New VCT leagues:
The even distribution is fine the majority of people who complain about it want to implement a system which is unsustainable for the size of the esport. Regionality would be ok if valorant was larger than it was but in an esport like this it leads to fractured team trying to force a single nationality into their teams (BBL or old KCP) which has shown consistently to hold weaker results since you are limiting the talent pool you can pull from. Hell this is the issue with lots of the APAC teams rn (im looking at you ZETA). Valorant would need to grow significantly in size to actually be able to sustain this system. We would just return to 2022 where the regional leagues would be 1 team beating up everyone else like DRX and LOUD back in the day.
More leagues (in my opinion):
VCT NA (USA + Canada)
VCT LATAM (Brazil + Latin America)
VCT WEME (West Europe + Middle East)
VCT EECA (East Europe + CIS + Africa)
VCT EA (Japan + South Korea + Taiwan + HK)
VCT CN (China mainland)
VCT EAPAC (Philippines + Indonesia + OCE + Singapore)
VCT WAPAC (Vietnam + Thailand + India + Malaysia)
Qualifying 2 from every league would get you 16 teams and if you wanted less you could just do semi international qualifiers by pairing up leagues
I feel like separating CIS into E/W is important. Some Russians are closer to Japan/KR than any other CIS country. Also, i feel like 5 letter is ok, since LATAM is and the E/W APACs are
What about:
VCT WENA (West Europe + North Africa)
VCT EECME (East Europe/CIS + Middle East) +rep for eecme being funny to say
VCT ECEA (East CIS, KR, JP, Taiwan, HK) Technically east cis IS east asia, so the EC can get dropped if you want to just EA again
I like dividing up EU, it means MENA and CIS will actually be in the franchise, kekw EMEA franchise wit only European orgs kkkkkk (but yeah me, cis, na(frica) teams in franch is good.)
Also, i think having these leagues, then semi-intl tournaments, then Masters/Champs could work really well so there is a longer season that isnt ending in august
It could go like
NA and LATAM have their indiv. Tournaments, top 4 or 5 ea go to 8/10 team amer tournament, top 3 go to Mas/Champs
WEME, EECA —> EMEA —> qual
EA, CN, (E/W APAC) —> ASOC (Asia-Oce) —> Qual
APAC + CN —> SEA + (N)EA
Would also like less teams with more matches so player quality will be better. rn the bottom teams in every region are worse than t2. Maybe 8 partner + 2 ascension
6 leagues is a nice number to work with assuming the lowest LAN number is 12
Option 1:
Americas get split into North/South (Brazil goes to South)
Based off Stage 1 the Americas scene is too heavily NA-favored rn
Option 2:
Pacific and CN get redistributed to East Asia (China, Japan, Korea) and Pacific (MY/SG, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Oceania, Philippines, South Asia, HK/TW)
China gets decent teams to practice against and smaller regions with reasonably sized orgs get some spotlight
The easiet fix is just merging CIS (or at least russia) with China. Russians are having a hard time getting visa in the Eu and alot of russian talents plays in JP and CN anyway because they are closer to China and Japan than Moscow. A China+Russia+Mena and Central Asia league will be decently competitive, with Navi, FPX and EDG playing for them in an alternate Shanghai masters for example. (5 cn, 4 cis and 1 mena teams in the league).
Emea will take a hit but they'll be fine. Most of them don't use their import slot anw so having 1 russian import wouldn't change much.