Just curious as to how many religious people are on vlr / what kinds of religions are represented. This is NOT a place to shit on other religions I just wanna know personal beliefs :>
I believe in Christianity
Yeah its bit weird. Like I would have had no problem staying in church's books because it doesn't affect your life at all and good amount of people here don't actually believe in anything even if they haven't left church yet. But having to pay church taxes just made me leave. It isn't much but still.
I have to heavily disagree. Church tax is one best investment the states make atm.
If you ever go to an event organized by the Church pay attention to how many unpaid people already help out; thats just because they offer more services than the money would be able to pay for otherwise.
In most services the church provides its the cheapest for those attending/requiring the service. And church tax is what enables it.
That being said I do have to cede that all aspects I'm talking about are from your local parish, rather than the church as a corporate entity, because jesus christ said corporate entity treats its workers like absolute shit; but what can you do if you have idiots who decide to hire commercial experts to go over your financials and tell you how to improve them.
You pay taxes for being part of church. Its like 1-2% I don't really know because I left before I paid anything. Based on calculation if you make 28k a year(default number) you pay total of 360β¬ to church in year. It isn't that much for working person, but I'm not going to pay anything because I don't use church services.
i think something like "god" exists (god specifying the thing who created all) but i dont think we have to care or pray for him because people lives their life same way even if they pray or nah, so i dont thrust religions, i respect them though because is a way to make people good but if they cant be good if it wasnt because of their religion, does that mean they are really good?
In my opinion one of the larger issues in the US is the lack of separation of church and state. Alot of the earlier campaigns/actions of the satanic temple were trying to combat this. Recently I support them even more because of Roe v Wade being overturned, they provide abortion access by asserting a religious liberty claim in states with strict abortion laws. The Tenets also overlap with my view of the world/morals like;
"Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs."
"One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason."
"The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own."
"The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions."
There are a few more but I don't want to spam too much.
Edit - (also forgot to mention, the Satanic Temple isn't associated with LaVeyan Satanism at all. Sorry for slow response dont check vlr often)
well I declared myself a satanist of Anthony LaVey which is very different from the notion of satanism in christianity. I didn't practice in anyway appart from agreeing to its life philosophy, but I've seen some things about the Satanist Church in the US and they're actually pretty chill, they're not even religious, they're just progressive.
But I've been to a center of Umbanda recently, and despite not believing in it, it was a great experience and everyone there treated me great too
I believe in "simulation" theory.
God exist? Yes.
But I think we're living in a training for something big.
Simulation theory is the only one how can "explain" demons without being "religious"
This is a map of our history, all "big" devastation in this world happened every 138 years, no exception, small ones, big ones.
Check these two images.
Morpheus: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
Neo: You could say that.
Morpheus: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix.
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is?
Neo: Yes.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.β
β Morpheus, The Matrix
There's a lot mix with Bible in this theory, it is the most plausible thing I've seen.
For example, in Bible there's a lot thing ''hidden'' that many people nowadays don't give a shit about, I'm going to give an example of ''Frequencies.''
See, recently we all see at Youtube a lot "frequencies to study" "frequencies to help to focus" a lot things like that right?
There's a LOT of things that many people ignore it, for example. "prohibit wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment, the blending of different species of animals, and the planting together of different kinds of seeds (collectively known as kilayim)."
Nowadays we know that it is 100% correctly, since wool frequencies is "opposite" as linen frequencies, so they kinda cancel themselves effects.
Also, we all use "polyester" a lot nowadays right? But it's the WORST frequency to use, since it vibrate at same frequency when human body is dying.
Anyway, this rabbit hole is TOO DEEP, at end this theory is the only once plausible for me nowadays. I used to be Christian > Islam > Now simulacron.
ive always been skeptical about any sort of religions (i was a logic nerd) or any beliefs or whatever, but in life there are lots of variables that you cant handle/control and as a human it reminds me that we have no power at all. We are but one of many fragile creatures in this planet. we are all nothing in the eye of the universe. so believing in god is something that at least could give me the courage to face the unknown.
