why do people think global adding patrickwho makes them into a good team, no offense to patrickwho but hes just not that good
Bro what's ur problem can't u just fuck off? Like no body asked ur opinion and for ur answer ge have practiced more with Patrick who, 2 months in the off season and now he gets 2 more weeks , while deryeon had only 2-3 weeks with ge , not to mention there's difference in roles and playstyles and there's a big difference since the coach picked the team thus he picked patrick considering how he will fit into the team while he didn't pick deryeon for the team originally
the chinese guy..just to let u know.. not even 1 year has been completed since patrickwho went pro he was literally silver during ep6 or 7 and then suddenly got serious towards the game and has been immortal ever since..calling someone shit who has such raw talent is kinda outrageous give him some time..he might actually be good..no hate to ur opinion tho