Flag: Nigeria
Registered: July 5, 2021
Last post: March 22, 2025 at 8:51 PM
Posts: 982
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Sure, but being in contract jail doesn't mean you can't touch the game, which is what he was doing for a long ass time. That's just a fucking terrible idea in this game.

posted 1 week ago

Ngl, feels like his fall off began with his engagement near the end of 2023. Pretty sure he was overseas on vacation to Japan+other places for most of the off-season(and didn't play ranked). Honestly started to worry for him then.

posted 1 week ago

Lord of the Mysteries and Release that witch are my favorites. The lore and world building in LOTM is amazing. Same is true in release that witch but it also really scratches that itch for kingdom building narratives which I love.

posted 1 week ago

Sure, everyone is ultimately free to say whatever they want and use whatever words they wish to. Doesn't change the reality that different people will face different consequences when using said words in public depending on who they are, where they're from and what they look like.

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't actually really care but no, you dont get the pass from simply being african, it's from being black.

posted 3 weeks ago

It seems like you're using words while not actually understanding what they mean. Tenz doesn't have some official title. Him being considered an icon ultimately has nothing to do with the merit of his extended pro career. It helps but isn't essential. He won the first masters, streams and has developed a huge fan base as a result. Even before his resurgence last year, he was still the most popular pro player in the world. Nothing artificial about that.

posted 4 weeks ago

What exactly is artificial about it? He's easily by and far the most recognizable pro in the wider Valorant community (probably globally but at the very least in the west) that doesn't pay attention or even know anything about valo esports. And he's been one of the best players in the world at several times in his career and as recently as last year. That's what an icon is.

If you're thinking he needs to have been hands down the best player in the world throughout his entire career for that to be true, well, you're just wrong.

posted 4 weeks ago

They just didn't wanna commit the util that early into entering the site. Maybe didn't wanna reveal info too. /shrug

posted 1 month ago

First round of swiss, yea.

posted 1 month ago

yup, same format

posted 1 month ago

Thinking about it, this might actually be a pretty big factor. Surprised I haven't seen too many people talk about it.

posted 2 months ago

Don't really follow the T2 emea scene at all. Will Gozen have a chance to enter any closed qualifiers directly like shopify/Flyquest/Mibr for a chance at challengers any time soon? Or will it have to be through the next premier act?

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Gonna update?

posted 2 months ago

A source isn't needed. Potter said at that tournament that while the roster wasn't absolutely set, her goal was to win with that team in 2025. But then we got reports of sym being removed. I don't see how that alone means we shouldn't assume that yay is still on the roster, especially since he performed decently in that tournament.

posted 3 months ago

Didn't he say he was gonna set up an account and stream on that site?

posted 3 months ago

Top right-ish corner of the website, turn spoilers on.

posted 5 months ago

Thank you for making this post. You reminded me it started today lmao.

posted 5 months ago

Pretty much all the top NA GC teams have trans/non-binary players. Just looking at team rosters of the top 8 in NA series 3, I immediately see that at least 5 teams have a trans/non-binary player. The other three might as well but I'm not familiar with those players. So it doesn't make much sense to single out florescent specifically.

posted 5 months ago

They're talking LoL worlds, not valorant

posted 5 months ago

He is. This is a mixed gc tournament. Every team here has 2-3men/2-3 gc players.

posted 5 months ago

The manga went on hiatus a while ago which is what happened during the production of season 1 so we basically already knew it was being produced.

