Flag: Vatican City State
Registered: May 13, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2025 at 5:57 PM
Posts: 3998
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both good moves, Liquid huge upgrade and Vitality idk, not an upgrade in terms of skill but maybe the team works better that way? I feel like the problem for vitality is the players are too passive and trexx not speaking, kicking trexx is a good move but I am not sure if this french guy they signed is the solution

posted 2 days ago

Isnt playing straight uncomfortable for you? I lean forward a little bit, I feel like I am way more focused and reactive that way, also applies in other games but valorant being a game where you need to be fast I feel it a lot more

posted 2 days ago

Keyboard a few cms away from the edge of the table and the monitor stand a few cms away from the top of my keyboard, basically not too close like some people in cs used to play but close enough that I can see everything clearly

posted 2 days ago

shit personality and tbf Vitality need more agressive players, that lineup was stacked but too many baiters that dont wanna go in and die to make space

posted 2 days ago

another passive player on fnc? watching them play will be like ranked when no1 wants to make space

posted 2 days ago

good riddance

posted 1 week ago

Couldnt agree more my brother! KOI and Apeks are the only rosters I have no hopes for since there are straight up trash and then there is Giantx who are really bad but they still have a pretty good core of westside, purp0 and cloud. Its honestly a disgrace that teams like Fnatic, FUT or NaVI didnt make moves to fix their issues and make champs, feels like its gonna be another wasted year from them. Wont even talk about KOI who have no chance to do shit with that garbage roster and they didnt even bother promoting ZachKappa, Monster, Olizera or to just dump that whole roster, I guess they are stuck with those players because of contracts but if u got a good academy team like them it seems kinda dumb to not promote them

posted 1 week ago

he can, he just played way below his level internationally like he always does tbf, in EMEA he was farming individually

posted 1 week ago

EMEA is easily the biggest top tier talent producer rn, we have players like Sayf, Jamppi and Nats doing well as IGLs and a lot of talented players being promoted from t2, remember that EMEA is still without Leo or even Natank, EMEA will be fine so lets not be dramatic, if Heretics go back to their normal level then nobody can say EMEA is shit when we would have at least two clear champions contenders, I think we just need to be patient and understand that new IGLs and players will need experience before we win internationally, Heretics got insanely close to winning as inexperienced rookies and Boo on his first year as an IGL, they could be even better in the future. CS is still by far the most popular game but Valorant is quite popular too, there are countries where Valorant is more popular than CS in Europe without a doubt

posted 1 week ago

orgs will become profitable purely of milking everything out of these kpop/stan retards, consumist retards that will buy anything and american capitalism is ready to profit off them

posted 1 week ago

seems like she is using it in a derogatory manner but apparently she is white too so unless she suffers from white guilt I think it might just be mental retardation, if she didnt use "fucking" before white then I wouldnt say it was racist but that makes it sound derogatory

posted 1 week ago

being racist to Zellsis too but she is white too? it has to be engagement farming at this point

posted 1 week ago

because they are a cancer, they cry about Zellsis calling zekken retarded in a podcast and then think its right to tell vanity to kill himself because he calls them out and points out how everyone who got upset at zellsis saying that word all look the same, human brains are wired to be good at pattern recognition, if u can do 1+1 then u will see the patterns behind these type of people

posted 1 week ago

coffegoldfish said worse things than that, thats the problem

posted 1 week ago

only mentally sick people are defending her tbf, all of the people defending her all look the same as vanity said, normal human beings know Zellsis is right and he is one of the realest and most mentally sane pros u can find

posted 1 week ago "he/they" "r slur" "apologise and don't double down on them" yup, you seem like a normal human being and you should be the point of reference for the rest of us mortals on what is right and wrong, 100%!

posted 1 week ago No way we are crying because zellsis called his friend retarded and then u say this out of pocket to somebody like vanity? If I said what I wish upon you I would get banned again so I will leave it to your imagination, u are the exactly the cancer that I referred to in my kpopfication thread

posted 1 week ago

exactly what I meant

posted 1 week ago this is the retard that got offended because he called his teammate and friend a retard btw, these kind of fans are so funny because they feel the need to portray themselves as good people and virtue signal because deep down they know they are horrible human beings

