Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: November 25, 2024 at 11:44 PM
Posts: 1127
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flag, name, flair. your teeth are falling out lil bro

posted 3 months ago

None of your teams have ever been a threat. Good luck maybe you'll win a title by 2224

posted 3 months ago

whatever makes you feel better man

posted 3 months ago

there was no insult. there is no question to ask. you clearly do not understand what you are talking about. that is ok. feeling insulted by having that pointed out is a character flaw you need to work on. good luck!

posted 3 months ago

riot does not want them to know what specific action got them banned unless its something so obvious

This makes no sense unless you literally do not understand even the basics of how cheat detection in modern video games work. Vanguard is not looking at the actions players perform in game to get them banned.

posted 3 months ago

its crazy how whipped the average valorant player is by rito

posted 3 months ago

DRX fan talking about trash players 💀

posted 4 months ago

the year is 2024 tac fps fans have now invented a new role known as second caller to cope about their favorite players playing like shit

posted 4 months ago

ok chet

posted 4 months ago

Good riddance

posted 5 months ago

dont bring up GC on vlr. you will not get a genuine discussion.

posted 5 months ago

crazy to downvote this

posted 5 months ago

white person persecution complex go off

posted 5 months ago

anybody putting zekken in the conversation is not to be taken seriously

posted 5 months ago

here we go with the cope

posted 5 months ago

wdym? they just cut out the fat. got rid of the paycheck stealers wouldnt be surprised if they do MUUUUUUCH better next season

posted 5 months ago

Finally another shitter out of t1

posted 5 months ago

fucking finally

posted 5 months ago

nice alt ange1

posted 5 months ago

oh look its that time of the year again where all the ranked kiddies get to shield their ego's

posted 6 months ago

fallingwithscissors the death and birth of an angel

posted 6 months ago

How is the flashback situation not real? 💀

I didn't say the flashback situation wasn't real. I said the dichotomy you presented (either blindly believing someone's innocence or flaming the shit out of them) was not real.

Now for ur second point I’d have to disagree but I understand your perspective. Logically it’s good to distance yourself from people accused of things such as sexual assault and harassment. However, I would not want my close friends and family abandoning me during this time - especially if I literally didn’t do it. It’s always nice to have ppl that believe and support in your during your darkest times (one of which would be if you were falsely accused of a horrid crime and many casual associates started distancing themselves from you)

It does depend. For close friend's/family I do think it is reasonable for them to be more skeptical of accusations. My main point was that if they felt it was reasonable to distance themselves I would understand and I think that is a normal and valid response. Ultimately most of the response from close friends/family comes down to the specific context of the accusation to the point that I don't find much value in trying to litigate the precise boundary of when their support crosses a moral line. Obviously no one should be put in a spot where they harm themselves because of an allegation.

However, if an allegation is serious enough that family/friends have reasonable doubt as to whether or not they are real, I think that distancing yourself from the individual who was accused is the safe thing to do. Like, for instance, if the flashback allegation had come from a long term GF (4-5 years) who had deep relationships with the various pros he associated with and/or with his family I would expect them to not blindly espouse his innocence. Remember it isn't that you conclude that the accused committed the crime its that you have enough doubt as to whether or not they did the crime to be uncertain. That is the circumstance that I feel distance is mandated.

The main issue I take with this response is you assume that any allegation is going to come from an outside source with little to no association with your family or friends. This is not necessarily the case. However, seeing as the most common way we are exposed to these allegations is typically through twitter or some other social media platform, and because these allegations typically are directed at more famous people from less famous people, I can see why this framing is the first that jumps to mind.

posted 6 months ago

At this point, everything is hypothetical

Mazino's Ex accused him of abuse. This dude switched to rape. IDK how much more obvious I can make it.

You don't realize this, but racists use the same statistics-based argument you are using to discriminate against individuals. It does not matter what the statistics are when evaluating an individual's case. Period.

This is just not how a single human of the face of the earth operates or should operate. You wouldn't expect your doctor to treat ebola as equally likely as the common cold because you are an individual. You do not know what you are talking about. Yes racists do use similar talking points. Part of the reason those points can be so gripping for many idiots is because there is a shred of logic in them. However, racists will intentionally remove or ignore context to make it seem like the causes for those statistics (usually crime statistics) are because of inherent attributes of people of a certain race not because of how our society over polices and discriminate against certain groups. You do not understand what you are talking about.

The western legal system is predicated on "innocent until proven guilty". We do not want to imprison innocent people.

No shit sherlock. Where did I advocate for jailing Mazino? Better yet where did I even say Mazino was guilty (here's a hint you won't find it because I don't assume he is). You talk big game about how I misrepresent this fucker then you misrepresent me. Innocent until proven guilt is a legal standard because imprisoning an innocent person is a violent crime. Innocent until proven guilty is by definition illogical. Being unable to prove a positive does not make the negative true. Just because I cannot prove that there is a star exactly 912.321 million light years away does not mean that there is certainly not a star 912.321 million light years away.

Brother in #13 I contributed to your list on useful questions to ask the psychologist, and in #12 I literally explained to Alex why the psychologist testimony is useful! You are conveniently dodging that fact that he agreed with me in #16. You misinterpreted what he said, and that pissed him off into an exchange of insults with you. If you were more civil in explaining, he would agree with you.

You might have had a point (not really but if I'm being incredibly generous) until again he accused sinatraa's ex of a crime without evidence. He literally proved my point. With sinatraa its innocent until proven guilty, but with his ex she's automatically guilty of having falsified an allegation without any corroborating evidence. He would not agree with me if he holds these opinions. As long as he holds these opinions and as long as you defend him I will say you are scum simple as that. Not believing an allegation automatically is the normal thing to do yes. Insisting that the alleged is innocent to the point of calling an accusation a lie without evidence is not. The real neutral stance is not "innocent until proven guilty" but "idk he might have done it he might not have we don't know until more information comes out but I will not make any assertions."