Yes to the Percy Jackson I still don't understand why the gays were so drawn to it but here we are. I've never had super negative experiences with the church, but my spirituality has definitely struggled with the traditional Christian view that I can't be a good Christian and gay. Still figuring it out I suppose :/
Agnostic, no offense but I cant understand why some1 would believe in a "human" religion if not because of parents/tradition. If there is a god it wont be the one from these human religions, I think religion should just be considered as a tool to teach about what moral values that specific society should have but shouldnt be taken as seriously since after all its just a tool for powerful people to control the people
We are just a set of ideas created from others. What we call Science is only human and will not leave this dimension.
Our perception of everything in this world will always be only 5%, we cannot surpass this limit. What we see, perceive, sense, will always be only 5%
Only thing we have to try to ''explain'' things more ''wide'' is religion, bible as example is richer in spiritual form, there's nothing bad there.
Is not only about morals honestly, there's a lot rich things in many religions, I gave one example at #49 you can read it, old days people already knew about frequencies, and that they cannot mix things.
Sadly we don't give values to anything anymore, we just forget about our past and now we can't even explain simple things, one silly example is ''colors''
Nowadays we just try to hate saying ''why woman wear pink and boys wear blue? fuck this!!'' but if you search about any ''personal color expert'' video at youtube, you can easily see that the vast majority of women look good in lighter colors as pink, etc.
But as you can see nobody nowadays can even explain this simple thing because they all forget it, most of people today were raised in dysfunctional families with a lot of problems, dad that ran, mom solo and many things, you kinda grow up without knowing anything since who was supposed to teach you didn't teach you about anything.
Having something to believe is not bad the only bad thing is Humans, also I don't think some moral values from religion is bad itself, since we should repress some of our ''freedom'' to be able to live in society.
Do you think man is the one who benefits from marriage? No, marriage is more to repress a man. since it was supposed to make him not go around ''fxking'' with any person that he sees.
When you want to shit but you're at bus, don't you try to repress you ''shit'' since it can ''harm'' others by smell if you end up shitting yourself, that's same thing.
Not my case, I grew up in a normal family with slightly conservative views and religious members. I went to a very important catholic school and I still find it useless to have faith, the more I learn about christianism the more I am convinced it was created with the intention of educating and controlling people and nothing else. No offense but I think you said a lot of words but they are empty words to keep deluding yourself.
"We are just a set of ideas created from others. What we call Science is only human and will not leave this dimension.
Our perception of everything in this world will always be only 5%, we cannot surpass this limit. What we see, perceive, sense, will always be only 5%
Only thing we have to try to ''explain'' things more ''wide'' is religion, bible as example is richer in spiritual form, there's nothing bad there"
What is this even supposed to mean? It sounds like classic religious propaganda bot accounts on twitter lmao
I had to edit since I was still typing lol.
I'm not religiously myself but I used to be, I just understand.
what I tried to say is that we probably will not find the truth of nothing, is all ''assumptions''
At least not while we're alive.
Also as I said religion is more something to ''repress' to be able to live in a society.
Imagine if we had no morals at all how chaos this world would be
Easiest example that I say here is Pyramids as advanced thing, I can't speak in depth about the science x bible stuff since I'd be banned.
I said one example at #49 about frequencies, read >_>.
It's just one example tho.
What I'm saying is basically many things that they "know" is starting to be known.
What they did as "Tradition" back in days, without knowing how to explain the reason, nowadays we are slowly managing to know the true "reason" for what they followed.
Bro what the fuck are you saying ππ The stuff you say about marriage doesn't make any sense. The concept of marriage deeply represses women far more than men. Firstly, marriage discourages BOTH genders from going around fucking strangers, NOT just men. In (at least American) wedding ceremonies, women are "given" away by their fathers because they were once viewed as property and the idiotic tradition is still used in present day. There is no plausible argument you could use to argue that marriage represses men more than women, as women have historically had FAR less rights in marriage than men have.