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

so was I wrong?

posted 1 week ago

no clue

posted 2 weeks ago

he just has like a million alts, he has actually played a pretty respectable amount of games if u combine all accounts ngl

posted 2 weeks ago

nah it doesnt work well in a tactical fps, it would make the quality of gameplay pretty shit while thats probably not the case in moba

posted 2 weeks ago

do you think Jinggg is Messi or what? PRX is still gonna sell a shit ton of bundles regardless, they play in a partnership system where orgs are protected from the free market so they dont operate at a loss, if jinggg isnt good enough then its time to create the new jinggg or are you gonna try to milk a washed player forever? the truth is that fans will bandwagon whoever is winning and if PRX starts to win again everyone in SEA will support them regardless of Jinggg or no Jinggg

posted 2 weeks ago

so we are making decisions based on being the face of the org instead of winning? thats not sustainable because if PRX become irrelevant there will be no fans, kick jong already for the love of GOD

posted 2 weeks ago

I can understand it since kr1stal was very unproven specially as an IGL, winning t2 china is not a proof of skill at all imo but holy shit there were always guys like jamppi which everyone knew had potential to become good igls, robbiebk in t2 and many others, there werent clear IGL options but u had to get a player with experience to become an IGL, if they wanted a promising spanish IGL they had vorwen, if they wanted an igl that was doing well in t2 they had buld who is a fragger too, then they had zeek who is now doing well (I understand that his personality might be a problem tho), u just need competence and for some reason certain orgs in europe have none

posted 2 weeks ago

turkish players play in EU servers but somehow its not a real region? blame turkish players if u are mad that they would rather play in EU teams over full turkish teams with no IGL or coach

posted 2 weeks ago

EMEA teams signing EMEA players, how do they dare

posted 2 weeks ago

flyuh and koala were crazy pickups, whoever thought they were good needs to get fired, a mid t2 NA IGL and an OP abuser that looked mid even in challengers

posted 2 weeks ago

FUT fan btw, ruining the career of yetujey and xeus by making them play with 3 bots and a braindead coach, turkish players are better off playing under EU teams

posted 2 weeks ago

comeback saadhak elite suygetsu avez coached by engh, does that sound like ending your career to you? EU is fine, there is a shit ton of talent thriving that got promoted these last two years and there are many others still in t2, guys like comeback, best, serialkiller, gsr, sayonara etc, I think we will go back to winning trophies soon and we will look very good once new igls like sayf, jamppi, nats, robbiebk etc get some more experience and players/team get more experience internationally, just look at G2 and T1, winning a trophy was not easy for the cores of those teams, they failed for years but experience nowadays is key in valorant, u need experience to win internationally at this point in valorant, even a team like vitality needed experience and hopefully they learnt to not play like fucking pussies against teams outside of EU because they have a different playstyle and playing on studio in EMEA is not the same as playing with a crowd, valorant with a crowd is more momentum based and "emotional", if teams like vitality learn to not give so much space and respect to these teams they will do better, we have the players but we just need experience and time imo

posted 2 weeks ago

KC need to secure his signing for next season or even Paris imo, they have a chance to qualify to champs with this lineup but only with a guy like Comeback they could ever dream of winning Champs in Paris and it could give him experience ahead of next year if they were to sign him, sucks for marteen tho but game is game

posted 2 weeks ago

its north/east, they mixed two regions, polaris has always sucked but east was probably the best region in the past in terms of overall quality of players

posted 2 weeks ago

happens in CS too, fat coldzera was built different

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

kinda I guess, just gotta accept defeat and pray that they dont do too much damage at this point

posted 3 weeks ago

it does affect us and even if its fine rn u gotta look into the shitshow it could become in the future if valorant becomes BIG, also idrc if it makes Riot/Tencent money because they are already billion dollar multinational corporations and dont even bother getting good PCs for players to play on

