Yea itโs sad but itโs life. Letโs move on
But being in the general region of Latin america doesn't instantly make you a hispanic just because they hold the biggest rate of population there.
Hence why if an EU person shit talks Americans nobody calls it racist towards white ppl even though they hold the biggest rate of population in America.
Xenophobic yes, Racist no.
America's not a nation?
No way of all places you're calling America "cultureless".
If we're being completely realistic America IS the culture of the first world. To you it doesn't seem like culture because it is the norm, in reality every nation, group of people, etc. Have culture, but in first world countries it seems as if white people don't have culture because their culture is the norm of what the country is built on... lets not forget that America was built by European colonization, so if you're taking that route than you have to argue all of EU has no culture.
If a white person goes to an Asian country and brings European cultural food, they seem cultured because they differ from the norm.
Also I have no clue how that would change anything. If black people had no culture would you say you can be racist to asians but not black people because Asia has nations of culture and Africa doesn't? It's still a race / group of people, how they live or have lived doesn't mean you can treat them differently.
Get real with urself.
What similar cultures? I can go 3 miles outside of my town and find a completely different culture, different dialect, different accent, different history in every period (classic, medieval, etc), different music, different architecture. How are they similar? You're just extremely bland and you generalize everything because you can't even contemplate on what makes culture what it is. In England the accent changes completely every 42 minutes of driving.
You just think culture is surface level shit, like language and looks. With your dumbass logic there are only 3 cultures in the world.
You're only making the argument that "white people" from western countries think they have "no culture" because it's the norm. Entirely fucking false. And to put it mildly, mindblowingly retarded. Nobody does that, nobody says that. Only Americans , because you have so little culture to the point that tyou don't even know what culture even is.
You're trying to compare a country of 200 years of mutt history, to a country that created philosophy, democracy, drama, comedy, poetry, theatre, 50 kinds of music, brought forth Christianity, conquered half the known world, played an essential role from antiquity to the Renaissance, created wonders of the world, and so much more.
What an awful take, yea if you go 3 miles out of your town you will find different cultures... but will the scale of differential be as high as if you were to go to a different fucking continent you stupid fuck?
No I don't "think culture is surface level shit" Ironically enough its a lot more than the things you brought forward, and It's funny that you're crutching on "you just dont have culture and that's why you're wrong" when I'm not even American, nor am I a white Canadian, so you're whole argument has just folded in itself if that's what you're calling an "uncultured" person.
Wait no fucking way this guy just said "created philosophy, poetry, comedy, drama", as if nobody ever thought philosophically before Greece allowed them to, made any capacity of poetry in hundreds of thousands of years of human existence until Greece allowed them to, never did anything funny for the purpose of entertaining people until Greece allowed them to, and created theatre as if that isn't a very general idea that very easily could've been acted out for hundreds of thousands of years, and isn't just "created" one day.
Also pretty ironic how you said "Greece conquered half of the known world", yet you're also stating that white culture in day to day life "isn't the norm" in western society.
Inform me Hekzy, who colonized every now western society on the planet? And what are the cultural consequences of mass colonization?
The fact that you're yet to get one positive Frag on this threat that isn't you is telling... embarrassing argument.
If you go 2 states across in the US you will find the exact same shit. Barely any difference. Tell me the difference between two southern States who were part of the confederacy. They're carbon copies, because they never had the time to differentiate between themselves, and it's all bland and uncultured. You go 1000 miles and nothing changes but America is diverse? Canada is even worse, it's either English watered down colonialists or French watered down colonialists.
Yep, language, art, history, politics and sciences are "surface level shit" guys, you heard it here first.
Yes, that shit happened in Greece, now fucking deal with it. Those are historical facts. The concepts of poetry and theatre as "arts" did not exist. It's funny that you think the concept of comedy is just "making people laugh" when it's so much more. Generally all your arguments are literally taking concepts and watering down to the stupid levels of intellectuality that your semi functioning brain can consume them, as if every body else's brain works like that.
Greece isn't fucking "white culture" you god damn imbecile. It's Greek culture. Ask a slav or a frenchman if he identifies with Greek culture. You water washing imbecile. It's not even nuance at this point, it's braindead racism. You think a Nigerian and a Somalian are the same thing? You think a Japanese and an Indonesian are the same shit? Ofc you do, because that's all you see in your mutt country.
You simply experience the watered down versions of all these countries' cultures to the point they're so bland you literally can't tell them apart. And I also bet you're an Asian giving off strong racist vibes not realizing that Greek != French as much as Korean != Indonesian.
As for the upfrag comment: stfu kid, congrats, you got NA cocksuckers dickriding your dumbass arguments, that's all they do.
bro if jakee is dating her for so long he pretty sure know how she thinks about latam players still he continued with her pretty sure he thinks same as her
jakee is kinda like derke at lock in during cameras say good things to keep their jobs but when behind cameras they say a lot shit about br and latam overall just like derke did during ardiis stream saying a lot shit about BR
Before the match started he said he doing this for her, she must have something against LATAM countries :/
i'm not saying only about latam but thats how most NA players view some SA players, they all see us like a shit and poverty and 0 talent
also for she to say something so casual like that there's a high chance that they joke about these topics in private and act completely different on cameras just to keep their jobs just like derke did lol
but inside they all think this for sure they just cannot say or they gonna lose their job, for me it's like being coward lol
this is the most VLR/basement dweller comment I've read today. I'm pretty sure she was frustrated and tweeted that, she doesn't have actual prejudice. It was just an in-the-moment tweet that she should've refrained. Stop making this shit so deep, I assure you that she and jakee have respect for the players, we've seen the frustration in sports and expect it in esports.
bro I explained context in another thread
but It's mostly about what I said since some BR pro players said about this that some NA players are kind of "hostile" with LATAM and BR because they see BR-LATAM stealing their job when they take NA spots, maybe that's the main reason why she said these things since she didn't wanna see her bf losing to a "poor" country at all. its ego. just like jakee has too.
You are thinking way too deep man, I know you'll refuse and stand by your point but I assure you that jakee being given an opportunity for the first time in the big leagues will not have this shitty attitude. It's all spur in the moment, I'm sure she is reflecting right now on what she said right now and they aren't actually like this.
Before the match started he said he doing this for her, she must have something against LATAM countries :/