them solve it for ya (<-- 100% unbiased, but def the best option and more people should do this for pc issues ;3)
posted 3 months ago

cant comment on the model specifically (cpu seems fine, but never worked with the NAS brand, so no clue if they have issues)

youre buying a laptop, so you are locking yourself into the cpu (probably fine since the new generation of desktop CPUs arent that good, and the old ones are on a motherboard that wont get any more cpus)

if youre super strapped for cash and know you can buy a pc otherwise then id consider it; doesnt seem to be the worst idea and performance looks fine on paper (watch youtube reviews/benchmarks first for sure!)
look at your local used market first though imo

posted 3 months ago

that was a different series
but sorta? the models are largely out of the market (you can still find them at random stores/retailers who didnt get the memo for whatever reason, but thats more on them)
and havent had issues like that since

posted 3 months ago

since you dont have the nostalgia bump to get over:
Modern games are the best in terms of gameplay if you already have a switch (yes graphics suck, but qol does just improve steadily), so S/V

for an older one Id personally go with B/W or B2/W2
peak of top down pokemon both in terms of gameplay, pacing, dex (no old returning pokemon might be a turnoff though, but theres a TON of new ones since they had to fill an entire region) and art-style

posted 3 months ago

Yea so, as mentioned above, its very mismatched
basically this is an old system that didnt sell and they decided to try and cut losses by slapping a new CPU into it

the 1660 ti can barely play the more recent AAA games at 1080p 60fps, so its not unusable, but buying it nowadays when waaaaaaay better options are similarly priced is a bad choice imo

For another 500 sek you can basically build this yourself and get a 3060 12gb (amd options are expensive af over in sweden for whatever reason ¯\(ツ)/¯)
As a proof of concept (not an actual recommendation!) heres a list of parts as described in your original listing (using parts from brands that are generally known to be decent)
https://se.pcpartpicker.com/list/yb4LCd for kr6500

yall have an interesting market over the ngl

posted 3 months ago

yea idk what to say, just peak "fuck around and find out"
he admitted to ban evading so I dont see how this is surprising for anyone or upsetting

communication sucks as per usual, but you cant really complain about a different company enforcing their tournament rules
Peeps doing eligibility checks for the open qual have nothing to do with the initial communication and followed the rules correctly

posted 3 months ago

Ok picking up bucher for this event is cheating
can we have him back please (and not have him knock out all the teams i like)?

posted 3 months ago

For peeps interested in t3: epiclan is live rn with their grand finals

https://www.vlr.gg/event/2243/epic-lan-43 for bracket so far

posted 3 months ago

comparing a stat without context to a stat with context makes no sense
For a super easy example of how context can completely change a dataset, just think of absolute vs relative numbers

read through the rating and rating 2.0 posts and then watch the game with the explanations in mind - it wont be hard to see why the rating likes Crws performance so much

Also need to remember the rating is a tool. Dont just blindly look at it and decide that one player was better than the other because of it
A lot of the context it adds isnt necessarily relevant for duelist (the 2.0 version is a LOT better in that aspect, but I personally still just prefer Kills and FK/FD as a stat for judging entry duelists)
So if you feel that its bs after watching a game then it probably is! Itll never replace the eye test even for inexperienced (compared to coaches/analysts who know what to look for) watchers like us

posted 3 months ago

ye but the half where the team actually played he was at 261 acs so ya know

mix cant attack vs the more coordinated teams so it is what it is

posted 3 months ago

bro is at 241 acs in a 13-1 so we chill

posted 3 months ago

he aint some random either, hes one of DACHs staple players (got 3rd last split)

Realistically his internet shit the bed or something, but its funny af nonetheless

posted 3 months ago
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