posted 3 weeks ago

most coaches specially in lower tiers (t1 too but not as bad) do more damage than good because they want to make the game about them and not empowering players + they are shit at the game so they are literally clueless about giving useful guidance to players and only know a bunch of theory they have learn from someone else but its only superficial knowledge and a bunch of set strats anyone can learn, they dont know how to develop players or actually play the game on a fundamental level, I am sure most t2 teams would do better without a coach and the players just doing their thing

posted 3 weeks ago

thankfully I only use twitter and tbf its not perfect and u can feel the political/phylosophical divide between western men/women nowadays but its not as much brainrot and u can always mute but yeah there is a lot of mentally ill people in both sides of it, common sense is something that is not common in this day and age on social media specially, its bad in real life too but social media makes u lose hope in humanity ngl

posted 3 weeks ago

facts, as long as they are funny its fine for me but the asian fangirls are big in numbers and are now supporting heretics because of their performances last year and them being friends with the geng players, edits in a vacuum arent bad but the people doing them nowadays are serious about it and arent better than men who sexualize women who do sports and behave in obsessive and psychopathic ways like fangirls from other sports/music, this could eventually put the security of players in risk if they say something they dont like so its not something I would fuck around with if I am Riot, u cant really stop them but at least dont pander to them and make sure players receive the right security if they go to events in Asia

posted 3 weeks ago

Boaster my little baby POOKIE DOOKIE YADAYAYAYADA πŸ’«πŸ’˜πŸŒ™πŸ€²πŸ»πŸ˜­πŸͺ„πŸ‘ΆπŸ»βœ¨πŸ€πŸ»πŸŽ€πŸ’–πŸŒˆ AM I THE ONLY ONE ✨ WHO HAS THOUGHT 🀲🏻 ABOUT BEING IMPREGNATED BY BOASTIIIIES πŸ‘ΆπŸ» THE CUTIE PATOOTIE πŸŽ€ ??? πŸ’«πŸ’˜πŸŒ™πŸ€²πŸ»πŸ˜­πŸͺ„πŸ‘ΆπŸ»βœ¨πŸ€πŸ»πŸŽ€πŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ’«πŸ’˜πŸŒ™πŸ€²πŸ»πŸ˜­πŸͺ„πŸ‘ΆπŸ»βœ¨πŸ€πŸ»πŸŽ€πŸ’–πŸŒˆ

posted 3 weeks ago

brother, fangirls like that are literally the way I am describing them in every other shit they are fans of, what makes you think it will be different for valorant? I wont call you an idiot out of respect for you using that flag

posted 3 weeks ago

I thought valorant being full of woke idiots (both men and women) detached from reality was bad but honestly we had it good back then ngl, nowadays I just see video edits about players like its kpop tiktok and in a couple months I am sure we will see 16yo fangirls writing erotica involving players lol

posted 3 weeks ago

tbf its funny unless they become the majority and they start sending death threats/harassing players they dont like like switfties/kpop fans

posted 3 weeks ago

not wrong tbf

posted 3 weeks ago

brother they are the ones doing making players pregnant on twitter, making video edits on players from a game they dont even play and literally drooling over players which is the only thing they care about because surprise surprise they dont play or give a fuck about the actual game and are just fangirls of specific players to the point they will start sending death threats and try to cancel other players if they talk shit, they are the ones that should get a life not us who literally just want to enjoy the game

posted 3 weeks ago

brother this is not about women, this is about a very specific female audience, valorant used to be a woke esport that attracted mainly egirls with pronouns on bio and mental disorders but in the end thats fine, KPOP fangirls if u have never experienced it are not only toxic but incredibly dangerous individuals that arent much better than psycopaths who are obsessed over something

posted 3 weeks ago I want Rito to not pander to them for capitalistic reasons, u cant force them not to watch valorant but its not like most of them even know what the agents are called so they might stop if they dont pander to them

posted 3 weeks ago
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