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Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: February 16, 2025 at 11:40 AM
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Heavily implied to be out of game issues, but nothing confirmed as of yet.

posted 2 weeks ago

CS2 and Valorant both have incredibly high potential to be unequivocally better than the other, but they both refuse to implement heavily requested mechanics and systems by players that would make the games better.

In terms of esports, CS2 events feel more fun to watch (and especially be at) for me, but I care a lot more about the players and teams in Valorant, and the regional diversity makes storylines much more engaging imo.

posted 2 weeks ago

Verno -> Brawk is a downgrade in terms of fire power, but Brawks util is much better.

Bonkar -> Mikes is kinda just unarguably a downgrade tho.

posted 2 weeks ago

Swiss is a superior format and should be used for champs as well.

posted 3 weeks ago

I really don't get this crashout from Rob. I've seen no toxicity from G2 fans, but I'm not on twitter so who can say.

posted 3 weeks ago

I meant like Cubert academy make T1 they get sold to Flyquest or some other org. SEN gets money from selling their players and Cubert gets to go to T1.

I could see two SEN orgs being in T1 being a problem fs

posted 3 weeks ago

Interesting. Don't really know why that's the case, I feel like it's a win/win for the orgs and players.

posted 3 weeks ago

Out of curiosity, do you have a source for that?

Not doubting, but I kinda assumed they'd let the team ascend and get picked up by an org if they were to win.

posted 3 weeks ago

Who would the new coaches be though? The only players that I would guess could coach are Laz or Crow. No shot Laz would do it, so it's just really Crow left who was already an assistant coach and while still signed to Zeta it doesn't seem like he would ever come back to competing.

Only option then is to import a coach, but who would you import? They'd either have to hire a translator or find a good coach that speaks Japanese by some miracle. (The only coach that might have fit that description before this year was Johnta).

posted 3 weeks ago

IEM Dallas crowd was awesome.

Valorant crowds in general just haven’t developed the culture yet. I hope we get some French fans in Paris that actually bring some fun stuff.

posted 3 weeks ago

You’re cooking with Rossy, but Chet’s just too much.

posted 3 weeks ago

Overcooked ngl

posted 3 weeks ago

Aspas needs to be above “in form” for Mibr to win against a top team

posted 3 weeks ago

Brother, do you have reading comprehension? I’m not fucking Reddit.

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk what to tell you m8

There’s only one place as or more retarded than VLR, and it’s r/valcomp

posted 3 weeks ago

Aspas somehow fooled the entirety of Reddit into thinking Mibr were an S tier team.

posted 3 weeks ago

Riot, at least for League, has begun allowing teams to do it.

Obviously this would be consensual between the two teams scrimming, not just one team uploading without the others permission.

cough cough chet

To me, it’s more about allowing teams the option, rather then saying it should be mandatory.

posted 4 weeks ago

I mean, you wouldn’t have to scrim every game.

Also I think it’s worth considering that Flyquest, the best team in LTA or whatever it’s called now, was also a proponent of streaming.

They don’t stand to gain anything from it, but I think it’s worth considering that they think the community engagement is worth more than revealing any of their strats.

posted 4 weeks ago

That may be true, but it’s important to realize that the team scrimming already knows what you’re doing. They just don’t know the comms behind the decision.

Most teams are likely paying analysts to analyze these various aspects, like what makes a team rotate (etc.).

It seems like a genuinely good way to engage with fans and grow a scene while revealing only what most teams already know.

Also, it’s not like you have to stream every scrim, so you could still practice things in secret if you wanted to.

posted 4 weeks ago

There’s been a lot of talk recently in the league esports community about streaming scrims after Caedrel’s team los ratones has been streaming there’s. Bwipo who is on the best NA team in league has also advocated for it.

Do you guys think this will come to valorant?

Do you think there’s something fundamentally different with the Tac FPS genre and the MOBA genre that would make it not possible in Valorant?

posted 4 weeks ago

I didn’t think the rumor with Rossy was that he was toxic, but rather wasn’t very open outside of the game (would go home right after practice and refuse to live at a team house, or something like that)

posted 4 weeks ago

I for the life of me could never come to like the 2022 fpx roster. I like Shao, but every other player on that roster seemed way too arrogant to be likable for me. The main reason I struggled to root for Navi for a long time.

posted 4 weeks ago

I think the rate at which Kru improved is pretty incredible.

Their first game didn’t look like it was due to Adverso being late, but a fundamental lack of preparation (or at least execution of that preparation).

