if flor was a guy, yall would be galzing the shit out of him
generational talent idk why u dont see that
there is no world where icy can make it in t1 and flor cant
dawg are u braindead or what
Whzy was a known prodigy, he was playing CS a long time ago, Dank1ng was hyping him up for ages
Whzy was always a talent, and he was playing tier-2 because the franchised league in China didn't exist at the moment
Flor farms janitors in her tier-4 Mickey Mouse league and it's fine. Don't compare Whzy and chinese league to this farmer, it's disrespectful
i using ur logic. no one has been saying shes shit its like how cn league is behind the 3 major ones rn. same thing with gc and no one blinks an eye. now ur whining just cuz everyone is saying she'd do badly. i mean she would if woudlnt she'd be signed. these orgs exist to make money not be sexist as hell lmfao.
bro this is a f/a team ๐ญ๐ญ
There is no tier 2 chinese league to begin with back then, that was pre frachsining before there's a clear divide between tier 1 and 2. 2023 then came along and Whyz beats NRG. SR1 failed in tier 2 iirc. Also one of the best GC team in G2 gozen got 13-0 by some random tier2 team.
Its literally just racism and Chinesephobia
i think ppl are unironically too ass to realize how good she is
it's like a bell curve meme
the bottom end is "her mechanics are unreal"
the middle is the drooling guy "umm actually mechanics arent everything shes just farming bots"
the top end is "her mechanics are unreal"
The full SR roster isn't even a top 5 premier team bro.
Ironically its the opposite of sexism or transphobia or whatever cuz they'd be legit randoms who nobody would talk about if it wasn't for gc.
Yeah but flor is getting diffed by randoms in these matches.
Unless you're telling me Cactus#3266 is also a franchising level talent.
best team in na t2
in actual t2 qualifiers if u think knights monthly isnt good enough
Ok so we have two examples.
1: Lets be real, its a knights monthly. They're not pulling out strats and playing with match intensity in a knights monthly.
2: This one is probably the one we should a more serious look at because both teams were likely giving it their all for these qualifiers.
In this match, Infiltrator (not exactly a star t2 duelist) gets the better of Flor, and every player except moobs (their initiator) has a better rating than Flor. Also Winthrop is at best a bottom 3 team. So if virtually every player on the bottom-of-the-barrel team is outperforming you.....
But one game isn't fair. Lets look at other games from (top 32) of those qualifiers and compare Flor to the opposing duelist.
vs Poppin (yes, the tiktoker)
Result: Flor does solidly better, with 0.07 better rating and ~20 more acs
vs Req (most famous for being a reyna instalocker in ranked, but has a bit of experience in t3 tournies, mostly mrfunhavers and knights monthlies.)
Result: Flor absolutely shits on Req. 1.43 vs 0.96 rating
G3 The Winthrop game from above
vs Infiltrator (a real t2 player, albeit on one of the worst t2 teams)
Result: Infiltrator does solidly better, with 0.06 better rating and a much better FK/FD ratio.
vs Car (someone who is not known at all, but has a bit of experience in t3 tournies, mostly mrfunhavers and knights monthlies.)
Result: Car absolutely shits on Flor. 1.43 vs 0.74 rating and a much better FK/FD ratio.
Next Qual
vs Req (yes, the same one) and Kaoticc (nobody, mr funhavers and knights blah blah you get the idea)
Result: Flor clears Kaoticc, but Req does slightly better, with a 0.05 better rating (and a smackdown on breeze)
vs Kehmicals (was a legit t2 pro in the early days of val, but very inactive since) and Mocking (the goat tbh)
Result: Flor clears Mocking, and does solidly better than Kehmicals, with 0.14 better rating and ~30 more acs.
TLDR: Flor's best performance as judged in Challengers open Qual games, where both teams are gonna be trying their best, is keeping up with Infiltrator, about as good as Poppin kept up with Flor. This doesn't scream 'generational talent/best mechanical player in the world ' being held back by sexism or something.
i think the biggest thing u fail to recognize is that is very hard to frag highly or get a good rating when u lose a game, especially by a large measure. for example i think we can all agree zekken is a great player.
in this game against loud (https://www.vlr.gg/314645/sentinels-vs-loud-champions-tour-2024-americas-stage-1-w4) he got a significantly lower rating than qck. does this mean he is a worse player or even had a worse game? no. its a team game. if the team plays bad, generally the individual players will have bad stats. this is why i think looking at stats is kinda pointless and the only way to truly tell a players skill is to watch them play. again, flor could flop in t2, but using her stats when shes playing for a team that u guys call t3 or lower doesnt really prove if she is a t1 talent or not.
Okay. I'll give you a take absolutely without considering the gender and the GC part from a person who has been supporting the Shopify rebellion.
Even in the games I've watched SR play, flor is really good cus opponent make too many mistakes, she is still very inconsistent on OP even in the games where she drops 40 kills cus she gets so many chances to get easy kills.
Also, her decision-making is not that good compared to a T1 player; she looks very good because she plays very flashy, but trust me, it's really easy to look good when ur opponents are just not shooting back.
She can play in a Tier1 VCT team, but she would be another average or below-average regular player at peak, nothing more than that.