Whatever I'm done here you're just as scum as him for defending him good luck.

posted 6 months ago

This isn't a statistical analysis! This is an individual case where ALL possibilities MUST BE considered. At this point, there isn't hard evidence, so the case that AlexSMTx described is possible.

The case he describe is a pure hypothetical that is tangentially related to the Mazino allegations through use of a psychologist. Yes the case he describe is possible I never said it wasn't... Its just immensely improbable and bringing it up is a telling talking point and I would say a dogwhistle if it wasn't so overt.

You CANNOT use group statistics in evaluating an individual's case. Please understand this.

Faulty use of logic. When evaluating an individual case you should start from a population perspective before adjusting the likelyhood of an event occuring based on the details of the individual i.e. context. Unless you have significantly more than me or him what I said stands.

Just because someone disagrees with you, that is not enough to write off their argument as not being in good faith.

You misunderstand. I don't think he's arguing in bad faith. I think he's a bad person. Look at his reply to my comment. He accuses sinatraa's ex of a crime without evidence just like I said he would. He sucks. So do you.

posted 6 months ago


The only people who give these talking points are not people worth engaging with.

posted 6 months ago

And I'm not taking sides, I always remain neutral


posted 6 months ago

The occurrence of the scenario hes describing compared to the number of people who are actually abused or raped and are either pressured into remaining silent or unable to prove their claim in a court of law is so comically small its not worth considering. Its simply a stock talking point from people who don't care to question those who they follow be it online or in person. Hence why I stopped engaging with him seriously.

The only people who give these talking points are not people worth engaging with.

posted 6 months ago

Let me rephrase what you just said for ya :)

"Women who accuse men of rape are automatically lying"

like breh what type of sewage pipe did you crawl out from under. Istg people who talk like this have never actually had any person close to them go through this shit. You will cry innocent until proven guilty when its the man but the woman is immediately a lying harlot who wants to ruin your favorite pro.

posted 6 months ago

"What disorders were you able to diagnose your client with?"
"In your view did these develop over the course of their relationship with the defendant?"
"In your expert opinion has the relationship with the defendant caused appreciable damage to your client's mental health?"

posted 6 months ago

Depends on the situation but a psychologist would be able to attest to any trauma or psychological damage felt from an abusive relationship. How that holds up in court who knows? I'm not aware of Chilean? legal standards. Actually good note where would the suit be filed hadn't thought of that until just now. I guess the US if they were living in LA?

posted 6 months ago

What I'm tryna say is I don't want to start flaming the hell out of someone online or holding an opinion that they are actually guilty of what they have been accused of until good evidence has been provided.

Not my point. You present a black and white extreme that isn't real. There is a difference between no longer supporting/consuming someone's shit and actively shitting on them. If a pro I like is accused of some shit then yeah I'm not gonna watch their streams or follow their stuff for a bit. If that is a big deal to you your priorities are misaligned. Personally, the risk of supporting a rapist or pedo far outweighs any desire I have to consume their content. Same shit with friends I would understand people distancing themselves from me if I was accused of rape. That is literally the reasonable thing to do. Especially any female friends shits normal. At the end of the day if its all smoke then shit blows over and you reconnect and rebuild it ain't crazy.

posted 6 months ago

No but I'd understand it and do the exact same to any one of them. Far worse to support a rapist than to temporarily distance yourself from someone.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

You realize that not being able to prove an allegation and an allegation being proven as false are two totally different thing right? You would need a separate lawsuit to prove that a knowingly false allegation was made. And oh wait we already have that its called libel/slander.

posted 6 months ago

Personally, innocent until proven guilty is worthless in real life. If someone is accused of something like SA or pedo shit I'm not gonna support them anymore at least in the short term. Until matters are settled (either evidence comes out or things perter out and nothing of worth is shown) they aren't worth the support. If they turned out to be a piece of shit I'd rather not have supported them. If they turn out to be normal I'll go back to supporting them. No one on the internet deserves your loyalty.

Innocent until proven guilty is a legal standard because locking up an innocent person is a violent crime. Not supporting a valorant pro for a month or two is not. I'd rather hit some innocent people than have the off chance of supporting a rapist even if only temporarily. No one is worth that.

posted 6 months ago

South NA

posted 6 months ago

because vlr is in the mood for forced positivity so a realistic outlook on the nature of competition makes them angry

posted 6 months ago

they were never making it out of groups stop the cope 🤣

posted 7 months ago

fr get this man outta T1 i feel so bad for his teammates

posted 7 months ago

would be amazing. the cry and cope threads would be so satisfying

posted 7 months ago

i hope they do, even if its not possible I still hope they do because you were spreading false information anyway

you realize saying "i heard someone accuse someone else of sexual assault but its just an allegation right now" is not false information right? Its only "false information" if you chose to blindly believe it and didn't wait for both sides...

posted 7 months ago

he did what? posted on a valorant online forum about a tweet? the ego kids on this forum have to think that "exposing" or "canceling" players here has any bearing on reality is hilarious.

posted 7 months ago

yes koreans notoriously take their opinions on player actions from VLR

posted 7 months ago

probably in CS i doubt it will be banned in Val since counterstraffing doesn't provide any practical advantage but who knows. I wouldnt be too surprised if there are already some level of hardware restrictions around mouses and keyboards players can bring to tournaments

posted 7 months ago

fr all the sen fans crying when they could've been in a different group if they just werent so shit is hilarious

posted 7 months ago

sen and fpx were never getting out of groups?

posted 7 months ago

they werent making it out of any other group anyways...

posted 7 months ago
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