Right now, they look really good, and way more prepared. I don’t know what it was about that first game, but how quickly they’ve improved is really impressive.

posted 4 weeks ago

Zeta roster isn’t bad on paper. Syouta and Xdll were the best two T2 players in Japan for the longest time.

Only issue is that JP has one good igl and it’s Art

posted 1 month ago

Nobody last I heard

posted 1 month ago

No. Suffering from the constant EMEA problem of forcing random player to IGL instead of picking up an IGL from T2 or importing.

It has literally never working outside of maybe EDG, and we continue to do it.

posted 1 month ago

The team would be goated with Leo, but I think Kaajak is still too much of an unknown. We’ve seen him choke and have good games on LAN, so I think FNC being top 3 is too uncertain right now.

I hope he’s able to overcome what’s been causing him to have these consistency issues, whether it’s pressure or not fitting into different play styles.

posted 1 month ago

Like how meL knew she was throwing the early rounds by giving up the picks to Yoru. Made the adjustment, and they looked a lot better after that.

Nice to see that they’re able to make adjustments that are needed for comebacks.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Not 100% sure, but some people mentioned that he might’ve had military service. Not sure if that was ever confirmed though.

posted 1 month ago

Diffing the fuck out of Kamo

posted 1 month ago

Kamo might have secured the worst duelist of 2025 award.

posted 1 month ago

JDG stands for Jingdong (京东)gaming. Jingdong is an amazon/rakuten-esque market place in China. They've been trying to expand into markets outside of China, so they're likely trying to make sure that people know what the company actually is.

posted 1 month ago

you let mini leave the team completely

Mate, what did you want them to do? Chain him up?

posted 1 month ago

Trust me mate.

Get Bo Nix some better WR and a Tight End next year and we have a shot at making a run.

posted 1 month ago

I have a JDG, Navi (for CS), and fly quest jersey.

Outside of that I only have a Denver Broncos jersey.

posted 1 month ago

Just me or are those some hella mid jerseys?

Good luck to flor tho

posted 1 month ago

Drop MrCANI bring in yhchen.

Baby blue ain’t that bad on sova, hence why I think they should ban bind, and stick to maps where you can play Sova. I imagine if he can play sova he can play fade, so lotus is probably a good pick for them to not ban.

Also hot take, but jkuro should go to perma smokes, and have z1yan play yoru on abyss. It fits his play style more than astra.

posted 1 month ago

If JDG make one role change, bring YHChen back, and stick to the new roster, they would be a top CN team next year.

And also stop banning lotus and ban bind instead.

posted 1 month ago

LPL English broadcast just got shut down this year tho no? It's just people passionate about it doing it for no pay now I think.

posted 1 month ago

Isn't there a toggle push to talk option?

posted 1 month ago

Wouldn’t work with G2 play-style me thinks. G2 play very organized, duelist does their role Valorant.

Flor on SR was more known for just going in and fragging.

She would probably look abysmally bad in G2’s system. She needs a team that will let her slot into an aspas/kangkang type slot where they will be the entry, but a lot of it is just letting the player frag.

posted 1 month ago

I thought he was signed to KPI when he was loaned to Fnatic. Did I miss the DVM signing?

Also, I guess the mandatory partnership was a year ago, so they may not have renewed it. Didn’t seem like they did much with it anyway.

posted 1 month ago

I’m partial to Alfajer.

I always liked how he was basically an unknown talent coming into Fnatic, but quickly became one of , if not the best players on perhaps the most stacked roster of all time.

He’s also very wholesome and not egotistical, which I think contributed to why he’s been able to stand the test of time compared to other players that had insane rookie seasons.

posted 1 month ago

I don’t understand why they wouldn’t loan him to mandatory. He would be more beneficial to the team they have a partnership with. Maybe the role conflict with Enzo?

posted 1 month ago

Americas and CN tend to use the new agents first, but I'm pretty sure every region is going to be using him at kickoff based on how op people are saying he is.

posted 1 month ago

I wonder if the game will take off in the esports scene. It’s definitely trying to make it in the space, and I even saw NRG signed a team for their launch tournament.

Will be interesting to see how it does.

posted 1 month ago

No problem.

I literally went to school for this and worked in the industry as a graphics programmer before going back to school because the job market for that industry was shit.

posted 1 month ago

Writing a replay system in Unreal that doesn't kill your performance is gonna take a while.

You're likely writing everything in C++ and changing the source code for the engine to build the custom functionality you want without abstracting it through UE's ass APIs.

UE's source code documentation is pretty shit, and if they want to change to UE5 eventually, it wouldn't make much sense to rewrite the UE4 source code now.

posted 1 month ago
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