But nice to see an official confirmation. This is my favorite anime of all time. I've literally re-watched this show more than I've ever re-watched/re-read all other things combined.

posted 5 months ago

Lets not revise history. Korea was already the best region in league halfway through season 2, then they became dominant in season 3. China was also strong but it was really the Koreans who were absolutely oppressive for about 5 years. China only became the second dominant power after years of importing Koreans and many fundamental changes to vision over the years.

posted 7 months ago

Teams only look worse because of lack of sky. The level of play has gone up and surpassed the teams of last year, including the top teams at champs last year. What you call teams being sloppy/inconsistent is just sky nerf+field of teams being more competitive.

posted 7 months ago

They had dominant wins against both FPX and GenG. They can dominate teams just fine. It's just the better teams that are left.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

He doesn't want to play duelist lol. He's said so more than once.

posted 7 months ago

Same in APAC. Probably the same in all regions tbh.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

The flag is irrelevant. lol. Tex has lived literally his entire life in the usa.

posted 7 months ago

Lev is not G2's easiest match-up lmao

posted 7 months ago

G2 don't mental boom

posted 7 months ago

You're not entirely wrong but that essentially applies to basically everything when it comes to competition at the highest level. There could be some youth/youths that, if given proper resources, would be the greatest ever seen to the current date in X, Y, or Z sport/esport/activity but will never get that opportunity because of the circumstances they were born into.

Not a bad thing to keep in mind but, practically speaking, there's very little to nothing that can be done about that, so not much reason to talk about it.

posted 7 months ago

Read the first line in the post

posted 7 months ago

By a slim margin, sure, congratz. lmao.

posted 7 months ago

I can do math just fine. If you consider that a SIGNIFICANT out performance, you're the stupid one.

posted 7 months ago

They don't believe it because it isn't true. lol. Americas and Emea went 3-3 in series against each other at shanghai overall.

Lev got 9th/10th
100T got 4th
G2 got 3rd

Fnatic got 7th/8th
Fut got 5/6th
Heretics got 2nd

If you wanna pretend that those placements give EMEA a significant edge in performance for that tournament, go ahead. Don't expect others to do that.

posted 7 months ago

Lost 9 rounds in a row. Lol. That isnt a choke.

posted 7 months ago

un-diagnosed health issue forced him to take a break

posted 7 months ago

There's no point in being hyperbolic and saying something like "there's no chance SEN win." That's fucking stupid. Are FPX favored in the form SEN currently are in? Yep. But is it totally possible SEN recover a bit and beat them and maybe even qualify? Also yep.

posted 7 months ago

This team was bottom 2 last year in the league. Now they're at champions. I don't know how you morons can see that and think "lets fire the coach who made that happen." Makes 0 sense. lmao

And why would they fire him for that? Individually, the furia roster did have more firepower, especially when primmie wasn't on the team, which is when he said it. Should people be fired for speaking facts?

posted 7 months ago

Yes, yes it is.

posted 7 months ago

Faze players were still getting that type of pay last year (30k a month). It would be surprising but not impossible for the OXG players to also still have that type of pay.

posted 7 months ago

I wouldn't say it's meaningless. It's a sign of potential. If you can get your fundamentals, understanding of protocols and decision-making to a good level, having phenomenal mechanics (by pro standards) just means you can be that much better of a player. Primmie will be fine, at least in the short term with Frost there.

posted 7 months ago

Lol. It's not hyperbole. Other players have said similar things about primmie. If you watch the clip, he's purely talking mechanics. But a measure of how good a player is never just mechanics. Aspas is clearly the better player overall and the best player in the world. We don't have to pretend he's mechanically the best to know that.

posted 7 months ago

I mean yea. Is anyone really surprised to hear that? Aspas has good mechanics but what make him so good is his ability to read other players/situations and play the line between aggression/passivity to a degree of perfection that far exceeds his peers. Aspas is really high up there with mechanics but he's never been the most mechanically gifted player in the world. There have always been others that exceed him, even if just barely at times, in that aspect of the game.

posted 7 months ago

He's still, relatively, early on in his chemo treatment. There's no doubt that he's not gonna be at his best. That's why they initially benched him but considering how bad they looked against Blinn, they've seemingly changed their minds and probably think that their best chances of making ascension are with him, even with the handicap he's dealing with (feeling terrible from chemo+limited practice because of that).

posted 7 months ago

Naw. It's just a fucking dumb law, especially removing it from this context/type of case. Not every scenario where you're gonna be sued for defamation involves potential criminal activity by an individual.

posted 7 months ago
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